TAMU Transfers - Fall 2023

Yep, changed to congratulations, you’ve been admitted!! Thank you! Congrats to your son and niece as well!


Congratulations to you!!

My daughter received her tabs and transfer admission this morning as well!!!

So happy for all of you! Welcome to the Aggie Family, the greatest network ever! Gig ‘em! :+1:t3:


Sorry for the ignorance but where to you find the 7 tabs? When my son logs into his howdy admissions portal it goes directly to the page that states “application complete and in review”? Also I have heard elsewhere that it may be possible to get a heads up on admission if you look in the current student directory on the TAMU website - if the student applying for admission is listed it may be a positive indicator of acceptance? Has anyone heard of this or checked this?

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Sorry for the ignorance but where to you find the 7 tabs? When my son logs into his howdy admissions portal it goes directly to the page that states “application complete and in review”? Also I have heard elsewhere that it may be possible to get a heads up on admission if you look in the current student directory on the TAMU website - if the student applying for admission is listed it may be a positive indicator of acceptance? Has anyone heard of this or checked this?
Sorry for the ignorance but where to you find the 7 tabs? When my son logs into his howdy admissions portal it goes directly to the page that states “application complete and in review”? Also I have heard elsewhere that it may be possible to get a heads up on admission if you look in the current student directory on the TAMU website - if the student applying for admission is listed it may be a positive indicator of acceptance? Has anyone heard of this or checked this?

Hopefully present applicants will reply. In the mean time, there is the AIS site (applicant information system) where you would see the msg “app is complete and in review” and then there is the howdy site, for both students who have applied but mainly for current students. Across the top of howdy, there are tabs and they go from 3 or 4 to 6 or 7 when admitted. Hope this helps



Yay, so happy for you!!

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Thank you!!! Congrats to your daughter! Good luck and best wishes for a great term! :slight_smile:


Hi, sorry for the delayed response. In case you didn’t find the answer, the tabs are the ones on the Howdy Portal site (not the AIS login). When you log in, you typically see 3 tabs (Home, applicant, and dashboard (I think)), and once you are accepted you see 7 tabs (Home, applicant, my dashboard, my record, my finances, student life, my howdy). I hope this helps, and good luck to your son!!


My daughter received her admittance to TAMU and to the Communications department yesterday! Lots of happy tears!!! A friend of hers received her acceptance also. Hang in there everyone!


@ChristiR93, we just realized my son’s audit had the wrong Math listed, it was off by one digit (they had 1314 instead of 1324). 1324 is a required class for TCMG, so maybe that’s why they passed him over for his first choice major. Is it too late to get that fixed and appeal, to ask that they re-evaluate for Fall transfer? What’s the best way to address? Any tips appreciated!

My son had to go back and forth with the AO about his classes. Have your son email them through the Applicant portal. Have him pick “transfer credential appeal” and then he can explain the issue and ask them to reevaluate his audit.


Yes!!! 1314 is algebra and doesn’t count for anything but a possible elective

Call them immediately. You should be able to appeal.

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Are all future students that apply listed in the “student directory”? Asking because I was told that prospective students may be listed there if their admission is likely? I looked and my daughters name is appearing on the current student directory however she has not received an acceptance - application says still in review. Seems odd she would be in the current student directory on the main A&M page of she hadn’t been accepted? Anyone know of any truth’s to this theory?!

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@Jipster1 I’ve never heard of this (unless it is new?). I admin a page, and look up students to verify they’re indeed students; most incoming 2027 aren’t listed in Aggie Directory yet (not sure how some are, but most aren’t?).
Not sure what her name is, but realize there could easily be another with the same name.

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I have several friends whose student has applied that are also on the list. And both very original names so a duplicate would be a long shot. The kids we know that are already accepted for next year are also in the current directory. Very odd. I know when they applied they had to give permission to have info shared in a directory for scholarships etc but I wouldn’t think it was the current student directory?


I’ve never heard of a directory for scholarships…and my Aggie has received TAMU scholarships all 4 years.
They definitely don’t just add applicants to the Aggie Directory. I assumed once a student accepted NSC, they were added? :woman_shrugging:t2:
Hopefully this means your daughter will get acceptance in the next day or so!

I may be using the wrong description with scholarships etc. but I just read that when they apply they can click to allow information to be used in the directly or decline it. Who knows. Her name has been there for a while so has our friends son - it may not mean anything, it’s just strange to see the names there when no decision has been given! Tired of waiting, she wants to make plans for next year and waiting on TAMU! Thanks for the feedback!


@ChristiR93 have you ever heard of students getting added to Aggie Directory prior to being offered admission?


My son shows up in the directory now too, as of yesterday. However his “Change Major” option has disappeared and it sounds like that is not a good sign. This process is killer!


Not that I recall specifically.

Also, change of major is definitely bad for freshman but may not be for transfers. Watch for the tabs.

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