TAMU Holistic review candidates Class of 2022

@YourCollegeMom , not sure what you mean?

@Cowboydoghouse lol I was trying to speak the forum lingo! Out of state.

Yes California

@Cowboydoghouse I’ll be honest, while her class rank is great, those test scores are pretty low for Tamu. I’ve seen those scores get accepted, but it’s not typical. Being out of state may give her an edge just for being different, but her Extra curriculars and essays will be what needs to set her apart. Good luck. I grew up in Sac. I miss it!

@whoop2022 FWIW: My current Junior Aggie was Blinn Team and graduated HS in 2015. At one point I found the Blinn Team stats for her year and was shocked. The avg Blinn Team accept that year was a 4.0 and a 27 ACT (I remember b/c those were her stats). There was mention earlier in this thread that 2015 was a particularly competitive year but I’m not exactly sure why. I do know that there were some dorms that were closed in the 2015/16 school year for remodeling although I’m not sure that would impact the number of accepts. I THINK (would have to dig to find it) that Holistic accepts were also down that year and Blinn Team offers were up.

OOS is not considered as a factor - they do not ‘try’ to get more OOS students nor count it against you.

The hardest part about being OOS is that the stats online & information for the school are NOT for full admit at College Station, they are for all types of admits so it seems much easier to get in than reality. Texans know this, since so many apply here. Many look at the 65%+ acceptance rate & are not aware of the large amount of top 10%er’s that skew the numbers for SAT/ACT scores, so numbers quoted are lower than reality.

OOS are eligible for academic admit only, it would be more helpful if they took out the scores of top 10%ers to give a more realistic SAT/ACT level for holistic reviews & only quoted them for full admits to College Station. THAT is what most OOS applicants are thinking they are looking at the stats when they apply - not the alternate pathways.

I would love to see that stat!!! Test scores accepted for holistic review admits. You’re right, that would be much more realistic! Seems like it wouldn’t be a hard stat for Tamu to figure out.

@AGmomx2 your information is not accurate at all. OOS students are eligible for holistic review as well. Just called the admission office to confirm that. You put a little scare into my daughter when she read this.

I found some Holistic review/Blinn team/Gateway info from several sites. 2015 had 2800 offered from Holistic review, 4000 offered Blinn, 600 Gateway. 2017 has 3800 offered from Holistic review, 2400 offered Blinn, 580 Gateway. (not including Blinn team ENG which was not offered in 2015 to my knowledge)

@Cowboydoghouse I think what she meant was OOS isn’t considered for Automatic Admit (top 10%). Everyone can be considered for holistic review and academic admit (determined by test score and class rank). Your daughter would have qualified for auto admit had she lived in Texas.

Any idea when the next decisions should come out? I applied on 10/13 as a review candidate and got early action according to the admissions office.

I selected civil eng as 1st major and industrial eng as 2nd, but I want to do industrial.

@YourCollegeMom thanks for your information. Wish we lived in Texas. My daughter is so set on A&M, were praying every day she will get accepted. Loved College Station and what it had to offer.

Does anyone have techniques for coping with the stress?

@TXagghopeful1 NOOO… you should be pumped. There are so many waiting, just like you. It’s so early in the process, give it time and be easy on yourself (I’m assuming you’re the student). The work is done and the wait is long, but it will all turn out the way it is suppose to! Now if someone can remind me of that for my son next time I start freakin out, it would be much appreciated!!!

Hugs to all Ag hopefuls! We got this.

Yes, this is very stressful especially when some of your other offers are already offering housing, etc. The longer we wait the harder it will be to get housing.

You get priority housing as long as you apply for housing with 30 days of acceptance. That goes for everyone regardless of when you get accepted. That is my understanding. They did just change to this for current year (current fish). So not sure if they will be tweaking it from lessons learned last time. Plenty of great housing options though.

when will we hear financial aid offers?

@cowboydoghouse so sorry to confuse you, I was just referring to the only automatic pathway for OOS (& international) is by academic admit. Holistic review is for everyone.

My point would be that if they removed the test scores (which are only a fill the square item for TX top 10%) you would have a clearer picture of the stats for admission.

Many of the top 10%ers hardly try on the exams knowing they have little impact, we knew many over the years. You will see an increase in stats next year due to the College of Engineering having a holistic review for everyone seeking a major in their college. Engineering majors now have to take the exams more seriously than just a few years ago when any score would do for top 10%.

Best of luck to your daughter, my two were also OOS and LOVED it here.

Are scholarships first come, first served?

@T2Guns , there is a fixed amount available but they are distributed for the most part after all the applicants have been admitted to the university. A few will get early offers, some are linked to specific criteria, and others are just granted. There isn’t a scholarship release date nor will you get all your scholarships ( should you get more than one) on the same day. They show up online & if nothing shows by April 1 chances are you will not be awarded one, most come out between Jan & March.