TAMU University Honors Class of 2016

<p>Hey I just thought it'd be a good idea for there to be a thread for the honors program! First of all congrats to all of those who were accepted, I was thrilled when I got in and I'm sure most of you all were as well. One question to get this thread going: how willing roommates be decided in the honors program? If you go potluck is there a short questionnaire or anything to help at least somewhat compatible honors kids get paired together?</p>

<p>I understand the Honors freshman dorms are only potluck. Worked out great for my now sophomore Honors student. My incoming freshman has many friends going to A&M, but I am happy about the potluck requirement!</p>

<p>Potluck = one thing less to fuss about.</p>

<p>They matched my daughter and her roommate in her LLC based on the short survey she filled out when she applied for housing. I’m sure they probably do the same for potluck assignments in honors dorms.</p>

<p>Has anyone toured the honors dorms yet? If so, what were they like?</p>

<p>We visited during Aggieland Saturday a few weeks ago. They gave us a tour of a modular-style dorm, although it was not in the Honors Dorms specifically. Daughter preferred the modular style over the commons style. Larger rooms, carpeting, two people sharing one bath. The room they showed us had the beds set up as high loft. That seemed to free up floor space. Pictures on the Residence Life website will give you a good idea. Wish we could have toured the actual Honors Dorms but it was nice to see an example anyway! :)</p>

<p>The Honors dorms are nice. S1 lived in McFadden last year. All furniture was new. Rooms are modular style, which is the largest room style on campus. Each room has 2 students and a bathroom. Coed by floors. My S and roommate really hit it off. We did hear some roommate horror stories, but that is true in every dorm. The one nice thing is that all the kids are on academic scholarships and therefore have to maintain a high gpa, so the dorms are pretty quiet. My S was concerned about the “geek” factor, but as was pointed out to him by an upperclassman, and as he has learned, there are plenty of “geeks”, but they are all pretty nice.</p>

<p>My S lived in Lechner. Each room has 4 closets, so a lot of storage space. Each person had a desk, bed, bookshelf, and a bedside table. There was a sink and counter outside the bathroom that had a shower and toilet. There is also maid service that comes in once a week to clean the bathroom and vacuum.</p>

<p>Note on the maid service mentioned by wemel: they will clean the toilet and shower, and will clean the sink area IF the students have removed their stuff from the counter. They do not vacuum the carpet. There is a vacuum available for the students, but the one in McFadden was apparently “gross”, so we bought a little one for the room. Plenty of room in the closet for that.</p>

<p>Ditto for my older son who was in Mcfadden a few years ago on the vacuum. They preferred to get their own vacuum and use that - how often, I’m not so sure! They also replenished the toilet paper when he was there, when they did the bathroom cleaning. We brought a big pack of it when he moved in and he didn’t need it.</p>