TAMU Engineering Honors

I still haven’t heard back yet. I’m really hoping to hear something this week.

@UniGirl815 , it’s coming. Keep the faith. I doubt if they worked over the weekend.

Just noticed that my son’s portal got updated it just says Waitlist. So not sure if he will get or not. Does anybody knows what are the possibilities for freshman to make to Engineering honors from waitlist.

@AAA124555 The only thing I’ve found has been from the Aggie reddit and it says that getting accepted off of the waitlist is pretty likely. The main issue is probably with ECOS housing space.

@UniGirl815 thank you, that will be excellent if that happens. He did apply for the University honors also, but did not hear anything on that yet.

So something new popped up and my application went from saying complete to Missing: Select Campus or something of that nature. I’m gonna take that as a good sign ? Has anyone else seen anything like that?

@UniGirl815 , I never was anything like that. Maybe @chercheur or @pbleigh could shed some light on that.

@UniGirl815 today someing new showed in the honors portal now under completeness it shows incomplete. Contacted Honors, they say to ignore the status until we get a formal email. Something new learnt. So still waiting to hear.

@UniGirl815 I don’t have any advice, but I’d check with the Engineering Honors folks if the notification said you’re missing something.

@UniGirl815 It’s been awhile but I remember my son having some sort of message on his portal that prevented him from checking status, so I called. It turned out that whomever updated his honors status left the page open on their computer so they had to log out of it for it to update correctly. When they did so his accepted status into honors engineering appeared. I would call and ask.

anybody else got recently engineering Honors notification? @UniGirl815 did you get any notification?

@AAA124555 Still nothing. I emailed a few days ago asking if the complete to incomplete thing would affect the time it would take to get a decision, but I haven’t heard anything back. I’m not sure what’s going on.

@UniGirl815 we found out two information. One from engineering honors, they said to ignore all status changes in the website where we filled the application. They said the status changes multiple time during review. Advised us to wait until we get a formal email. My son also applied for the University Honors, for that the honors office advised to wait till this week they will send us the notification from next week with all instructions.

@AAA124555 Alright, it’s just been a little stressful since I’m the first child and we aren’t quite sure what to expect. Based on what other people have said, I don’t think the decision will come any later than the end of March.

@UniGirl815, they are not very transparent, as mostly its the students that answers the questions when you call. I would suggest hang on there more decisions are coming out.

@AAA124555 my daughter will be in Business Honors in the fall, so I can’t help you with the other two Honors questions you have. However, a local friend started out in Engineering Honors, University Honors and the Corps. He dropped University Honors after the 1st semester-said it was a lot of ‘bonding/ice breaker’ type socials, meet for cupcakes or ice cream-total waste of his time. He stayed in Engineering Honors. He was in the Corps, so obviously lived in Corps dorms, but otherwise Univ Honors are required to live in specific on campus housing.
I’ve heard from multiple people, do one or the other, but not both University AND Engineering Honors programs.
Business Honors notifies with a packet in the mail-very impressive packet, with a certificate and information; we got the packet in November. We are attending a local BH reception next week, in the home of donor/alums. Nothing ever appreared on my daughters portal, it was all personal, thru the mail. I guess every Honors program is different?

@52AG82 thank you so much very useful information. My son applied for both and will try and leave one if he gets in. At this point all we know by email that engineering honors advised us to ignore the status on the submission webpage, the final decision will come to us by email.

@AAA124555 I would think notification, especially for UH, would be sent by now, or very soon, because of Housing. I know there are Engineering LLC, but UH is a specific dorm. Since Roommate Finder opened up, it definitely matters to know where you want to live.
Does the UH webpage info say how many get in and/or give a time frame? BH takes 80.
Good luck!

@52AG what is BH? I did talk to university honors, they are supposed to sent out the notifications sometime in the next two weeks. We did fill in the housing contract. So UH said we are all done with the application process with respect to Housing also, and advised us to watch out for emails in the coming weeks. So will see how this goes.
As regards to Engineering honors we got an email today again saying we should ignore all the status in the application portal status and wait for the email notification. Its a very confusing and not very transparent on their process.

              Eng honors is 10%, I assume top 10% (of engineering admits) as per other universities but who knows? I would expect top 10% eng kids will be the >34 ACT sort of figure.