TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

When did you apply: 8/1 (Application completed and marked for review as of 8/20)
Class Rank: AIS ranked in 2nd Quarter (School does not rank)
GPA: UW 3.40 at time of application
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1170 (610 English) (560 Math)
ACT (with Sub Scores) 26 (22 MatH, 28 Science, 25 English, 30 Reading)
When did you receive your admission decision: Still Awaiting
Are you an Auto-admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: College of Liberal Arts (1. Political Science 2. History)

Held two leadership positions in school organizations (one being president), worked part-time from the beginning of sophomore year (30+ hours a week), involved in theatre Sophomore year, 9 AP classes throughout HS maintaining either a B+ or an A to A- in those classes, two dual enrollment courses senior year.

When did you apply: 8/1/2020
Class Rank: AIS ranked top 10 percent (Virginia)
SAT (with Sub Scores)n/a, all tests to date cancelled
ACT (with Sub Scores)n/a
When did you receive your admission decision: Waiting
Are you an Auto-admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: 1. Forensics/College of Agriculture 2. Anthropology

Unweighted GPA: 4.0
Weighted GPA: 4.21

7 AP classes to include senior year, 1 DE class, 3 sport varsity athlete since entering high school, MVP and Outstanding athlete awards in sports, Captain Junior and Senior year in two of the sports, first team all district, first team all region for grades 10/11 in all sports, state qualifier grade 10, competitive cheer team with travel nationally, grade 9 involved in a couple of clubs, (student to student, leadership club) but no leadership positions in those clubs, around 40-50 volunteer hours. Just got her first job but not listed on application because she had not started yet.

Was born in Texas, has lived in VA since kindergarten (military dad), has wanted to be an Aggie her entire life. She refuses to talk about a back-up plan, although she did apply to Texas Tech and Baylor (older brother currently in second year at Baylor). Brother was accepted into Engineering, College Station and chose Baylor over A&M.

We honestly have no idea how we are going to deal with her if she does not get accepted. It is her dream and she has worked so hard for it, but we realize being OOS is a disadvantage as there are only so many spots for OOS students, especially since her brother was accepted and chose not to attend.

I know everything is God’s plan, but we pray that plan includes A&M.

Awesome candidate! I’d think an acceptance is in her near future!

My son applied for Mays Business Honors. Turned in his application 2 weeks ago… Today he says that he is reconsidering and thinking of doing engineering. He is auto admit to A&M, but how does that change with applying to engineering? (Mays is first come, first serve, so that was a shoo in.)
Will he still get his acceptance into the university next month and then have to wait to see if he gets engineering? Or, does he have to wait to get his acceptance until engineering is decided? Could he possibly get accepted into engineering next month or are all of those decisions held until later?

I think he is a strong candidate:
Top 3.25% of class
34 on ACT- Math 36, English 35, Reading 34, Science 32. Taking it again next month
8 AP classes through junior year- 5 more this year
AP classes include: Cal BC, Physics I and Bio
3 years of honors engineering classes in high school
Not a huge list of EC, but that is because the ones he was in were time intensive. He was in Marching Band (lots of leadership), Basketball, NHS, and Golden Ambassador (represented school to the community and visitors- highly selective)
Has worked since he was 16
Over 200 hours of volunteering- including Green Cord Recipient for having 100 hours in 1 school year.

@tmclanton There is an option in AIS to request a change of major at the bottom. He could also go to the contact tab and ask admissions that question. My sons don’t have experience with changing major during the application process, but if your son is serious about changing, I would encourage him to do it now if that is truly what he wants to do.

Chemistry and programming will be a part of the freshman engineering curriculum, not to mention lots of physics and math - very different from the business curriculum.

For the engineering applicants, they will be accepted into the university (starting perhaps mid September?) and then go through another review process before (hopefully) being admitted into engineering. The engineering application does require another essay…

Two years ago, my son was accepted into the university mid-Sept and then accepted into engineering early or mid October, so things can happen fast if auto admit.

@Eggscapgoats Thank you! That was exactly the information that I needed. He was set on engineering from 7-10th grades and then all of a sudden thought he wanted to do business. Recently, he started getting interested in product design, but does not want to go into a degree that is really an Art type of degree. He is a complete science and math kid, so engineering seems to fit better.

Does your son like the engineering program? What type of engineering did he decide on?

@tmclanton Its so hard for some of these kids to decide - they have so many interests and want to do it all!

My son is a sophomore in Aerospace and he really enjoys being in College Station. His freshman year ended up being mostly review so that he could have a successful ETAM. Now he has two Aerospace classes and says its interesting. Could not be happier for him!

Others may know more, but it is possible to minor in business or get a masters in business. i think it is called the STEM to Stocks program??

Has he thought about applying mays and then minoring in engineering? Some of the engineering majors have that option. OR major in eng and then minor in business. Engineering firms may like the business minded student.

Just food for thought. If he’s not 100% decided on engineering, I’d keep the sure thing and minor in Eng.

@AggieMomhelp We have been researching Engineering Degrees that may interest him and the winner is Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology. He really wants to do product design. He was looking at a Industrial and Product Design degree, but that is more Art based and all the good programs are out of state. So, this degree may be perfect for him.

He had considered minoring in Eng when he was looking at business. However, when I look at the degree plan for Engineering, it does not look like there is a lot of openings in the schedule of courses for electives. He will have a majority of his core classes through his AP classes. So, I am not sure if that opens up his schedule to take more electives. He does want to get his masters, so maybe getting a degree in engineering and then a masters in business is a good idea. I assume you can’t get a masters in engineering without a BS in engineering (at least in my head, that seems like a hard degree to do graduate school in without the background.)

What do you all think of the sat/act optional applicants? Do you think this will hurt them?

@twintoAM According to the application website, “Submission of tests scores will not create any unfair advantage or disadvantage for those students who provide them.”
So, as long as they hold true to that, it should not hurt those without scores.

@WISH85 Just to add to your daughter and anyone else that doesn’t get the decision they desire…my daughter did not get admitted in 2019. She could have gone to TTU (which would have been perfectly fine) but she really wanted to go to A&M and be in College Station. She opted to not do PSA or PTA and went straight transfer from Blinn and was admitted in March for Fall 2020. She is now officially an Aggie and having the time of her life. She had zero regrets about going to Blinn and could confirm that no one even knows, or frankly cares, if you go to Blinn or A&M. In College Station everyone is just doing their own thing. There are a lot of A&M students that elect to take some classes at Blinn so you see a mix all over. Best Wishes to you and your daughter! It is a long haul of a process but where there is a will there is a way! And if TTU is the best choice for her then that is fabulous too!!!

@AggieDreamin Thank you for your encouragement. She did not choose PSA on her application. Would love to get Blinn Team but I am sure it is still a long shot to even get that. So, going to Blinn is definitely an option that she is looking into.

@AggieMomhelp First of all, I want to thank you for all of your time and insight on these forums… I feel so much more confident about what is happening because of you, and others like you, that participate here!

In a post from 2018, you responded to someone that was looking at Business, but not sure they could get in, 'after your freshman year, you can apply to University Studies with a Business concentration. This requires more business classes than a minor in business would have, but no where near a business degree. There may be like one marketing class in the curriculum. With this degree you would choose 2 minors. Pretty cool if you want to do something specific like own a gym or be in the sports world, run a zoo, or like science and want a minor in bio."

My son is the one from above that applied to Mays as an auto admit, so that is a sure thing at this point (I am assuming). He then was second guessing himself and was thinking engineering for a hot minute. He has decided to stick with Mays. However, I saw this University Studies with a Business Concentration. I believe I have figured out that he can Double Major in Business Honors & Business Management with a minor in Engineering (hoping he gets the honors program). If he did the University Studies he would minor in Engineering and something else? Are there any advantages going full Business with a minor or University Studies with 2 minors?

Once they are admitted, do you have to sign up for NSC prior to being able to apply for housing? Or can you accept to the university and go straight to applying for housing and do the NSC sign up at a later date?

@tmclanton In years past, once an applicant was offered admission to the university, signing up for NSC was the way they accepted their admittance. After that, the student could sign up for housing. If one plans to live on campus, its best to sign up for housing asap because it essentially puts them in line.

You can always change the NSC date depending on openings

What’s NSC?

@MizLucyB It is New Student Conference. I believe it is a 2 day event that all new students go to to learn about the school and register for classes. There are several throughout the summer and they go to ones that have their major department at them. I believe you pay $250 (???) that is non-refundable, but by registering for the conference you are accepting their offer of admission.

What kind of grades do you need to have to transfer from Blinn to TAMU? A colleague was worried that it wasn’t any different going to Blinn or another CC so his daughter chose an out of state SEC school.

Ah, thanks. My other child is a Longhorn so I’m not familiar with all the terminology.