TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Right there with you. TAMU is a fine institution and I would have loved for S21 to be an Aggie, but their admissions process sucks and is archaic. There is nothing that will convince me that they can’t have precise release/decision dates instead of this “waves” and dribble nonsense that has no rhyme or reason.


My son’s disappeared yesterday too and he has very similar stats as yours (mays, econ). In review since August 5th…Eagle Scout, 1st quarter (97.5), started his own business during Covid shut-down, varsity football, tons of ECs & APs, etc and nothing. No movement until yesterday when the button was gone. I know he’s not alone and no different that many of the other candidates, but that doesn’t lessen the frustration of absolutely no communication over the last seven months. I’m holding on to hope that admissions this year is just different than years past. We know it is to some degree. We feel your pain and frustration! And I’m with you Momof3B…100% their loss and just super hard to understand.

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Well, what the heck does it mean if the Change Major button is still there this morning??

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I love how hind site is always 20/20. If we had it to do all over again and either UT or TAMU was the goal…I would have sent my daughter to the public high school we are zoned to (she would have easily been top 6%), saved the money we spent on private school, and supplemented a poor education with some homeschool stuff; OR, I would have figured out a way for her to take the ACT or SAT and submit scores (she was cancelled on 4 times). We went test optional which I truly think hurt her in the end and placed her in some huge boondoogle of a holistic review process. I’m sure there are some who did submit scores and still had a horrible waiting process. This is just one mom’s opinion.

So for any parents who have Juniors that have made it this far in this forum…don’t go test optional if anything!

I may be a bit bitter today; but I do know they will end up where they need to be and everything will work out just fine. Just give me this day to be pissy! :wink:


I’m wondering that as well. I still have my “change major” button. Although, I’m still in review. I’m preparing for a rejection.

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How long after an admission decision does an official decision come in the mail?

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We got it in about 5 -6 days

Mine took two weeks for the full admission packet in the mail, but I could see the official letter in the documents section of my AIS as soon as my AIS decision had updated.


For those who are offered PSA, there is still regular transfer and PTA. PTA is for limited majors and for students who would rather go to community college and have a guarantee that if I do xyz, I will get into TAMU. The requirements are higher, for example for Communications, transfer is 3.0 and 24 hrs and PTA is 3.2 and 30 hours. However, it is a guarantee.
Office of Admissions | Texas A&M University - Program for Transfer Admission PTA (tamu.edu)
Office of Admissions | Texas A&M University - Transfer | Colleges, Majors & Course Sheets (tamu.edu)

The other piece of advice is that I wouldn’t settle for going test optional. We got cancelled 4 times as well, but we pushed to get her tested at another school outside of Austin. Our girl is legally blind so I had to fight with College Board and our high school for accommodations to get them released to other schools. Thankfully, they wound up administering the test and my threats of suing didn’t need to go anywhere. Her ACT shot up. Lots of parents in Austin were heading to Burnet and Marble Falls to get their kids tested. I had a coworker drive to Bastrop for his daughter to get tested.

The other thing that I reviewed recently was the essay. I had a friend whose daughter went to a neighboring high school and wanted A&M badly. The advice he gave after hiring consultant to work with his kid was to fill out all essays in the app, and to make sure that your essay shows that you’re a fit to A&M. Apparently that goes a long way.

I am so so sorry guys.


100% agree with everything you’ve said. I have one twin sitting at 6.2% right now and the other at 9% and I have become that neurotic mom I swore I’d never be hounding them to make sure they don’t slip in their rank. It’s ridiculous. And we’ve shelled out money to put them both in SAT prep because like you said, I will make sure they both have ample testing opportunities even if we have drive for it because I don’t trust this “Test Optional” nonsense…yes, I’m that jaded. Test Optional was farce. If S21 had submitted a test score, he would be in…either 2nd choice major or Blinn Team.


We hired a consultant. My son worked with her for all his essays, supplements, expanded resume, every application detail. Money down the drain. I’m not making that mistake with my twins. For us in Texas, it’s crystal clear that if you REALLY want to go TAMU or UT, it’s all about class rank and test scores.


Yes, as parents we always want to send our kids to the best and most competitive high schools. In Texas, that may not be the wise decision if your goal is UT Austin or A&M.

But I think in the long run, they will benefit from it as it prepares them well for college. I speak from experience. My daughter went to a tough IB school, she didnt make top 6% for UT, lost a lot of sleep over the admission process but she got accepted and is doing very well now.


I 100% agree that despite all their claims that test optional would not hinder the application process it definitely did! My son’s was canceled 4 times as well. I’m so grateful to all the other amazing schools he’s been accepted to that saw beyond one stinking snapshot in time (SAT/ACT).


I’m so sorry. I feel you! I did everything I could for my girl, put her in a competitive magnet school, pushed her to take 13 AP classes, and earn her associates degree with earning 55 hours. I wanted her to truly get an education, but it seems it’s not enough. I guess it’s better to attend your poor rated local high school and be in the top 10% for acceptance. However, I just really wonder how successful will those students be when they get there? I wish there was enough room at the table for all the qualified applicants!

OMGosh ABSOLUTELY AGREE!! The money wasted and all the time spent on the essays and resume’s…blah. If 55,000 are applying for 11,000 spots, it’s a sheer rank, GPA & test score algorithm - pure and simple - you don’t have those 3 where they need to be, you’re dropped in to a mess of a “holistic” review process.

And then, don’t get me started on TAMU’s “tell” with the 6-tabs and the “change your major button”. At least UT didn’t have a “tell”…you got an email to check that your status has changed…pure and simple.

Again, I get a day to be pissy about all this. Hopefully you can get your twins where they need to be so they and you don’t have to go through this again. I need a drink and it’s only 9am!! LOL!!


Haha! We may have to meet up at Tech if our kiddos end up there…a TAMU PTSD drink up :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Great links. Thanks for putting those on here.

Just to be clear though, the transfer requirement GPAs (not PTA) are minimums. If it’s a 3.0, then you should be pushing for a 3.5 or higher. Anything under a 3.3 is going to be tough to transfer with.


Is that the banner? We haven’t gotten ours and it’s been over 2 weeks (we’re also in TX so I wouldn’t think it’d be a USPS issue) but my daughter was a TEAM admit. Maybe TEAM doesn’t get the full admit packet?? I don’t know, I’m asking.

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You’ll get the complete packet. Ours came in about 12 days