TAMU Holistic review candidates Class of 2022

@trinley I completely agree. My son was thrilled to receive a Blinn TEAM offer. He is already registered for the NSC and his housing deposit and application are in. With so many qualified students applying he feels very fortunate that A&M is giving him this opportunity.

I don’t think it’s fair to finger point to those who are frustrated in the process. I see many on the boards with stellar SAT/ACT scores, loads of extracurricular, and 3.7 and better GPAs but are just outside the cutofff. I can imagine it’s frustraring seeing someone in the top 10% with no extracurriculars and a 1050 SAT score be accepted while a top 15% with a 1340 is passed over. I pray everyone ends up where they are meant to be. Good luck, it’s not over til it’s over.

The auto-admit issue is a debate that will go on and on (on UT boards especially) and TAMU has no control over that. My problem is with the fact that it takes them SO LONG to decide on the review applicants. It just shouldn’t take this long when they open the application so early. That has absolutely nothing to do with kids who have worked hard or not worked hard, or blaming the school for your kid not getting in, etc. If you get in, you get in and if you don’t, you don’t. It’s just inefficient to leave people hanging this long.

I think as we are heading into the end block, the nerves are kicking in. Especially when you have other acceptances on the table, your not sure what to do if you just holding out for the last remaining schools before making an informed decision. Reading the message boards also add to the nerves…good luck to everyone :slight_smile:

Taking some of your classes at Blinn can also just be a smart thing to do! Back in the summer of '97 I needed to survive one last Physics class. I opted to take it at Blinn, transfer the credit, not the grade and save my GPA. No one cares where I took that specific class or that I also came in with almost a years worth of classes from Midwestern State University from concurrent enrollment while in high school. It is the same with AP or DC credit. My diploma only says TAMU.

i talked to kenny on the chat and he said that they didn’t start reviewing holistic students until after jan 10??? what?

Have they said if they will have another wave today?


@TXagghopeful1 how can that be true when holistic review applicants were admitted in December?

I asked and he said they only release weekly, so i will take that as a no… @CyMom4

i know thats why i am confused. @helimom3

That sounds right to me. They have to have all applications in to compare stats to each other. Each application is competing against the other applications received. We can post and view each other’s stats, but we cannot read each other’s essays and letters of rec. Those are important pieces of the puzzle when you’re thinking, “but my stats are better”… We can’t see the whole picture like admissions can.

@tcas1221 normally I would agree with you…and frankly the one thing that worries me most about A&M is it’s HUGE size and how that plays out, academically in class size and competition for research opportunities, environmentally with building maintenance and administrative/bureaucratic red tape and socially how do you make it feel smaller and homey?

But I don’t know how you think the TAMU admissions process, for holistic review candidates is any slower than UT or even any other large state university. My DD just heard her UT CAPPED decision last week. And there are still people waiting on their UT decisions. She is just now hearing from UF and FSU and still has to hear from Clemson and U Washington. All of her applications have been submitted since August 1 (except U Washington it didn’t open until Sept 1). It is completely normal for it to take this long to hear back, frustrating, sure, but normal!

I am the first person to jump on the 10% policy is crazy bandwagon. But I can attest to the notion that there must be something other than straight up numbers that TAMU is looking for in holistic review. I don’t know what it is, it could be as simple where you live. My DD received her holistic review decision for A&M in November, we were shocked. Just today I saw someone post nearly identical stats (same major as my kid) who is still waiting on a response and yesterday there was someone with better stats (same major) that received a Blinn decision. I don’t know what to say when I see things like that, but it happens to just about everyone…one of DD’s friends received a full admissions offer from UT, she had slightly lower stats than DD, who know why, it just is. The only way to ensure your acceptance and eliminate the uncertainty, here in Texas, is to meet the 10% policy or academic admit policy, however flawed that may be, it is still more than other states can guarantee.

Nope I know several review admits admitted in December, also there was a wave Monday and Thursday this week… sounds to me like Kenny is a little confused lol

So are they still giving out full admit? and have they started gateway yet?

Heard from a mom whose son was admitted last year to Blinn they didn’t get a decision till end of Feb last year…so we are just gonna keep praying

We have to remember that things are a month behind normal schedule! There is still hope! I hope everyone enjoys their weekend and finds a way to take a break from this stressful time!

I wouldn’t worry to much about the wait. My cousin Tamu Class of ‘18 was a review applicant and even four years ago, he did not hear back until the end of March that he was a full admit to the University. He had very similar stats to me and I received Blinn TEAM. Every student is different. And every year is different in regards to Admissions decision dates!

I know a lot of you are saying that TAMU has a lot of application to look over and that is why it takes so long. My D applied to about seven colleges and TAMU took the longest to respond. The very best was Auburn. They start their rolling admission back on September first and once they open your folder for review you will know the next Monday if you are in or not. Our local recruit told us that at a meeting early this fall and it was true. She got in. Colorado School of Mines told us they would take up to a month and she was deferred after one month. It may be because of the auto admits but still having kids waiting since July is cruel. if you apply early you should be able to hear back before now.
I wish everyone luck. Can any one tell us if you are OSS if you heard back fast?
We are very happy she got TEAM and hope she decides that CS is were she is meant to be. Especially since it is an hour from my hour.

Just saw in howdy directory applicant asking permission to submit info…? Maybe it’s been there all along and never saw it. What is this? And does it have any bearing on getting a decision? Just noticed this