TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

@txmom9977 it seems that everyone is getting the Howdy Notification pop up.

They must have fixed the issue. Not getting the Howdy Notification anymore.

Reading tea leaves? We we’re hoping for a hidden meaning!

We go to a private christian college prep school in Dallas and our college guidance counselor told us that in a recent Texas A&M admissions meeting she was told Auto Admits would roll out September and they would start rolling out Review Admits as early as October!!! Hoping & praying!

@twintoAM It’s got to mean something! We will read messages into anything at this point!

I had not even noticed that the notification box was no longer there. I guess I got so use to it, it was not even bothering me anymore.

@aggrad91 , thanks for sharing! That is exciting news for review admits especially!

Dug out the old archive of notes and found this regarding when students began hearing of admission decisions.

Note: In the past, only a handful of review admits received admission to the university before the Christmas break. The deadline for this cycle of applications is December 1 with supporting docs due December 15. The university MUST accept and admit all top 10%, thus, very few review admit spots will be forthcoming until after the deadline. Auto admits must be placed first. Only then, will they know how many spots are available to review admits.

The first date is when Auto and Academic Admits began to receive notification of acceptance. The second date is when review applicants began receiving a decision. If there is no second date, that is because review admits did not receive a decision before Christmas break.

I guess I got busy and didn’t write down the date auto/academics were admitted in 2016 but did note the review admit dates. I will look into it later. I

September 12 2013 (TAMU class 2018 Fall 2014)

September 19 2014 Auto/Academic (TAMU class 2019 Fall 2015) December 16, 2014 Review Applicants

September 17 2015 TAMU (class 2020 Fall 2016) Also, only had 4 tabs not 6 “Home, Applicant, My Records, My Finances”)

2016 (TAMU class 2021 Fall 2017) December 2 2016 Review Applicants 6 tabs

September 21, 2017 (TAMU class 2022 Fall 2018) Nov. 11 & Dec 15 2017 Review Applicants

September 19, 2018 (TAMU class 2023 Fall 2019) 6 tabs appeared 9/17/18 Oct. 13 Review Applicants

September 19, 2019 (TAMU class 2024/Fall 2020) September 13, 2019 6 tabs appear for auto/academic not majoring in engineering. Auto/Academic admits applying for engineering began being admitted with AIS change to Congratulations! You’ve been admitted.

September 19, Applicants with 6 tabs were able to apply for housing before the official decisions came out later that day early evening.

October (no specific date) Some review admits offered full admission
January 10 - Full Admission engineering decisions released (I did not keep stats on if they were auto/academic admit/review admit)
January 14 - Full admission engineering review admits decisions released
January 15 - Review applicants (non engineering) see 6 tabs
January 15 - PSA decisions released
January 16 - Review applicant full admission decisions released
January 21 - Review applicants Blinn Team decisions released
January 31 Engineering Applicants receive wait list notice to be considered for Galveston, McAllen, or Blinn.

January 24 - Review Applicants receive wait list notice
January 30 - Blinn Team decisions released for review applicants
January 30 - Gateway decisions released for review applicants
February 5 - PSA decisions released
February 12- PSA decisions released.
February 19 - Engineering wait list Applicants begin to receive Galveston and TEAB Academy (Engineering Blinn Team) decisions
February 19 - Review wait list applicants begin receiving Blinn Team decisions
February 20 - PSA decisions released

What tabs are you referring to?

@babymomma When you first apply to TAMU, in the Application Information System, you have 3 tabs (Home, Applicant and… not sure of the other one). Once you are admitted, or once you are about to be admitted, you will get 6 tabs (Home, Applicant, My Record, My Finances, Student Life, and My Howdy). Sometimes, you will get the 6 tabs before you receive official notice that you are being offered admission. It is sometimes the first change you see that let’s you know something may happen soon. However, I have seen that last year there were some issues where people got 6 tabs and then later it reverted back to 2 (not sure if they were ultimately offered admission.)

My son submitted his application and linked his SRAR. Everything has a green checkmark except the class rank which has “X” so his app status is “InComplete”. He goes to a non-ranking high school, so he cannot complete the rank. Does anyone know when the class rank will appear and/or the status will change to “Complete”? Thanks!

@Noviite , I didn’t record it but it seems like it was about 48 hours before his class rank showed up (homeschooled). I don’t know how busy they are getting at this point; that was about a month ago. I would give it 2-3 days easily before investing too much time worrying about it! haha

@ChillyCow, thanks for the info!

@ChillyCow, his rank got computed already and app status is complete. Thanks for the info! It is hard to not worry. Now the waiting begins…

@Aguadecoco @MizLucyB , @DawnMH , y’all got the 6 tabs a while back, right? Have your kids gotten acceptances yet?

Nothing official yet! And, I haven’t said a word to him about it but I did let him go to a XC meet instead of taking the ACT last week. :slight_smile: Can’t wait!

Nothing official yet here.

@ChillyCow nothing official yet here either, everyone was saying last year 9/10 for auto admit top 10% but the app opened 7/1 for them and 8/1 for this year.

So there is a UT auto admit who got their acceptance over on the UT page! I know we have a long time to wait in my household but the time will get shorter as auto admits get their acceptances!