TAMU Engineering Discussion

Anyone know which engineering majors have released their admissions yet?

Mechanical Engineering released admissions for me on 10/31

@Colaboy82 Being a freshman admit, you did not receive an admissions into Mechanical Engineering. You received an admissions to General Engineering. You may have put MechE on your application but no freshman is accepted to a major. They all are put into general engineering.

You will apply to your major of preference and go through another holistic review process in the spring of your freshman year, if you satisfy all of the requirements. Only way to guarantee your preferred major is to have a 3.5 GPA.

I clarify that because it can be confusing for others who do not know and wonder why they were not accepted to their major but instead general engineering as well as that transfer students are directly admitted to their major.

My son applied to mechanical engineering was admitted 09/19 and into Engineering 10/31

All freshman applicants put a major on the application but no freshman is accepted into a specific engineering major.
All freshmen are admitted into general engineering, where they will complete required courses. In April of their freshman year, they will apply to their desired major by listing up to five of their top preferences.

Students who do not complete the required courses by the spring term, will have a second and final opportunity to apply to major the following fall.

My son is a current sophomore in engineering and went through this process last year. A friend of mine’s son is also a sophomore in engineering, and he didn’t pass Math 151 fall semester freshman year with a C, so he had to retake it in the spring, which put him taking Math 152 this fall. He will apply to a major later this month and find out what he was admitted to in January.

Here is the information about General Engineering for Freshmen


Here is what the current freshman class will undergo next April.


Here is a sample application for applying to major.
