TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

My daughter just got PSA, too. This sucks. They should have just told us in January.

Oh my goodness…this is so so sad.

I’m so very sorry, y’all.

This makes my heart hurt. I’m so sorry. I never would have thought PSA for waitlist students. NEVER.

@gracesebesta Your stats are so good. I can’t imagine why you didn’t get at least Team. What’s your back up plan?

Waitlisted, considered for Team… just got PSA… unbelievable how they have done these applications!!! Guess it’s off to Baylor! Sic em’

Right! Why drag it out?!

I just went back and looked at your daughter’s stats. OMG they are letting some great students go… after months of waiting. So so sorry. Let me know if you have back up plans and if they involve TAMU, maybe I can help you with planning.

She will most likely do a year at Blinn and then transfer. I haven’t even told her yet. She’s in the middle of 4 different IB tests and presentations this week and her stress level is off the charts.

My son is IB Diploma also … talk about taking on an enormous load and feeling like it was pointless.

It’s okay, my moms giving me plenty of hugs :slight_smile: thank you though, wishing the best for your kid!


I so wish she had not done the Diploma program… it was not even worth it! If I could go back to two years ago and change that, I would in a heartbeat. She gave up dance the last two years to focus on IB so she could get straight into A&M

If you end up at Blinn for a year, message me - my daughter will need a roommate and maybe y’all could find something. Hugs!


I am so torn. I think he loved engaging on the topics and discussions. But his packed schedule has gotten old. He gave up swim team and JROTC, which he loved. Luckily he lettered in both during junior year. The whole CAS project thing, however… ugh… and working for two years solid thru his lunch period on TOK…

I so wish counselors gave the real good and the real bad about what IB or a ton of AP/Dual credit will do to and for a student. Students that are IB aren’t even eligible for Team. That already puts them at a disadvantage.

BUT there are pros to IB!!! It’s just figuring it out what the end goal is. If only we all had a crystal ball. lol


I had no idea that he was not eligible for Team due to being IB diploma … despite him being considered for it… sigh …


IB Kids do not get considered for TEAM.


PSA. How can they even offer this with 61 hours and associates (early college HS) ? All A s and top 14%.

We moved 2 miles so our last two kids would not be in an IB school. The only benefit of IB, IMO, is if your goal is Ivy-type colleges. And then it’s not worth it. And don’t get me started on AP vs DC for 80% of the student population. :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


After all the time on tbe waitlist/team , my daughter got psa. How do we know if her major is ok? She is genetics. She has a button that says next steps and then request partication or decline. Do you have to request to find out what schools she is approved for?

@gracesebesta i am so sorry. You had great stats. Hard to imagine every kid who got admitted into Ag Leadership had higher stats/scores than you did??
Hopefully you’ve got some back up schools, cause you need to go somewhere else and soar!

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PSA also…Onward and upward I guess…

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