TAMU Holistic review candidates Class of 2022

Earlier my howdy said it was updated 1/8, but now it says 1/9.

@TXagghopeful1 Same, except mine says 1/10 instead of 1/9. I wonder if that means anything.

@TXagghopeful1 @likeclockwork48 FYI - my son got accepted in November and I just checked his Howdy Portal. His also shows updated 1/9. I guess the system updates everyone including the accepted applicant.

Hoping someone hears today good luck y’all!

About what time do people start hearing? In the past, people posted they had 6 tabs at around 7:30 am. Assuming it’s almost 8, does that mean no acceptances will be announced today?

Congrats on your acceptance!! Thank you so much! :slight_smile:

I am freaking out, what do y’all think are my chances?

Application date (8/29/17)
GPA: 3.65 (school does not rank)
ACT: 25
College applied for: education and human development
ECS: honor roll, national honors society, science national honors society, shadowing at Texas heart institution, rec from halliburton, Varsity swim captain, academic all-state swimmer, executive assistant to CEO of a company
Did you do all 3 essays: Yes, proof read by 3 different tutors
What is your highlight that you feel will make you stand out in the review process?: my essays; i explained raising my GPA from a 3.2 freshman year to senior year with a 4.1 making it a 3.65. I also talked in another one about working for a very prestigious country club and realizing money does not equal happiness considering how I was treated as a second class citizen.
In state/Out of State: in state
Current AIS status: Complete and in review

I also wrote on the extra part on apply Texas how I was groomed to be a 4th generation UT longhorn growing up but I began to love A&M after visiting campus the first time and I love it there and it is my premier choice and my brother is there. Ending it with " T’s and G’s"

@shanjohnson26 I cannot give exact comparison for your test score and GPA with past admissions. However, your GPA (assuming that’s unweighted) is good, your EC’s and work involvement are really good, and anyone could tell that you really worked hard on your very thoughtful essays. If someone as motivated, hardworking, and careful as you are is not admitted, then A&M will be making a big mistake. Good luck! Everyone is uneasy about this wait now. Try to keep yourself occupied beneficially meanwhile. Be ready for when the decisions come.

I really wish we could send updated transcripts! My rank went up a ton from this past semester and I am now top 14%! My gpa is increasing too, approaching 3.8 unweighted, a 4.89 weighted.

i did a live chat today and i asked if there would be a decision today and if they have a specific day and she said fridays are a good time to check and try later tonight!!!

The wait is killing me! I’ve been accepted into other colleges but have yet to apply for housing or anything else because A&M is my dream. Praying I’ll hear soon! And hopefully there will be decisions tonight!

has anyone heard anything… i haven’t :frowning:

I know the wait is agonizingly long. But hopefully everyone will hear soon. Try to still enjoy your Senior year.

At least they don’t wait as long as they did In the 90’s, I know people who are from many generations of Aggies. Some of their family members received theirs acceptance near their PROM and some near their GRADUATION!!

Both of my daughters received their acceptances in mid February (2012 & 2017) so this is still within the usual range.

With the application date opening on July 1 and the ending date postponed for a month, there are probably even more applications for this year than the 42,000 that were received last year. And 27,000 were reviewed last year. The reviewers are probably swamped with many thousands of applications and are doing their best to make good decisions.

Hang in there!

@TXagghopeful1 check in the morning that’s when they normally come out! Don’t stress too much even though it’s hard, I still know SO many people waiting to hear back time will come soon!!!

I have no idea what is going on with texas a&m.A nearby school ut austin has given specific date of 1February for priority application applied before 1 November and even they suffered due to Harvey.Why doesnt Tamu update us or tell us something about Admissions,atleast a date, a time something!!!There is no kind of information available and that increases pressure by 1000 times.

Hey, y’all. I’m currently a freshman, at TAMU, and thought I would post my stats from last year when I was a senior in high school…

Application Date: 9/29/2016
GPA and Class Rank: UW-3.6; W-4.0… wasn’t even in top quarter at my competitive high school; but, since my high school doesn’t rank anyone not in the top 10%, A&M ranked me in the top quarter.
ACT Composite: 28
College applied for: College of Geoscience
Major in that College: Environmental Geoscience
ECs: NHS, JV tennis team, Key Club, Interact Club, Latin Club, HOSA, volunteered at my church, food bank, and the library, as well as started my own research project. (I know I’m missing a few, but can’t remember what they were).
Did you do all 3 essays: Yes
What is your highlight that you feel will make you stand out in the review process? Honestly, I feel as though my essays are what got me in. Everyone’s essays are different, so I think the uniqueness factor helped (which is beneficial for everyone)! Also, I did all three essays, which I believe looks better to the person, reviewing the application, because it shows them you attempted to do the optional essay.
In state/Out of State: In state

I remember checking this website everyday last year, so I was in y’all’s shoes… On February 9th, 2017, I found out I got full admission to this university. I did not think I would receive this due to my average GPA and test scores. I also wanted to come on here and say that no matter what happens, it is for a reason. So, if you, or your kid, receives Blinn TEAM, Gateway, or heck, even PSA, then kudos to you. This school is getting harder to get into due to the competitiveness that seems to increase each year. Even just applying to this institution is a pat on the back.

At the beginning of senior year, I was indifferent about this school because my mindset was towards out of state, specifically Colorado. I knew A&M was a good school, but I honestly didn’t think I had what it took. However, as the first semester, of senior year, went on, I started to think about A&M more than the other colleges I had applied to. I was already familiar with the campus because I’m a third generation Aggie, and I started visualizing myself there, and it just felt… right. I started to pray about it, and specifically remember asking for a sign because I was torn between A&M and Colorado. That night, I had a dream I got into A&M. And guess what? The next morning, I got in! Crazy how things happen, right? Miracles are REAL.

I knew I had made the right decision when I first stepped onto this campus. I have met the most amazing people, and being an Aggie is a great opportunity. For those of you who are worried you won’t get full admission: who cares if you end up at Blinn? It doesn’t matter where you start, but where you end up! Besides, community college is beneficial because it’s cheaper and makes an easier transition when transferring to the university, rather than straight from high school. My brother attended Blinn, made the dean’s list, and has a high GPA in a more difficult major. When he transferred to A&M, his sophomore year, it was easier for him. I struggled my first semester here because I came straight from high school without having the college foundation my brother had when he first attended Blinn. If you receive PSA, and REALLY want to go here, then PLEASE consider going to Blinn. PSA doesn’t automatically mean you got rejected; there are other options available! I’m praying for all of you, because I know this is a stressful time… I really hope this gave some insight for some of you. If y’all have any questions, please feel free to ask. Thanks, and gig’em!

Is anyone else’s Howdy working yet?

Howdy has been down for a long time now.Will open at 5:30 texas time.Maybe there is a flood of decisions coming in?

i cant access my manage applications link within my howdy

Does anyone know if there could be a wave today when howdy fixes up?