TAMU ETAM statistics

@oldschool58 Yes Aerospace is one of the more difficult ones, and you are correct Electrical/Computer and Nuclear are much easier to get into. I would expect he would definitely get one of those three. Hopefully ETAM this spring go around will be much better since they made some changes and he gets his first choice.

@pbleigh Thanks for the information! Helps to calm the nerves. Will the ETAM notices go out at the end of June (June 28) like they have for the past few years?

@oldschool58 That depends on which round he gets a major acceptance in. The auto admits will here at the end of May likely within a week or so. Then the first round acceptances will here in the early part of June, followed by second round a few days later, etc. By the end of June all the decisions should have been emailed out. Your son should have received an email from Chris Cantrell with the timeline.

@pbleigh Again, thanks for the information. We’ll be waiting for the email!

I’m wondering about a specific case, I had done etam spring 2019 and I’m part of the TEAB program. It was brought up to my attention that I had to have completed physics 206 to be eligible for auto admit. My cumulative GPA over the year in tamu is 3.6 while my Blinn one is 4.0. Instead of taking physics spring semester I took Gen Chem 2, since I’m interested in chemical engineering.
Apparently this stops me from being an auto admit but I’m not sure. Does this really stop me from being an auto admit? And if so, what are my chances now of being admitted into the chemical engineering department?

@sam161 I am not as familar with TEAB but I believe their ETAM requirements are the same as for regularly enrolled kids at TAMU. Since you say you submitted your ETAM for spring 19 I am assuming that you started at MATH 151 or higher, and in that case you are correct that to be eligible for auto-admit ETAM you additionally are required to have credit for physics. Here is the link: https://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/entry-to-a-major/general-engineering-program/index.html
Chemical Engineering is a highly competitive major but I would imagine with your grades that you would be very competitive for the holistic review assuming that you wrote good essays and have taken all the required courses for Chemical Engineering. Please let us know how you do when you get your answer.

@sam161 To give you an idea of the numbers, I looked at Chemical Engineering last Spring 18 ETAM and this is what it approximately looks like.
Spring 18 ETAM
Spring 18 Headcount of 724 minus 122 Spring 18 graduates and minus 6 summer graduates equals approximately 755 continuing students into Fall 18.
Fall 18 Headcount CHEN headcount was 835 minus the 755 that continued in that leaves approximately 239 spots filled through ETAM including 7 Blinn transfers, 4 Readmits and 16 outside transfers.
Who knows how things will change for Spring 19 ETAM but I would imagine there is in the neighborhood of 200 spots to fill.

@sam161, see if you can sign up for physics 206 at any community college (either first or second summer session). Let the CHEN department know that you will be completing physics over the summer.

My son is class of ‘21. He took chem 101 and 102 for his 2 sciences and was an auto admit. So unless things have changed you shouldn’t have a problem.

@tr4metwo I thought TAMU was changing their curriculum and now requiring students to take physics AT TAMU? Is that true? I know a student who took Physics 2 via a 2-3 week Wintermester online—which is ridiculous.

My son just finished his 1st year wth the TEAB program. He had to take Chemistry the 1st semester and Physics the second semester to satisfy the ETAM requirements. According to his counselor, they required a semester of physics to apply for ETAM. It is confusing and I would verify everything through their counselors. It is tricky getting hold of them but be persistent. My son had to go in person to make an appointment.

@rosegeo @carachel2 @Maverik They did change the ETAM auto admit requirements after the class of 2021 went through ETAM because several of the majors filled up or close to filled up with just auto admits. Not everyone qualifies to even apply for ETAM after their second semester, it is based on what math class you started with. Also where the requirement for ETAM is still two of a particular list of sciences at tamu, if you want to qualify for auto admit ETAM you must have physics as one of those sciences.
All the info at this link for class of 2022:

It still doesn’t look like you are required to do physics to apply if you need 2 semesters of chemistry. If you only need one then yes, you need to take physics but several majors require both chems.

@rosegeo You do not need physics to apply for ETAM, both chemistry classes will work for that, however if you want to be eligible for auto-admit to your major of choice during that ETAM you do need one of the science classes to be physics.

Ok, I see that now. Yes, that is different than for the class of 2021

@carachel2, I don’t know if Physics is now required to be taken at A&M. If there is a current equivalent transfer course listed then it should be accepted. Taking it over summer will increase the odds of getting into CHEN especially with a GPA > 3.5. Some departments may prefer that physics be taken at A&M (Mechanical used to years ago), but CHEN maybe different. CHEN used to be and still is one of the more competitive majors to get into.

Where can I find the email for the CHEN department, since I am actually taking physics over the summer.

@sam161, try making an appointment with a CHEN advisor.

You could also ask her for the email of the department head (or the person who makes the CHEN decisions) to let them know that CHEN is your first choice, you have > 3.5 GPA and will be completing the physics course needed for auto admission over summer.

All the best!

I just got off the phone with the CHEN department, and to my surprise they told me they were equally confused with the current etam process and transferred me to the first year/term advisors. I asked the lady over the phone very clearly about the rules of etam, and she said that for CHEN, physics is not required for automatic entry, and that gen chem 2 will suffice. Honestly, this has just confused me more, however, I hope what she says is true…

@sam161 I hope so too, let us know what happens. I’d imagine the auto-admits should be hearing any day now.