<p>Hi guys, I just got an invite from TBP. I was wondering if anyone is in TBP right now. If so, what do you do exactly? I havn't joined any of these honor societies so I'm clueless as to what you actually do in them. Also, are there membership dues and how much are they?</p>
<p>I know a friend in TBP. They’re just a honors club, standard club stuff like hosting meetings or events. Looks cool on your resume to show ppl you’re in honors. Google them and hit up officers to find out more.</p>
<p>Congratulations on receiving a real honor. Tau Beta Pi is the engineers’ Phi Beta Kappa. It can open doors for you all your life. While I don’t know specifically about UCI, universities will normally purchase the engraved honor key and pay your first year dues.</p>
<p>I pledged TPB when I was an undergrad at UCI. Their main functions are connecting students to industry (opportunities via e-mail if the board is well connected that year), giving back to the community, promoting leadership, and networking students (you never know – a friend might get you a job!). Some of the events they hold are information sessions from companies, networking dinners, and company tours. The cost is about 90 dollars for a lifetime member I believe. I only paid once. Oh and you get an awesome stole to wear during graduation to distinguish you were in an honors society. If your GPA is not cum laude status by the time you graduate, you are guaranteed a blue cord. </p>
<p>Keep in mind there are other organizations in engineering that are not GPA-discriminant. I’m always a supporter of all engineers. That 3.0 GPA classmate of yours might be the CEO of the next big company :].</p>