TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Is there still going to be another wave of admissions? Or was that it? I am still waiting to hear something.

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Has anyone, who’s a non auto, been admitted to Biomedical Science major yet? I’ve been in review for months now.

On that note, has anyone who’s non-auto been admitted to nutritional sciences?

Congratulations! Just curious, what is RPTS?

Wow, 6 tabs on Sunday! Is that a first?

Recreation parks and tourism science. Though looking deeper in it looks like i got gateway, but I don’t care. I’m happy

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Yes, Gateway is awesome! We sit and wait. My child applied for Meteorology. SAT score was 1190 and ACT was 24 so we weren’t holding our breath. But with your SAT at 1070, it gives us a little hope.


What is gateway? How do you know if you got gateway? Also if you do the classes/program of gateway do you automatically get into main campus college station ?

Once your howdy portal changes to six tabs, how long should I wait till my AIS updates?

Whoop to all of you with 6 tabs. If gateway… congrats. It’s an amazing program and is coveted. I don’t know the percentage that successfully complete it, but it’s high!!!

And I don’t remember 6 tabs ever coming out on Sunday!! Yay!

And, no, not all admissions decisions are out, still plenty to come.

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Can those of you that received 6 tabs today share the major that you were accepted into?

You take two core classes and two other classes and if you get a 2.0, you are full admission in the fall

Will we get the “acceptance” letter since it’s Gateway? I didn’t know what the portal message would say. Very happy and blessed.

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I just wanted to understand who is being approved now. Sorry, I am still learning about the process. My D applied regular decision - end of Nov. She is 3.8 UW/4.2W with 1500 SAT, great EC and hard classes at very competitive public HS. We are from IL. I think both of her essays are great.

Any idea when and if she gets in - she applied for Computer Sc. We are actively looking to move to TX due to family reasons and hence TAMU/Rice/UT-Austin are on her list.

My understanding based on a session we attended is that she should hear back by end of Feb.

Yes , you will get banner. Your student is a full fledged Aggie. They get 2nd summer sessions. There is a class on time management and fbeg also get introduced to all of the campus resources. At the new student conference, I believe they also register for fall classes. It is a very successful program. I’ve heard zero kids complain that I know that went through it.

Someone answered your question on gateway but yes, the term listed on howdy under manage application will be summer 21 if you got gateway. Otherwise I’d fall 21, then you got straight admit to Tamu. If anyone sees fall 21 and TEAM then that obviously means blinn team.

I have tears of joy! Thank you!

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It’s so hard to remain patient and upbeat. I wish TAMU would have a set release date and just let everyone know at the same time so that we can all move on and start making plans. These little dribbles and “waves” have no rhyme or reason. After watching this forum for two years I thought I was mentally prepared for the wait but frustration is starting to set in.

I thought Test Optional was going to be a blessing but now it seems like a black mark. My son has everything else that fits the profile- 1Q, 4.2 gpa, good mix of AP & Dual Credit classes. excellent EC’s and leadership in the activities he invested in (marching band 4 years and section leader)…and he’s a first gen college applicant…and yet we’re still waiting.

Sorry for the grousing, just needed to vent somewhere, he feels like he’s not “good enough”…all his friends have gotten in and want to make plans for rooming together next year and he can’t because he doesn’t even know if he’s going to be accepted or not.


Did any review admit for engineering get 6 tabs this week? I have been waiting since October. @AggieMomhelp, do you think my stats would have a decent shot? I am in the second quartile, 1360 SAT( 710 math 650 English), Have Debate State quals, Robotics leadership, band, and other leadership. Also, I had a very good essay that I spent 3 months doing.

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Your test scores are great! I think you have a great chance at all options. It will really depend on how many seats are left in Cstat. But if you don’t get that, I feel extremely confident you would get an option for academy or Galveston. Which one you choose from there is an individual decision. Pros and cons for both for sure.

But fingers crossed there’s still room on cstat campus.

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