I received my letter from TAMU today that I have been accepted to Engineering at Galveston. What does that mean?
Can I not attend TAMU? Or do I have to do something to transfer?
Please let me know all you do about it. Thank you.
Hopefully this will answer your questions.
@AHS17 What are your academic stats?
My gpa is a 4.0 and I rank in the 18% of my class. I took my SAT once and ny ACT once only because I recently moved here and I didn’t get much time to prepare and all that.
SAT: 1270
ACT: 26.
@TxSker I read this already and I am still confused. Sorry for sounding dumb. :))
Is there more than you know?
@AHS17 This program allows more students the opportunity for admission to engineering and addresses space limitations in College Station. If you accept your admissions to Galveston, just like students on the Texas A&M College Station campus, students will be advised by general engineering advisors and follow the first year engineering curriculum. Students can seek entry into an engineering major during the second semester of freshman year. What the link doesn’t tell you is that afte you are admitted to your major, you will then automatically attend CS campus complete the major at College Station.
Make sure to take care of the business on the “Next Steps” tab.
@Thelma2: thanks, that was helpful. So that means I can get into engineering majors other than marine related stuff at College station even if I go to TAMU G right? Is this a good option to go to tamu g and transfer to tamu? Is it quite easy?
I want to major in computer engineering btw.
And can I dodge living at Tamu g campus anyway? I don’t live in Galveston area neither do I have a valid reason but I don’t want to stay away from home in a dorm.
@AHS17 said: So that means I can get into engineering majors other than marine related stuff at College station even if I go to TAMU G right?
Yes. If you were going to study Marine Engineering or any marine degree, you would have applied directly to Texas A&M Galveston. You applied to A&M for Engineering and they have offered you admissions to their Galveston campus for your freshman year, as all of the information in the link states.
“Is this a good option to go to tamu g and transfer to tamu? Is it quite easy?
I want to major in computer engineering btw.”
The transfer is automatic to the college station campus, if you fullfil the requirements to apply to a major during the end of your first semester or at the very latest, the end of the 3rd semester.
“And can I dodge living at Tamu g campus anyway? I don’t live in Galveston area neither do I have a valid reason but I don’t want to stay away from home in a dorm.”
You got me on this one. If you do not live in the Galveston area, how would you attend TAMUG? Is your adversion to dorms or staying away from home?
Had you explored a little more in the links, you would have come across this page http://tamug.edu/reslife/Housing/Apply.html.
The 3rd paragraph states: Only those applications received before March 1st are guaranteed to receive housing.
It also states: All students are required to live in on-campus housing, as space is available. Exceptions may be made in some circumstances (listed on the Off-Campus Housing site). Any student hoping to live off-campus is required to apply for permission to live off-campus.
Then you can click the off-campus housing information link