TAMU Holistic review candidates Class of 2022

Yea, I don’t think the date at the bottom of howdy means anything about admission decision. I think its only related to the website itself.

Oh gosh, TEAM admissions are done or almost done? That’s terrible news.

I’m so impatient :frowning:

@CyMom4 I don’t know what to say to that earlier statement. I am floored that was repeated, true or untrue. If the past two years admissions cycles are an indication of things to come, and I hope that it is, all decisions types were released after Aggieland Saturday and decisions came out all week long with all types coming out on all days. Not limited to X decisions on one day, and Y decisions on another day, etc. etc.

@Thelma2 thank you so much, honestly. THANK YOU for being that positive comment I’m always searching for. I was floored when I read that TEAM decisions were complete & I didn’t receive anything. I about lost it. You’ve given me strength & positivity! Thank you so much! Do you think decisions will come out tomorrow by chance?

@HopefulAggie200 There is no way to know when they will come out. If I gave you a date, it would be a total guess. Even direct contact to admissions gets different answers. So, all we can do is wait for someone to report taps/decisions and we will know there is another release! I know that is not helpful, but it all we have.

Every year’s applicants goes though this agonizing wait. When the class of 2020 was going through it, the bulk of the decisions came out on the third Friday of February, just as they had for the class of 2019 (if I recall correctly). Class of 2021, were spread out the week before Aggieland Saturday, which A&M had hoped to get the decisions out, much like this year, but didn’t and a lot came the following week. Early Decision Engineering applicants are still waiting too, not to mention the regular decision applicants.

Hang tight. It ain’t over til it’s over.

Why are people on this chat preferring Blinn Team over regular admission? Don’t you guys want to get in to the university?

Not being negative in any way!

@Lupescupe I think the fact that it’s cheaper and has smaller class sizes is a plus for many.

@TXagghopeful1 Blinn Team and Gateway are both provisional pathways that are on campus from the get go. PSA is at a system school(s) offered by A&M for a pathway to get to college station. Not all Colleges participate in the PSA program (like Mays) and not all majors are available in the participating colleges. Here is more on the PSA program, the system schools and participating colleges/majors. http://admissions.tamu.edu/PSA/

I just don’t want to have to wait till May

Like a friend of mine

It seems to me, from all the posts I have read on this lately, that full admits who were denied Mays because it was full & now have to pick an alternate major are not in as good a position as Blinn Team members who are guaranteed Mays if they meet the program requirements. And according to current TEAM moms, they save about 3K/year on their BT students over their full admit ones. What am I missing here? Is it just me who sees it this way?

@addicted2MT Because of that fear, I had changed my 1st major to agricultural economics, and economics as my second choice.
@Lupescupe the reason I’d prefer blinn team is because of the opportunity to save money and have smaller classes. I have nothing against full admission.

has anyone gotten in this morning?

Has anyone received anything? I’ve stopped checking for about 5 days now. I’m sick of seeing “My app is complete and in review”. I guess it’s better than a rejection though.

Nothing here. No changes in Howdy or AIS. I applied first week of July. This is so tough.

Same @cottoncandy1

@addicted2MT If you review the Blinn Team transfer agreements I think you will see that maintaining a 3.8 GPA to transfer to MAYS is a pretty steep entrance requirement. I am not sure I would encourage my DD to roll the dice and count on that GPA. If she were sitting on a full admissions offer to another schools Business program I would steer her in that direction with the thought of applying as a regular TAMU transfer. Freshman year of college is hard. Anyone capable of earning a 3.8 College GPA would likely make a good transfer candidate. Below that you are not guaranteed a spot and would be reviewed with all other MAYS transfer candidates.

Mays Change of Major Requirements for TEAM1
15 TAMU credit hours
3.80 GPA at TAMU
45 Blinn credit hours
3.80 GPA at Blinn
3.8 Qualifying Courses GPA
All qualifying courses completed

Mathematics 3 MATH 140
3 MATH 142
MATH 140 & MATH 142 must be completed before applying to Mays Business School
– Only MATH 141, 166 (1332), 148, 152 (2414), or 172 will be accepted in lieu of MATH 140.
– Only MATH 131, 147, 151 (2413), or 171 will be accepted in lieu of MATH 142.
Accounting-Financial 3 ACCT 229²
Accounting-Managerial 3 ACCT 230²
Economics-Micro 3 ECON 202
Economics-Macro 3 ECON 203
Information Systems 3 ISTM 210²
Management 3 MGMT 211²
Communication 6 Complete 2 of: ENGL 104, COMM 203, COMM 243
Behavioral Science 3 Any (PSYC 107 or SOCI 205 preferred)
Life & Physical Science 9
American History 3 HIST 105; 3 HIST 106
Political Science 3 POLS 206; 3 POLS 207
Language, Philosophy, Culture 3 Any (PHIL 111 or 251 preferred)
Creative Arts 3
International Elective 4

Nothing here. No changes in Howdy or AIS. I applied first week of July. This is so tough. I guess He is teaching me patience.