TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Yes you can and that’s what my son is doing. Congrats!


@abbey2776 I started at UH as a chemical engineering major when I was a student. I lived on campus in Honors dorms and had a great time.

Your son seems to prefer A&M quite a bit. Maybe you live in the Houston area and would commute and your son would prefer to live on campus? If the honors college at UH was in play, I’d highly recommend that. Without it, I’d suggest going Blinn ETAM and doing his best to get his first choice major. If he doesn’t get it and still strongly wants that field of study, he can transfer to UH with 30 hours of credit. Good luck, it sounds like he’ll do fine.

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So if you get BLINN, should you make a decision quickly? Are BLINN seats limited? It feels a lot like the PACE program at UT Austin, but with PACE you have a specific date to accept the offer. I don’t see that with BLINN. Don’t want to miss a date!! Thank you!

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@atx888 make your decision fast!
EVERYTHING at A&M is competitive, fills us QUICK. When something opens up, your kid needs to stop and register immediately.

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Thank you so much for your response. We actually live in the Rio Grande Valley, so either one would be dorms. I don’t think he got the honors program at UofH. I think mom just needs to let him decide. :blush: Thanks again!


That’s where my husband and I are originally from. I miss El Pato so much.

ANYHOO…congrats! Going to McAllen is like being in College Station. Good work!

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I was wondering the same thing. Blinn is a fantastic option, but we won’t hear back from many other schools until April. Hard to commit to one school when still waiting for several other school decisions.

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She applied on the first day Apply Texas opened. 3.83 unweighted, AP for all core classes when offered, student council, drill team officer, NHS, philanthropy orgs. But - didn’t submit SAT scores which may be why it took so long? Received the option for waitlist or Blinn TEAM back in January. Grateful for 6 tabs today and CS/Communications. I know the tabs are worth celebrating, but I don’t think I’ll exhale until it let’s us register for NSC. Praying for all of you still waiting!


They do not get the banner when offered PSA, but if they meet the requirements and transfer they definitely get that banner. My daughter’s hanging in my office. It goes by fast, My daughter is graduating in 3.5 years (in December) and applying to grad school in Public Health, I think she wants to be her generations Dr. Fauci.


Thanks for sharing. I guess us LA majors still have hope.


Congrats! I’m still holding out hope my middle son will get offered Engineering at Blinn (similar stats). My oldest son (BAEN) just ordered his Aggie ring today so that was something to celebrate today at least!


Congratulations. May I ask what the cs stands for?

If we chose Blinn today from the 3 options how long will it take to hear back approximately?


So she did PSA? Where? Good and bad thoughts?

I called and they told me a few days.


CS College Station

My daughter got her 6 tabs today too for TEAM! She applied at the end of September. Congrats to all who have heard back, and Gig’em!


Stats pls and what major? Congratulations!!

Thanks! She applied at the end of September; top quarter, test optional, lots of EC’s, philanthropies, & AP; 3.6 UW GPA, Kineseology major. 6 tabs today (finally!), TEAM, and it shows her 1st choice major as General Studies and 2nd choice as Kineseolgy. No change in AIS though, so being cautiously optimistic at this point.

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Fingers crossed for you and everyone. 3.5uw 30 act 2nd quarter sports volunteering, work for 2 years, applied October 30.

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