TAMU Spring 2019 Transfer

Howdy (future) Ags! So I’ve seen threads before of students posting their transfer stats/when they applied/got accepted/etc., so I was thinking of doing the same! Feel free to post your stats/experiences!
As for me…
Major: Wildlife and Fisheries Science
GPA: 3.75
Hours: 95 (long story and a change of major later…)
Some community service and awards
All required classes completed
I applied 7/3/18!
Gig em!

Hi! I’ve applied to the college of Agriculture for Communications and Journalism. I’m coming from Blinn-Bryan with a 3.154 GPA and 39 hours (60 hrs come January 2019). Only missing philosophy and a third math, but was told I didn’t need them at the time of applying unless I have 48 hours or more as of 7/1.
I am a Student Ambassador for Blinn (13hrs/week), I have an on-campus job in communications (19hrs/week), I was Ambassador for the Fine Arts department (4hrs/week), I have two letters of recommendation from people with clout to their name at Blinn. I have all of the required coursework completed, my GPA is above the 2.5 minimum. My essay was about what I wanted to do in the future and how this major would be beneficial for me. I have been published by Blinn for academic and art achievement.
I was also EIC (Editor-in-Chief) of my high school yearbook my junior and senior year, and I am also interning for Balfour (yearbooks, class rings) this July.
Do I have any other AGJC major out there?? How does my app look so far?

Have you sent in your transcripts yet? I sent mine in last week and I checked my “order status” and it says received…but I haven’t seen any updates on AIS.

My daughter submitted application 7/2/18 and AIS just updated this morning with “complete and in review”. Liberal Arts - Sociology BS Transfer from Collin College & Blinn.

My AIS also updated to “complete and in review” this morning as well. I also sent in my HS transcript as well as my updated Blinn transcript. I’m not sure when the admissions will process those, so once again… we play the waiting game!

I know they have her Blinn and Collin transcripts so I think the next step is the transcript audit report.

I guess they’ve received all but one of my transcripts so I’m still waiting for the “complete and in review”. Ugh!

My daughter’s status was changed to 'Complete and In Review" to “Transcript Incomplete” just today. She contacted Admissions and because she is currently enrolled in a Summer class, they won’t review until that class is finished (even though it is not required for admission). So she won’t be hearing anything any time soon. Best of luck to you all.

@dmarshall Mine has been switched to that as well. When I met with my advisor back in January, I was told that they will only look at the transcript through August, which means fall grades will not be counted. They also won’t review your transcript like they do for fall admits as they go on winter break and do not have the time. So, make sure those summer classes are A’s and they boost the GPA!

Question - my daughter is currently taking classes in community college (she completed a full year at Angelina due to softball scholarship but is now taking classes at LoneStar). She has reached out to advisors with little success. She wants to apply for the Spring 2019 semester, but she is concerned about the criteria for her intended major (Biomedical sciences, I think). She wants to know if she can apply for general admission/undeclared major; transfer in Spring, then take the required classes for major (it is only 2 classes - org chem 2 and physics 2) and then declare major - she really would rather take these courses at A&M. She is concerned about timeline (getting application in asap), and she also knows that they frown on changing majors (it is outlined somewhere). Thoughts? She has a ~3.9 GPA (all As and one B after ~45 hours of course work), works full time, taking chem 2 and calc 2 now (due to looking only at credits through end of summer), plans on full load at LoneStar in Fall. She has every intention of transferring Spring…she’s ready to establish roots and start volunteering/interning where possible.

@JaceyK Hey there! I’m not sure about the changing majors even thought that is an option. If she has only at 45 hours by the end of summer, the entire core curriculum is not required for that major. I will be missing a statistics class that is required, but since I am submitting before the cap for hours, I will be taking it once I am there. I do not know the cap for Biomedical Sciences but I would assume it is 48 as well. It’s a little work-around that my advisor explained to me. You can also call the admissions office and they should be able to help out!

Hey everyone, I’m currently a student at Texas state majoring in Economics. I am trying to transfer to the liberal arts school to get a B.S. in Econ. As of now I have a 3.65 GPA and 32 transferable hours completed. I have two letters of rec, an officer position for a sports club, and am a member of honors college. I’m hoping to get my acceptance as soon as possible since I will have to find a subleaser for my current apartment and somewhere to stay in college station. I was wondering if anyone had any feedback or idea of where I stand?

@sullyboy87 @dmarshall my transcripts have finally been received and processed, except for my Blinn transcript, which has been changed back to an X. I’m assuming that happened because I’m taking a summer class, too. I’m kind of annoyed that I have to wait until August 2nd now and I have to pay for another official transcript. Yay for universities!

@jesstx2021 your stats look really good to me! Are all of your required classes completed?

@jesstx2021 Your stats look great to me also. I talked to a Transfer advisor for the Liberal Arts college this past weekend and you are already look good to go. You just need to apply. They told me that they really want to see 24 credits in the first year and to see how you did (they want a 3.0). So I think you will have no problem. Let us know when you apply and what you hear.

@seniormom2000 Thank you, I appied on July 2nd and sent my final transcripts but later found out that because I am taking summer classes, I have to wait until they are completed before they review my application. I know TAMU does rolling admission and I’m a little worried about the delay lessening my chances. @caaggie7 Yes, and a couple off of the reccomended.

@jesstx2021 no worries about waiting on summer transcript. My daughter took summer school too the 2nd session before applying for spring transfer 2017. Didn’t hurt her one bit. You’ll be fine. Show your passion in your essays. The departments do rolling admissions but they won’t start coming out til October probably. My D is ag dept so each dept does it differently but don’t check every day just yet. Wait til September. Good luck!!! My son starts as freshman in Econ this fall! We love the advisors and profs that we’ve met so far! And liberal arts is a great college!!!

Howdy yall. I am excited to be joining yall on this anxious time of your lives. I have just received my transfer audit today on howdy portal and have applied on the fourth of July. I am seeking entry to the computer science undergrad program. On my transfer audit I have a total of 40 transferable hrs with a cumulative GPA of 3.83. For my required science courses that are required for admissions I have gotten an A for calculus 1&2 and an A for General Chemistry 1411 but a B for University physics 1. I am very worried as for I am not the greatest essay writer. I did have some extracuriculars such as being the treasurer of the Student government for a semester and being a member of the PTK honor society. well guys please give me feed back.

I think you are set @aggiecsdream Don’t worry about that B. Essays need to show passion for what you want to do, so if you did that I’m sure you are going to be just fine. Please keep us posted!

@caaggie7 I got my audit report back on 8-16-18. I was home all weekend and very busy so I hadn’t checked it in a few days. I am hoping that this means my application is moving along swiftly. I have read on previous forums that they only only send them to accepted, and then on others that they send them to everyone. I am not sure which is the case, but hopefully it means something!! I guess I will just continue to wait for Howdy to ask me to accept or let me know if it was a decline! Best of luck and please keep updating this forum so we can see how the process is going!!