<p>would you get one(/many)?
what would they be of?
what is the funniest/worst tattoo idea youve ever heard of/seen/thought of?</p>
<p>I have tattoos. A lot of people were shocked because I’m supposed to be the “good” kid. I have one on each of my forearms. They’re ancient Filipino symbols. I’m half Filipino, so I felt a connection to my heritage. Some people have told me that it’s gonna end up biting me in the a** when I try to get a job in the future. I don’t care though. If I have the credentials and they refuse to hire me because of my tattoos then that’s their loss. If all else fails, I’ll just wear long sleeves. </p>
<p>As far as ridiculous tattoos, I’ve seen plenty. After I got mine, another student got one of the “TAPOUT” logo on his forearm. It’s a clothing brand for mixed martial arts. I think tattoos are pointless if there’s no meaning behind them.</p>
<p>I wouldn’t get one. If I was forced to, then it would be of Narcissus.
The worst tattoo that I have ever heard of is the eye tattoo (they color the white part). What a waste of money! It’s also incredibly dangerous to get.</p>
<p>I don’t find them to be very aesthetically appealing, and so would never bother getting one for myself. </p>
<p>I have a blue dot on my hand, though, from back in ~3rd grade when someone stabbed me with a pen. I suppose that that counts as a tattoo…</p>
<p>If forced to get one, it would be of an anchor on my arm, lol, like Popeye!</p>
<p>Worst tattoo would be this: <a href=“http://cdn-www.cracked.com/articleimages/dan/bodymods/breast.jpg[/url]”>http://cdn-www.cracked.com/articleimages/dan/bodymods/breast.jpg</a>, but maybe more for the boobs and not the tattoo itself. The people that have full body tattoos also come to mind.</p>
<p>I briefly thought about getting one out of honor to my best friend who died a couple of months ago, but I probably won’t. I would consider getting one if it were small and tasteful, and only if it were for some big event or something. I mean, like going into the Marines or something, or maybe like the cast of the Lord of the Rings, who all got this little tattoo on their wrists in memory of their time filming together. </p>
<p>So I would get one if it were small and for a special occasion. I don’t really like tattoos on girls, though… they just seem so non-feminine.</p>
<p>i have a tattoo its a smiley face on my shoulder
im going to get truth on my left rib cage side and dare on my right rib cage side
and ma and my dad going to get matching celtic tree of life tattoo on our backs
and then my friend is going to pick what my tattoo on my lip is going to say</p>
<p>I would very vaguely consider getting a barcode on the bottom of my foot. that says “MADE IN JAPAN.” :]</p>
<p>Let’s see, I got my first tattoo when I was 16 for christmas!
It’s small and on the back of my shoulder. I wanted to make sure it could be covered up. And it’s in honor of my grandma and all of my family, so I’d say it’s pretty tasteful.</p>
<p>I might be getting another one or two this next year. One that is an adrinka symbol for femine beauty and another that represents learning from the past.</p>
<p>I think tattoos can be a great form of expression! Though I have seen so many stupid ones, especially on high schoolers. One girl I know has a hamburger on her buttcheek. One of my friends got half of the yin yang symbol on her neck…but she got it done by some shady guy who completely messed up on it! And another person I know got some character from the yellow submarine…which is cute but she already regrets it.</p>
<p>hmm, im thinking of getting a seahorse or octopus/squid type thing, or the f-holes from a violin on my forearms like zack condon from beirut, or <a href=“http://farm1.static.■■■■■■■■■■/248/527935190_34d1850ac8.jpg?v=0[/url]”>http://farm1.static.■■■■■■■■■■/248/527935190_34d1850ac8.jpg?v=0</a> know hope on my forearm</p>
<p>i don’t have any, but it would consider it under certain circumstances. i might have major surgery in the next few years, and if i did, i would put a tattoo next to the scars.</p>
<p>the worst one i have ever heard of is a girl who shaved off part of her pubes and got a little tattoo of a stick figure pushing a lawnmower.</p>