TAMU Holistic review candidates Class of 2022

@labegg heck yes. Add as much as you can til dec 1st.

@JenniferAggie91 no worries. She’ll get in full admit.

Here is a bit of experience with full Aggie admit and Blinn-TEAM for one family. Please don’t dismiss an offer of Blinn-TEAM as something not valuable. If your child really wants to be an Aggie, going through Blinn-TEAM is a great way to get there.
My oldest daughter was a full admit after review for Freshman 2012, Aggie Class of 2016. She had a wonderful time at TAMU, and is now a teacher. She was offered her dream position at her first interview, just an example of the Aggie Network and the power of an Aggie education and degree. My D1 had a roommate in her Freshman year who was a Blinn-TEAM student.
My youngest daughter, with similar grades and SAT/ACT scores as her sister, was much further down in her HS class rank as the HS is crazy competitive, and she was offered Blinn-TEAM. She was originally very upset, and felt like she would be looked down on, but she came to realize that as a Blinn-TEAMer, she had the opportunity to be a fully participating Aggie, (as long as she didn’t want to play a UIL sport, LOL!).
NSC for both girls was very beneficial, and both girls ended up with schedules that they liked for their first Semester.
The oldest daughter (D1) did not go to FISH camp due to vacation plans and a Summer job, but D2 did. She had a great time, met a lot of people and a lot of Blinn-TEAMers.
D1 lived at Callaway, D2 is in an apartment so that she can cook as she is a picky eater.
Both of my daughters went through sorority recruitment. When my older daughter was a Freshman, the Blinn-TEAM girls could not participate, but thankfully that has changed. Both girls are in their first choice house, and D2 says that there were a lot of Blinn-TEAM girls in recruitment, that evidently a lot of the Top 10% admits don’t go Greek. Her Sorority sisters do not care that she is a Blinn-TEAMer as many of them are/were also Blinn-TEAM.
My D2 has her schedule arranged so that her TAMU classes are MWF and the Blinn classes are T-Th. She rides the bus (takes about 15 minutes)from A&M to Blinn as the parking is terrible at Blinn. The classes are small and are only for Blinn-TEAM, the professors are great, and I think that they are actually TAMU profs.
There really doesn’t seem to be a down side to being Blinn-TEAM. My D2 has a sports pass and goes to football games, participates in Greek activities, has joined another activity group on campus, has friends in all of her classes, and eats on campus if she wants to as we purchased dining dollars. And the Semester hours are cheaper at Blinn. Both of my daughter have Texas Guaranteed Tuition so we paid cash for her Blinn hours and are saving the TGT hours for a possible grad degree.
No one has said anything negative to her about being a Blinn-TEAM student. No one really seems to care. Hopefully she will be able to be a full admit next year, but if not, she will try again the next year. The only people who have a negative impression of Blinn-TEAM are people who don’t have any experience with the process.

The only “down side” is that D2’s SAT scores were high enough to allow her to be in the Honors department for her major if she had been in the top 25% of her HS class! But she will apply for that Honors dept. when she is a full student, if she keeps that major.
There were about 47,000 Freshman applications for 2017. About 27,000 applications were holistically reviewed. About 11,000 students were enrolled, which I think includes Full admits, and the Blinn groups. There just is not enough room for that many students, having some of the first year classes held at Blinn allows more students to be Aggies.

At D2’s NSC, we heard that there were 2,400 students who were offered Blinn-TEAM (out of the 27,000 review students) and 1,046 accepted the offer. As one of the speakers said, “we have to take the Top 10%, we WANT the students who are offered Blinn-TEAM” as they fully expect these students to thrive at TAMU.
Of the nearly 600 Seniors in her HS, quite a lot of D2s friends were not offered admissions into their first choice school. Of the approximately 40 girls in her EC, very few are at their first choice school. Even the ones that were full admit to TAMU or UT really wanted to go to Ivy League school, so they aren’t at their first choice school!. Some girls were offered PSA and plan to eventually transfer to CStat. Some are going through UTSA to hopefully end up at UT Austin. Some are at other schools with the thought of transferring eventually to their first choice school. Several went out of state, which means that the State of Texas is losing out on those fantastic students. And there is a lot more travel and expense involved when you go out of state.
One really fantastic girl, whose parents are both Aggies, was denied TAMU admission, but she planned ahead. They reserved an apartment at the edge of TAMU campus BEFORE the admission denial was received, as their back up plan was for her to go to Blinn and transfer over asap. They would have loved to have the offer of Blinn-TEAM. I really admire her for having a back up plan and not allowing anyone to keep her from her dream campus. She still participates in everything that she can (she can’t go Greek but I’m not sure that she would have wanted to anyway) and I am sure that she is enjoying the whole experience. She will have the Aggie ring and the degree eventually.
I hope that everyone’s child gets to go where their heart lies. We are grateful that D2 has the chance to be an Aggie through Blinn-TEAM. She is a very happy Aggie, and says that she can’t imagine going anywhere else, that TAMU is where she TRULY belongs.

@AggieMomAgain Thanks for the information! Regarding your daughter doing Blinn Team. Did she have many AP/Dual Credit hours coming in? What is her major and how many classes is she taking at each campus?

Application Date: 7/31- (test scores not uploaded until 9/30)
GPA and Class Rank: 4.56w/4.0uw; rank 1/95
ACT: 27
College applied for: Agriculture & Life Science
Major in that College: BS Forensics and Investigative Sciences
ECs: not super amazing but: Class Officer (4 years), Scholar Athlete (Track and Field), Tutoring, Part time job, NHS, CSF lifetime member, multiple AP classes
Did you do all 3 essays: absolutely!
What is your highlight that you feel will make you stand out in the review process? my essays; I’ve had a pretty rough childhood so I talked about how that has motivated me to try hard and make a better life for myself
In state/Out of State: Out of State (California)
Current Status on AIS: Complete and in review

Application Date: 10/07/17
GPA and Class Rank: 4.2705 WGPA #11/92 12%
ACT Composite n/a
SAT 1200
College applied for: Liberal Arts
Major in that College: International Studies and/or Political Science
ECs: Model United Nations, Junior Politicians, Student Council, State legislative Aide, General Election Clerk, Mock Trial, Texas HS Democrats, Texas Young Democrats, Texas College Democrats, and more (Founder and President in many of them)
Did you do all 3 essays: Yes…proof read by my PSC
What is your highlight that you feel will make you stand out in the review process?
I suppose my hook is in my early college high school status and excellent extracurricular activities.

In state/Out of State: In State
Current Status on AIS: Planning to apply this Friday

Posting for my daughter, who is finalizing her TAMU application but has not yet submitted it.

Application Date: Not Submitted
GPA and Class Rank: 4.0 UW/4.22W. School doesn’t rank, but she is top 5%.

AP’s: APEC (3), APEL(4), Bio (4), Calc AB (5). Currently taking Calc BC, AP Gov, and AP Psych.
SAT: 1460
College applied for: Engineering
Major in that College: Biomedical
ECs: NHS VP, CSF, JV Tennis Captain, 100+ hour internship at local hospital, tutoring, multiple clubs, Foreign Exchange Student, various school honors.
Did you do all 3 essays: Yes
What is your highlight that you feel will make you stand out in the review process? National Merit Finalist (currently NMSF), and passionate about a career in medicine.
In state/Out of State: Out of State (California)
Current Status on AIS: Not Submitted

@kcheves WOW, your daughter’s stats are outstanding. If only a Texas resident, she wouldn’t have to wait very long to hear back. With Engineering, she’ll go into holistic review for it as well, so that’s a great thing. If she were interested in another major, like business, then it typically fills up in November (before holistic review candidates are admitted). So all Engineering candidates are on equal playing field (exception on early action). I’m assuming she’s applying for early action, right? Oct. 15th deadline. Best of luck to her, although it doesn’t sound like luck is needed. = )

Just a correction, Business does NOT only have automatic admit applicants in the accepted students group. They save spots for review candidates, so although there are not many open spots there are always some for reviews.

Source: Mays business school informational

Verified again last year by another poster, Molly a review student

Thanks @YourCollegeMom. She’s worked hard and done well. We’re working with a College Consultant on her applications, and I’m not sure what the planned submittal date is for TAMU. I should know the answer to this, but what is the advantage of submitting for Early Action?

Just found this thread, looking for friends to wait with. The wait is painful.

Application Date: 7/21/17
GPA and Class Rank: 3.89 rank 82/636 12.89%

AP’s: Calc AB (5). Currently taking AP Calc BC
Dual credit college hours completed: 12

SAT: 1400
College applied for: Engineering
Major in that College: Civil

Did you do all 3 essays: No, just two

In state/Out of State: In state
Current Status on AIS: under review since 7/21/17

Application Date : 23rd July’17
When did you get your UIN: 25th July’17

GPA and Class Rank: top 20% school ranking, A&M ranking 2nd qtr

AP’s: . none but curricullum has advanced calculus

SAT: 1240, (540 EBRW/700 Math), retaking on Oct 7, 2017
College applied for: Engineering
Major in that College: Bio Medical Engineering

Did you do all 3 essays: yes

In state/Out of State: Out of State (living in India)
Current Status on AIS: under review since 7/25/17

Corps of Cadets Yes

@hopefulparent18 Fingers crossed for you! FWIW - You may want your child to do Essay C. From my understanding, it really isn’t optional and everything can help when applying to engineering. Best of luck!


My D2’s stats for Admissions 2017:

SAT 1250 (670 EBRW/580 Math)
(She was a Duke TIPS student and took the SAT the Summer after 7th Grade, that score was 1020. We expected that her Jr. year SAT would be near or above 1400 but she had a concussion in Nov. of the 8th grade and missed 2 months of school and had to drop out of Algebra for that year. Her Math score did not improve as much as her Verbal section between 7th grade and 11 th grade and she never really got her math skills back to her pre-concussion level. And she also had a very deep sleep need and got stressed much more frequently when having to study. If we had it to do all over again, we would have hired a Math tutor for her for all 4 years. We finally talked her into a tutor in the Spring of her Senior year and that really helped with Pre-Cal as she had struggled to maintain a B in that class before the tutor’s help).

ACT 27 (Reading component was 31, don’t remember the others)
She wrote all 3 essays and had 2 of her favorite teachers (one was her Sophomore year Chemistry teacher, an Aggie, and one was her Jr. year AP English III teacher, a Longhorn) write letters of recommendation for her. I think that these recommendation letters were very beneficial to her as both of these teachers really liked her and she excelled in their classes.

Her unweighted gpa was 3.5, her class rank was 53% (in an extremely competitive HS).

Because of the extra sleep that she needed, she had a huge problem with the extra studying required for Pre-AP and AP classes, so she only took English III AP as a Jr. and English Dual Credit as a Senior (that actually overlapped the English III AP so only Dual Credit English was used).

She was on a HS team for 4 years, which also required a lot of extra time. She chose staying on the team instead of dropping out and taking AP classes. So she is proof that you don’t have to cram in as many AP classes as possible.

She plans to be an English Major when a full admit. If she had been in the top 25% of her HS class, she would have qualified for the English Honors department with her 670 verbal part of the SAT as they only require 570.

We are grateful that she was offered Blinn-TEAM. If she had been offered PSA, she would have appealed the decision and explained more about the long term effects of the concussion. She just gave a short mention of it on her application. She might have been offered Gateway if she had really explained the situation but she really doesn’t like talking about it and doesn’t want to think that she is “different”.

I am so thankful that someone in the TAMU review process looked beyond her class rank and saw something that they liked in her application. So many of her friends were offered PSA or denied admittance to TAMU. None of her friends were offered Blinn-TEAM and only one was offered full admit to TAMU, and that girl’s first choice was an Ivy.

She takes 3 classes at Blinn, each 3 hours: Speech, Psychology and Math (my fingers are crossed that this goes well).
She takes 2 classes at TAMU campus: a 3 hour Writing class and a 1 hour kinesiology class.

I hope that this info helps someone if your child is offered Blinn-TEAM.


You should be academic admit if your top 12% with a 1400 SAT (as long as you meet the section minimums).

Also, if you are a review admit, you should have done all 3 (not just A and B).

Application Date: July 1
GPA and Class Rank: Top 12% at nationally-ranked competitive school
AP’s: 7 AP classes
SAT: 1370 (740m/630v)
College applied for: Mays
Major in that College:
ECs: varsity sports, work, church
Did you do all 3 essays: Yes
What is your highlight that you feel will make you stand out in the review process?
In state/Out of State: In state
Current Status on AIS: In Review

@AGmomx2 That thread from Molly gives me hope for my son, for sure. I remember Molly though last year when she didn’t get accepted at all to TAMU but had staggering stats. She appealed and got full admit into Mays. I have spoken with several people in Mays and they told me they will fill up by November as usual but do save some spots for review candidates. HOWEVER, very competitive and told us not to hang our hats on Mays but to pick Ag business as the 2nd choice major since it follows Mays curriculum closely for the first 2 years. So definitely a way to go and get into Mays later (assuming grades are good).

@hopefulparent I think someone already said this, but yes… have them do the Essay C. I had a friend’s son who was top 2%. He did the bare minimum in his application because he knew he was automatic. He got into TAMU but not engineering . He’s now doing the Blinn team engineering program and loves it. But just FYI.

@kcheves Applying early decision shows the student is committed to TAMU. But it also gets them in review with a smaller pool of candidates. And, you can then make your decision earlier than January/Feb. if the answer isn’t what you want. Just food for thought.

@AggieMomAgain I just read your post about your daughter. Thank you for the stats and background. I’m happy for her. Blinn team is an awesome choice and she doesn’t have to wait long to apply for full admit. We’ve had students apply during spring freshman year for the following fall semester. So if I’m understanding, she’ll have 16 college credits after this semester? If she wants to apply for Soph year, she can apply with what she has and then they will deny her til Spring grades come in. If she has 30 graded credit hours and it looks good, there is a high probability of admission sooner rather than later. OR, she can do the full 2 years if that is what she wants. Just throwing it out there because many Team students are not aware they don’t have to wait out the 2 years.

@YourCollegeMom yes AGbusiness is a good choice, so too is economics should AgBus be full. Econ is not in Mays… The requirements for major transfer in Mays ( # of units & courses ) has changed in recent years - if you end up taking an alternate path keep checking to see if there are updates. Internal transfers to Mays are now ONLY allowed for those who start as freshman admits ( even if you have credits that give you higher standing). Transfer students (attended another college/university post HS = non-freshman) are no longer allowed internal transfers to Mays, they have to be directly admitted to Mays initially when they apply to transfer to TAMU. That frees up more spots for those who started at TAMU as freshman. Keep an eye on total units if you have incoming college credits - there are also limits on those. Credits earned prior to graduating HS can be accepted any time up to a semester before college graduation. Given the GPA requirements for transfer, sometimes it is an advantage to repeat a course that you have AP credit for to raise your GPA - you can’t do that if you have already officially accepted the credit.

Thanks @YourCollegeMom . Unfortunately my D probably won’t be EA, as she is rushing to get applications in for 14 schools and I don’t think she’ll have all supporting info to TAMU in time to meet the 10/15 deadline. .

Hi all.

Question about my D’s test score submission.

She is applying to engineering, and the TAMU engineering admissions page says:


Texas A&M SAT code is 6003 and ACT code is 4198.
The highest composite or total score from a single test date will be considered for admission.
Texas A&M University offers the institutional SAT/ACT exam through Testing Services.
SAT and ACT scores expire after 5 years and cannot be used for admissions purposes.


I’ve been cautioned not to screw this up :slight_smile: so can someone please confirm that this means I only have to submit her highest composite SAT score, and I am not required to submit her SAT essay and subject matter scores? I’d probably submit the essay scores since they are very good (7/7/7), but her subject matter scores were not as good and I’d rather not send them unless required.

