TAMU Honors Money

Does the Texas A&M honors program give any money to their students?

There are many scholarships that come through the Honors department, but I don’t know if or how they are actually related to being in the Honors program. I say this because my son was offered scholarships from Honors and Undergraduate Research before being accepted into the Honors program.

@Joekster, were you notified today of acceptance into Honors? If so, congrats.

My S got an email acceptance today – very happy for him! No scholarship $$ yet…still hoping, although it would be icing. :slight_smile:

Congrats to your son, @Loganator! Did he do the scholarship app prior to the deadline, which I think was Dec.1? If so, when do you expect to hear on scholarships? I don’t know of any that are directly related to being accepted into Honors. But in past years, there were scholarships administered by Honors and Undergraduate Research and others administered by Scholarships and Financial Aid. I forgot that has all changed now - all are administered now by Scholarships and Financial Aid, even the ones that used to be from Honors, such as the National Merit scholarships.

Thanks, @Barfly! Yes, he did the scholarship app well before the deadline. The Honors app was completed on 11/30 at 11:54pm, though. :wink: I thought I saw somewhere on the TAMU website that scholarship offers can come out anywhere from February to late March/early April, but I could be wrong. Maybe I’m thinking of the Honors offer – out by the end of March? We’re in-state, so the $$ is not a huge deal…but it would be very nice.

Did your son accept the Honors program? If so, how does he like it and which dorm did he stay in? We haven’t toured dorms yet at all…kinda waiting to see whether the Honors dorms were an option first. My S hasn’t submitted any preferences yet, but we reserved his housing the day he received his acceptance back in September.

I have halfway “expected” some kind of Corps scholarship offer as a carrot – S is an Eagle Scout and has staffed multiple leadership courses (NYLT, if you’re familiar) through the boy scouts…he has been pretty heavily recruited by the Corps but feels it’s too hard-core for him.

Not all come from financial aid, I know the business ones come from Mays (they still have their own scholarship committee- so I’m positive) & eventually get on your FA letter but aren’t there initially.

I think that is true about scholarship offers. My older ones got some scholarships later than this and one even got one offered in the summer (departmental scholarship). One son actually got a scholarship after school started his freshman year! We were impressed that they would do that after they already had him enrolled! I think that perhaps someone ended up not going to A&M so they just gave it to the next in line. Also, there are many things they can apply for later. So if your son doesn’t get anything offered soon, he will have other opportunities!

Is he for sure going to A&M and doing Honors? Mine is still on the fence.

He was accepted into the Visualization program in the College of Architecture and is very excited – definitely going to A&M. His dad and I assume he will accept the Honors program, but since the e-mail just came last night, he hasn’t said anything yet. It looks like the type of opportunity that would lead to many other opportunities one might not think about at this point.

@loganator there are eagle scout programs http://corps.tamu.edu/portfolio-items/aggie-eagle-program/ that give scholarships - also some others - go to tamu.edu and put in eagle scout for the listing .

According to my D who lived in the Honors dorms, Lechner is the place to be. She was placed in McFadden but gravitated over to Lechner for all the social events. I don’t remember getting to choose which honors dorm, though. Maybe things have changed.

That hasn’t changed. You only get to choose Honors Housing and don’t get to choose between McFadden and Lechner. But FWIW mine were both in McFadden and loved it. My current HS student is still on the fence about both A&M and Honors, but will probably do both.

@AGmomx2, other than the Eagle Scout program through the Corps, do you know of any other Eagle Scout specific things such as scholarships through A&M? I know there are Eagle scholarships available from outside sources (none of mine received them though). But I don’t know of any scholarships from A&M for Eagle Scouts other than specific Corps scholarships.

My freshman son lives in Lechner and spend more of his social time in McFadden.

Mine is not a scout - so I didn’t dive into it. I knew about the corps one. We were asked if my son was an eagle scout - ironically, he never was even a cub scout. Pretty sure it came up during a conversation with a FA representative, you do get some special credit for it when they are evaluating your application. Each scholarship donor can decide criteria wouldn’t be surprised if there were eagle scout ones out there as part of their criteria for selection.

Well, S’s Eagle rank and scout activities are all over his application, so we’ll see if that attracts a scholarship! He does not want to join the Corps, though, so he did not attend one of the Aggie Eagle programs.

It’s great that TAMU recognizes the extraordinary hard work and focus required to become an Eagle Scout. At some schools, being an Eagle Scout could actually count against an applicant, or be discounted in favor of a student who campaigned against the death penalty or for gun control.

Funny on the revolving honors dorm students. I guess it all depends on your specific circle of buddies. There was nothing wrong with McFadden. My kid just liked socializing over at the other one.

@Beaudreau which schools count it against a boy for earning Eagle Scout?

@3scoutsmom I am linking a very long article about college admissions. Although Boy Scouts are not mentioned, the article discusses how many universities, particularly the Ivy Leagues do not favor conservative or traditional activities:

“[E]xcelling in certain types of completely mainstream high school activities actually reduced a student’s admission chances by 60–65 percent, apparently because teenagers with such interests were regarded with considerable disfavor by the sort of people employed in admissions; these were ROTC, 4-H Clubs, Future Farmers of America, and various similar organizations.” http://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/the-myth-of-american-meritocracy/

This article rebuts some of the previous article’s conclusions: https://sites.google.com/site/nuritbaytch/

Other than Corps related, I don’t know of any scholarships from A&M for Eagles (and my Aggies are Eagles). That would be nice, though!