TCU 2021 Decision Thread

I haven’t seen anybody start one of these for TCU 2021 so i decided to go ahead and make one. Also, since today (Nov. 1) was the deadline for ED/EA we should be hearing about some admissions decisions soon or at least an update! #GoFrogs!

Pretty sure TCU doesn’t release decisions until another month.

yeah i know but just for future reference and sometimes they post updates on how everything is going and when they’re sending decisions out.

My son applied EA by 11/1. About that time, his cousin received an email from TCU stating that the ED/EA deadline would been extended for them and to contact an admissions person who was identified. I couldn’t find it posted anywhere that TCU may choose to offer ED/EA extensions to some students. Has anyone else heard about this?

CalToTex i’ve actually heard about that but from other schools. I didn’t think TCU would do that.

TCUorBU, do you think it’s reasonable to suspect that schools issue these “private” extensions when they are less than satisfied with the ED/EA applications they received? Or might it simply be just another marketing initiative to build the strongest ED/EA group they can?

CalToTex I personally believe that it’s probably just another marketing initiative. At least i would hope it is. I think they send those emails to everyone on their mailing list.

I applied EA in beginning of September. Best friend applied ED and has a brother enrolled at TCU that is a senior. He told me when his brother was accepted, the only communication was via mail - nothing on portal or email until a few days after letters sent. The ED round supposedly goes out the week before around 12/7 and EA follows a few days later. Good luck to all of y’all!

And in regards to the “extension”, I believe it’s just a marketing initiative as I have gotten a bunch from schools I started an app to, schools I haven’t started app, and I believe I got one from SMU as well after I applied.

I think admissions are changing at TCU. Here is some info from the TCU news from head of admissions:

Einstein said his main focus on the incoming class is access. He asks his staff questions like “how are we making TCU more accessible to applicants?” before making almost any decision. Because of this, the admissions center will be implementing more programs.

Three years ago, Early Decision was added as an option for incoming students. Einstein said the admissions center will not admit more than 20 percent of applicants that apply Early Decision. His reasoning was that this would be unfair to other applicants that may not be financially able.

“Admitting 50 percent like other schools like Penn, Columbia, Duke… separates the haves from the have-nots,” Einstein said.

So, my take is that many EA/ED applicants may get waitlisted…

that frightens me but it’s the reality of it all. Very nervous and anxious! thank you for the information ftworthbound!

ftworthbound, I just read the same article at TCU 360. It appears that Mr. Einstein has initiated significant changes to the evaluation process. The term “Stories not stats. People not programs.” is used in the article to characterize the new philosophy. While I think we all understand that a competitive application must be well-rounded, it’s somewhat troubling that this was announced after EA/ED applications were submitted.

If i was aware that less than 20% of ED applicants would be admitted i would have done EA II or maybe even Regular Decision. From my understanding it seems that he believes that people applying ED are the one who can for sure afford it which is not true at all. I love the school and am applying for numerous amounts of scholarships, financial aid, and even trying to save up just to attend if i’m fortunate enough to be admitted.

They should have let us know before we sent in our apps especially for those who signed a contract to go. It’s general knowledge that if you apply ED you have a better chance of getting in, which makes sense because you are showing the highest level of interest. It doesn’t seem fair to take the spots away from people who know TCU is their number 1 school and give it to people who might not even want to go to TCU

I was told personally by one of the TCU admissions counselors that the ED acceptance rate is 79% and EA is around 40% so I hope that’s true

The TCU Office of Institutional Research publishes its ED applications/admissions numbers as a part of its Common Data Set reporting. The report can be accessed here: Click on the 2015 link and locate Section C21.

" Einstein said the admissions center will not admit more than 20 percent of applicants that apply Early Decision. His reasoning was that this would be unfair to other applicants that may not be financially able."

Here’s the link

I don’t know when you talked to your admission counselor but this article was published on Nov 10

update: I received a Scholarships & Financial Aid booklet today. Probably doesn’t necessarily mean anything but I’m wondering if anybody else has received it?

TCUorBU, we received the same booklet on 11/25. I’m hesitant to think that the mailing list is selective in some way. On the other hand, mailing is expensive and they could have included the booklet with the acceptance and deferral letters, so they may have a specific marketing purpose.

@CalToTex i did read on previous threads from years before that some people received the booklets and some did not. The ones that didn’t never said if they got accepted or denied but the one who did get it did end up saying that they were accepted. So there’s no way to know for sure. Also, if it’s like all the other years then they won’t send out financial aid/scholarship info with the acceptances/deferrals anyways.