TAMU Holistic review candidates Class of 2022

With most of the automatic admit candidates at TAMU being notified now, I thought a new thread would be best for us review candidate students or parents of students (like myself).

Application Date:
GPA and Class Rank:
ACT Composite
College applied for:
Major in that College:
Did you do all 3 essays:
What is your highlight that you feel will make you stand out in the review process?
In state/Out of State:
Current Status on AIS:

I’ll go first for my son!

Application Date: 07/01/2017
GPA and Class Rank: 4.05 Top 14%
ACT Composite 28
College applied for: Mays Business School
Major in that College: Will be Marketing if I get in
ECs:Soccer, Various Clubs, Work, Volunteer, Leadership positions, NHS Exec Council
Did you do all 3 essays:Heck yes
What is your highlight that you feel will make you stand out in the review process? Went to Boys State and reached Supreme Court Justice position
In state/Out of State: In state
Current Status on AIS:Complete and in review

Hi-- For my son!

Application Date: 9/6/2017
GPA and Class Rank: 3.3/ non-ranking school (2nd quarter)
ACT Composite 30
College applied for: ARCH
Major in that College:Construction Science
ECs:art, variety of sports, small group leader, lots of volunteer hours
Did you do all 3 essays:yes
What is your highlight that you feel will make you stand out in the review process? volunteer hours, essays; possibly highter ACT score (retaking at end of Oct).
In state/Out of State: In state
Current Status on AIS: complete and in review

Did you say on the other thread that you have another child at A&M? I take it that you and your hubby are Aggies, based on your profile pic?

@supermrs7. Yes I have a daughter that is a junior. She transferred in last year from Oklahoma state. I’m an Aggie and my hubby went to Sam Houston. My profile pic is from my business site. And we live here so I’m fullly engrained lol. Been here since 89 (a long time).

@YourCollegeMom Thanks for the background! My hubby and I both graduated from TAMU ('89 &'91), so sounds like we may have been there around the same time! My older daughter is a senior there now. Thanks for heading up this thread… makes me feel better to have someone to wait on pins and needles with during the wait haha!

Ok I will bite for DD, was thinking of starting this same thred myself! @YourCollegeMom Thank You! (Any reason it is here and not on the Texas A&M forum. There might be more activity there?! You can ask the admins to move it)

Application Date: 8/30
GPA and Class Rank: 4.81w/3.5uw; rank 82/575 - 14% will graduate Magna Cum Laude
ACT: 27 - E25/M24/S28/32R - not retaking, there is no chance she will make the cut for academic admit
SAT: n/a
College applied for:
Major in that College: BS Psychology
ECs: Solid but not outstanding ECs - Varsity Cheer Captain, Latin Club- regional award winner, Diamond Darlings, NHS and NEHS (just was inducted into SNHS, Rho Kappa, Mu Alpha Theta but it is too late to add them)
Did you do all 3 essays: yes, of course. I will liked her essay C (too bad admissions tells me they really do not look at it except for scholarship, even for review admits)
What is your highlight that you feel will make you stand out in the review process? Honestly, nothing really. She does have 9 APs. So far received 4 (4), 1(3) and 1(1- yeah Physics 1 was a bear)
In state/Out of State: In State
Current Status on AIS: Complete and in review

Will your kids to Blinn if excepted?

@supermrs7 your kiddo is right on the auto admit bubble right?

While I understand the value of the 10% rule I will admit to being annoyed about some of DDs friend in neighboring school districts with far lower stats, few APs who fall into the top 10% in their school/district who will be auto admits…even more annoying to me that DD has already gained acceptance in other states’ flagship schools. Sometimes it really makes no sense to me. There I’ve said it…

@labegg… I’m so there with you on the automatic admit frustrations! Your daughter will have no issue getting into Psych. I have a great friend who is an advisor for that department. She’s amazing. When your DD is in, let me know and I can hook you up. She loves helping incoming students when she can!

Thanks for the heads up on Texas A&M Forum… didn’t even realize there was one. I’ve even scoured this site for others like us…hiding and waiting and watching the automatics start thinking about dorm rooms!

Um, how do I do that though? Ask a moderator to move to that forum??? I’m a newbie of sorts.

@supermrs7 I graduated in '93 in finance. I’m sure we said Howdy to eachother at least once on campus during our years!

@labegg Yes, if my DS were in the top quarter, he’d be an academic admit… but here we are!! In answer to your question, years ago, I would have scoffed at Blinn Team… but admissions is not what it was in 1987 (

Hi! New to College Confidential and came across this thread! Great idea for Review Admits, Thank You @YourCollegeMom

Just some background info: My husband and I are both Aggies, as well as sisters, SILs, BILs, etc. and I have a Sophomore Son there now that transferred in this Fall. My daughter would love to join her brother there, just didn’t quite make the cut for auto- or academic-admit.

Application Date: 7/3
GPA and Class Rank: 3.945 and 47/409 (11.5%)
ACT Composite: 25
SAT: 1240, both times, taking again October
College applied for: ARCH
Major in that College: Visualization
ECs: NHS, FFA & 4H Shotgun Teams, Church, Decent Service Hours, Leadership positions in 4H and FFA
Did you do all 3 essays: Yes
What is your highlight that you feel will make you stand out in the review process? The only thing I can think of is State Finalist in FFA Shooting Sports 3 years so far, and 4th Top Ladies Shooter in Nation in her age group on the Jr Pro Tour (PSCA- Professional Sporting Clays Association)
In state/Out of State: In-State
Current Status on AIS: In Review

Of course my concern is her getting admitted period, lol, but also she elected to take Dual Credit courses rather than AP due to extensive traveling for her sport. She also took 4 - 4hr DC Drafting and audio/visual electives. Her HS doesn’t really have many graphic design course choices for electives. I know it’s been said that admittance to the university isn’t dependent on your choice of major, but just can’t help but wonder if those classes will help or hurt or neither in the decision process. Also her extracurricular time has mainly been focused on Shooting Sports which has nothing to do with her major, is that ever a consideration too? For example, someone that may be heavily involved in clubs like Business People of America that want to major in Business will perhaps have a better chance? or not necessarily?

Honestly, I could drive myself crazy with questions, haha! Anyway, just glad to have this thread to ride out the wait with other moms! Thanks Again!

Almost forgot… Yes, she’d gladly accept Blinn Team and probably PSA offer.

A little help… you can update a submitted file with additional information & updated test scores until Dec 1. You can submit a resume (one thing I wish I knew when mine applied mostly because the application leaves no room for explanations). You can also submit a recommendation. HInt for recs, give the person writing it a resume or listing of your achievements, if you’d like them to mention something or a trait or hardship or whatever - tell them. I have both written recs & helped my kids with getting recs – letting the person know the purpose of the recommendation is very helpful ( admission, honors, issues, desire to attend, etc) Once you submit essays, those can’t be changed. Good luck!

@FingersCrossedAgMom I think your daughters ECs are great. It’s unique and shows huge discipline. From my understanding, the admissions office breaks down the application: rank/scores; essays; ECs These are separated out to different groups and scored individually without regard to the other two areas. From there, it comes together and you get a score. So while her ACT isn’t super high, it’s definitely in the range for TAMU & her rank is right there on auto admit bubble so she’s great there. Essays, I’m sure, y’all rocked them. And then her ECs again, are unique and plentiful. So sit tight, but try not to stress. I’m under the understanding next round will be delivered after December 1st. That is how it has been done in the past (few years at least).

Thank you @AGmomx2, forgot to include that. My D did submit both LORs and a Resume, which in the case for a review admit seems that much more important, at least according to other threads I’ve read on the subject.

Thank you @YourCollegeMom! Yes, testing is not her thing, unfortunately, but thank you for the positive words.

Good Luck to your Son and all the other Review Admits!!!

@FingersCrossedAgMom A 25 is actually really good! I know so many people that got in with 23s all the way down to 19s!!! Seriously… blew me away, but I don’t know their other stats aside from being review admits.

Let’s talk My Howdy Tabs…anyone have the coveted 6 tabs? We are still sitting with 3.

@YourCollegeMom Wow! That’s crazy, and honestly I hadn’t heard that. I guess anything can happen! Part of me wants December to get here or even Jan/Feb to get to a decision, but a bigger part wants time to slow down…cherish every moment of her senior year!

Still 3 tabs on Howdy for my daughter @labegg

I wish @labegg. Holistic reviews won’t see tabs til December at the earliest. Unless you are literally on the bubble like 11% and a 29 act. And that’s not even a high probability of hearing before dec. Sadly!

Does anyone know or want to guess (ha!) if top 10.58% is auto admit? We just got final rankings and that’s where she sits - ugh! She is taking the SAT this Saturday to see if she can bring her scores up to academic admit level because she knew she was close and her class has been shrinking since the beginning of Junior year. Can’t believe she is SO close. I feel like she has a pretty good chance for admittance even if she went into review but MAN, wish we didn’t have to wait and take a chance and not I am not completely sure she would go the Blinn Team route when she already has full acceptance and scholarship offers from several other schools.

@JenniferAggie91. Oh, so close!. There does not seem to be a consensus here on CC. I think the last thing I read was that “officially” it is not but if she has test score anywhere near the academic admit range. She will most likely be admitted. Fingers crossed.

DD used to say no way to Blinn, but recent grumblings have been very vague, so who knows when push comes to shove next May 1st. She would absolutely pick A&M if it is a full offer, but I still suspect if it is Blinn she will end up at Auburn or LSU. She is also holding out for Clemson which seems to be her 2nd pick at the moment, but I think her chances there are about the same as A&M. That decision doesn’t come out until Feb 15 or so.

DD2016 taught me to never bet on a firm decision until April 30, lol.

So DD was inducted into several honor societies in the past week or so… Mu Alpha Theta, Rho Kappa and SNHS. Anyone think it is worth it to bother updating her TAMU application?