TASS (Telluride Association Sophomore Seminars) 2011

<p>Official thread for all 2011 Tassers</p>

<p>or at least for now TASS 2011 finalists</p>


<p>Hello, i am a finalist for the 2011-2012 Tass year. I would like to hear from former TASSERS/TASPERS about the overall experience and what we are going to do at the program. BTW the interview went awesome! i hope that everyone elses goes well to! XD anyway… does anyone know how they do the transportation cost?</p>

<p>OHAI =]
Well I’m also a finalist and I had my interview on Saturday which I thought went spectacular.
I actually asked the question on transportation to the school and they said that would be the only thing we would pay for; getting to the school whether it be by both airplane or bus. They said everything else including room & board, food, activities will be payed for although it may be of benefit to bring spending money.
Hope that helps =]
By the way what were your app essays on? and which school did you apply for?</p>

<p>Well my essays were fairly general on the lack of leadership roles in the African American community. I did my analysis on robert frost poem the road not travelled and then i just wrote a general essay about myself. I wanted to write about my natural hair journey and discovering the true beauty amongst the distorted historical beliefs of how beauty should be defined. But that essay would have taken me much longer and I got the applcation kinda late. wbu?</p>

<p>oh yeah and i want to go to Indiana.</p>

I wrote about my natural hair journey, but I actually focused more on the historical and intergenerational conflicts of beauty in the African American community and how black woman were affected.
I also wrote about a song from my favorite musical “Spring Awakening” called the Dark I know well.
I chose U of Mich, but my interviewers I think are gonna push for me to go to Indiana because the topics really matched those of my essays.</p>

<p>Oh cool. when did you go natural/ how long is your hair?</p>

<p>I knew you would ask about my hair =]
I’ve been transitioning since April 17,2010 and I am a few hours away from my one year mark(insert jumping for joy), I am EXTREMELY elated about my upcoming b.c. tomorrow.
My hair is five inches long
Are you transitioning or are you natural?
Isn’t it funny how this thread has changed direction from TASS to hair lol</p>

(comment because I rhymed thread with dead =0)</p>

<p>Well i have been natural for over 2 years now, my big chop was in eight grade but i cut my hair a few times between then. My hair is about to my chin now.Anyway, back on topic does anyone TASSERS/TASPERS know how our summer schedules will look like for the summer/ what we will be able to do during the camp.</p>

<p>If we get in…?</p>

<p>I found a thread from 2007 and someone was telling others of the schedule they had. It sounds like students have a lot of independence! But remember, this was from TASS 2006</p>

<p>"At University of Michigan we stayed at the Telluride house there. It was an old sorority that is now property of Telluride and houses Umich students during the year and is just a generally cool place.
On the first day you get an ID card which gives you access to all the facilities on campus. We had access to a full gym, indoor pool, basketball courts ect. Also you get plenty of exercise walking the mile or so to class everyday. Food is made in-house by the resident chef. Lunch and Dinner are prepared for us every day but Sunday and the food was really good, and there is a good variety. (She took requests too!) For breakfast they have cereal fruit bagels breakfast sandwiches, and all that kind of good stuff so you don’t have to worry about that. </p>

<p>A typical day would be:
Get up- 8:00
Breakfast/Shower/Get Ready
8:45- Leave for Seminar
9:00-12:00- Seminar
12:30- Lunch (At House)
Homework, go to the gym, hang out, go explore, sleep, play ultimate or football on the field across the street ect.</p>

<p>6:00- Dinner
Homework, hang out, impromptu dance parties ect.
11:00- Be in the house (12:00 on weekends)
12:00- Be in rooms (1:00 on weekends)</p>

<p>That is really generic overview, it is a lot of fun and you have lots of freedom!"</p>

<p>Anyways, I know they said that news will be announced in early May, but I just can’t wait! good luck to you all!</p>

<p>Will we be living in the dorms with the TASPERS?</p>

<p>hey :slight_smile: i was accepted into the interview round as well, and I am waiting (all the while freaking out like crazy as well lol) for the results too :slight_smile: I realllllllllllllllly hope I have a chance of getting in… along with you guys as well :slight_smile: It sounds like SOOO much fun XD</p>

<p>just found out I wasn’t accepted. bummer :frowning: but good luck to you all!</p>

<p>Join the club jy1231. But I was hoping I didnt because I got into my other program. I wish the rest of the participants good luck.</p>

<p>Accepted! Indiana University ;)</p>


<p>I was accepted as well! I am so excited about this!</p>

<p>UMich for me</p>

<p>Accepted to UMICH! Yay!</p>

<p>WOOOOOO !! got accepted into UMICH!!!</p>

<p>I GOT IN!!!
I just got the email today confirming my acceptance, good luck to the rest of you guys
I’m so dam excited</p>