TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

well I was LoL’ing myself when I read what I typed! (my Aggie moment ha ha ).
He got 6 tabs this morning with the change of saying Blinn team college station.
Still in review so didn’t know if it was like yes its Blinn team or like earlier last month when people chose . does that make sense ha ha


Funny, after complaining yesterday that we were done looking at the portal, just noticed this morning that my daughter has 6 tabs and TEAM as major. Definitely happened this morning because I did check yesterday. Not sure what that means. I know there have been a lot of posts so I’ll go back and check. FINALLY! Hoping many more of you hear back soon too!!!

First choice major was Allied Health



For those of you who are getting TEAM notifications, please do us all a favor and let us know what you/your kid was majoring in.



GM what are the 6 tabs to look for, and if there’s 6 tabs with no changes in the AIS, what does that mean?

@LHBmom @AtxAg95

I don’t fully agree that UT and TAMU have the most archaic systems. Perhaps it is instead that these schools in one single application cycle had 15%+ higher admissions due to test-score-optional and 2020 gap-year-student rollover from a pandemic. Now include the removal of academic admit option (Top 25%), continuation of a pandemic, 150 year winter storm, lesser on-campus work force due to Covid, state/federal system delays, and not to mention a higher caliber of student applying each and every year, just to name a few things.

Something to consider, certain schools in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana (and elsewhere) need student numbers just to make payroll, especially after 2020’s devastating financial year. Schools will bombard you with mail, email, texts, and phone calls. Yes, they are interested in your student but at the same time they are casting a massive net to pull in fish hoping to fill their dorm rooms in order to create cash flow. You are a commodity to them.

But it is also possible that these same schools desire your child to boost the academic profile of their university or department within the school. For instance, there are certain schools that will offer large financial assistance and/or honors programs to Top 25% caliber students because the school is trying to increase their academic footprint. Yet, this same student might be viewed as waitlist, cap, or pathway at UT and TAMU. Also, there are states that provide their schools extra money to lure OOS kids because their in-state pond doesn’t have the same caliber/quantity of fish, they need your child.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that what might appear as a better admissions process elsewhere could be something much more complex behind the scenes.


Hey! I never said it was archaic! :slight_smile:

We FINALLY saw the change to Blinn Team this morning. She was applying for Allied Health or Liberal Arts. Maybe the decisions will start rolling out quickly now. The recruiter told them the week before the ice storm that decisions would be coming last week. So I guess he was correct.


If you look at your AIS, there is a Howdy tab (I believe the 4th tab)…once you click on the Howdy tab it will take you to the Howdy portal and there will either be 3 tabs or 6 tabs. I cannot remember the specific tabs but if there are 6 TABs then that basically means you or your student have been accepted to TAMU or TEAMS. It’s a GREAT thing to see :smiley:


Thank you!!! :pray:

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Once you get the 6 tabs you still have to wait on the AIS to update before you can sign up for NSC and housing. Is that correct? Just want to make sure it isn’t in Howdy somewhere.


Georgia seems like one of the best public universities dealing with admissions. However, they deferred half of the 21K early action applicants. Those students have been told that they’ll hear a result on March 19. At least it’s clear but it must be very difficult for those that were deferred. UGA’s blog about admissions is top notch. Like reading AggieMomHelp and some others on here that are using informed opinions to help.

Purdue is another large public U. They went from rolling admissions to a specific date of January 15 and stuck to it.


I checked my howdy portal and I have the 6 tabs, but under manage application my major is changed and location as well. Does that mean I could have been rejected to CC and prob be asked to transfer the next year? Kind of confused. Originally I was going to do architectural engineering; they’ve changed it to mechanical engineering and McAllen as location, it still says under review though

Something big must have happened overnight! We have 6 tabs this morning! Says College Station, Communications, so I think this is TAMU straight? Still says “In Review”, but the message “You are being considered for Waitlist and Blinn TEAM” changed and now says “My app is complete and in review”. Cautiously celebrating!


Though I disagree with much of how the state of Georgia is handling current and future admissions of students (i.e HB 896 and SB 282), the state has provided much clearer guidelines for the state schools in comparison to Texas state schools (my opinion).

Georgia Tech also deferred an enormous amount of students, but this is because of the same things we all talk about such as Covid, test score optional, and increase of applications. Yet, as you allude to, they are able to establish pretty solid dates for students and parents. They, along with Purdue and a few others, should be reviewed by Texas schools so they might learn some lessons.

The state of Georgia is heading down a slippery slope for admissions and the state schools are trying to fight back against what they view as disruptive legislation. Georgia is definitely a fluid state and might be unrecognizable to some in the near future.

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I do agree with your reply…I get it I do. Part of this is me being a parent and wanting the best but also understanding the academic and business decisions a school needs to make. Thank you for your response. All we can do and wait and see. I know at the end of the day, she will end up exactly where she needs to be.

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HB 896 (Trammell-132nd) Grants in-state tuition to all students who attended Georgia high schools for at least three years. Students without lawful immigration status have to file an affidavit with the institution that they have submitted an application to legalize their immigration status. I also saw that legislators are trying to institute that all but 10% of UGA and GT students need to be Georgia residents.

On the first piece, it would slightly increase apps to UGA/GT. They would get less funding if any undocumented residents previously paid OOS rates. 87% of UGA’s 2020 incoming class were in-state residents while it was ~92% at UT and possibly higher at A&M. GT doesn’t say what % are in state because it’s surely lower than 87% and a sore subject with state legislators. It does mention that 39.1% Georgia residents were admitted vs. 16.5% for Non-Georgia residents.

U of Florida hasn’t given any admission notices and releases all decisions this Friday. It’ll be interesting if they defer many students or have a waitlist.

My son just got Blinn Team!
His major is Computer Science.
He also got full admission to some other colleges, UofH being at the top of those choices. Any recommendations on which would be a smarter choice? (Blinn Team or UofH)


At least Florida gave notice. I think these are the examples to follow for Texas schools. Establish a date of some kind, nobody will care if it is March or April so long as they know what to expect.
They could even extend the deadlines like the Ivies did recently, but nobody threw a fit as everybody understood the circumstances.


I honestly can’t remember bc we did it back in Oct. But I believe you should be able to sign up for housing and NSC fairly soon after. @AggieMomhelp Will you chime in :slight_smile:

What were your son’s stats?