Tamu spring 2020

@AggieMomhelp I was wondering if i had a change at getting into the College Of Education-Tech management with a 3.6, I made one C this semester but it didn’t hurt my GPA. I also wanted to know if I took Biology 1308 (transfers to A&M) in Fall 2018 and I’m taking the lab in summer 1 (1 hour) will it count as a 4 hour science credit?

@aggieclassof2022 Yes, it should count towards your science core classes (need 9 total).

Your GPA is solid, but I know nothing about this major. C of Ed isn’t too competitive. You’re C won’t hurt ya much but try to keep that A/B thing going especially in major. And when you write your essay, be compelling and passionate about what you want to do with this education and how you will be involved at TAMU.

Do you have any ECs in college?

I was wondering how good you think my chances are at getting into the biology department at tamu. I had a rocky start (long sad story) to my first year of college and ended with a 2.6, but then retook a class and took two others which brought my gpa to a 3.21 which is where I currently sit. I had a lot of family problems and I put that in essay C and explained the situation. I worked really hard to get above the minimum gpa and hours ( I now have 29). I have B’s and a couple A’s but nothing below that. Can you let me know the odds? Thanks

@aggieforlyyyfe is the 3.21 with the repeated classes factored in? TAMU will look at the entire gpa. They don’t drop the lower of the two grades, unfortunately. If the 3.21 is with all grades factored in, AND you wrote a strong essay and show that upward trend on academics, I think they will look favorably on that! Please keep us posted.

Unfortunately, with the repeated class factored in I’m sitting at a 2.94 and I need a 3.0 at least. I called the biology advising office and explained the situation and she said she’d let the head of the biology department know so they can keep all things considered when looking at my application. It doesn’t sound like I have no chance at least! I’m going there in person Monday to speak to them about it. I will keep you updated for anyone who has similar concerns.

I haven’t checked my howdy portal in over a week but I checked this morning and, I HAVE SIX TABS!!! Does this for sure mean I got in??

Congrats. Yes 6 tabs mean you’re in but wow you found out early. Most transfers don’t hear til September.

Do you think that it was a mistake or anything?

Nooooo, not at all. Nothing surprises me any more with admissions. They keep us guessing. What are the 6 tabs you have? Ais should update soon with congratulations.

Home, applicant, my record, my finances, student life, and my howdy!

How often does it take to update??

Same or next day.

My son has had 6 tabs for 5 days. His AIS still says “in review”. We are all keeping our fingers crossed. Are you sure it is a sign he will be accepted?

Positive it’s a sign of acceptance. I have never heard of anyone getting those 6 tabs and not being accepted. Ais and howdy should update soon!!

Thats great news . Thank you

Hey I applied last year to university studies and leadership in the agriculture department and was denied. However, I’m applying again this spring with 36 credits and a 3.5 @AggieMomhelp i was just wondering what my odds of getting in this time are. I also received my audit on 08/07 and was just wondering when I might get a decision as well thanks!

@matthewg2477 great shot at admittance, especially with that major. Should hear by end of month or early October if I had to guess. Ag dept is pretty good about decisions. Good luck and keep us posted.

Thanks for responds and will do ! @AggieMomhelp

Hi! @AggieMomhelp I applied for fall of 2019 last year and was denied. However, I already have 24 credit hours from dual- credit courses I took in high school that average out to about a 3.4 gpa. I already applied to transfer for spring 2020 with a major in Liberal Arts. What are my chances of an acceptance?!

Lol! *Psychology major!!