TCU 2021 Decision Thread

Deferred as well - I guess they were sending ours out later.

i would recommend sending a letter of continued interest

Any reason? or just deferred?

just deferred

Deferred, as well

What does the deferred letter say?

if you don’t mind sharing what were his stats? My cousin is waiting to hear but wants to wait for the letter so I was wondering what his chances were!!

4.61 weighted
3.8 unweighted
29 ACT
1330 SAT
Tons of EC and AP courses
200+ volunteer hours
Varsity Athlete


Letter says:
You have been identified as a student whose application we would like to defer before making an admission decision, pending submission of additional information. Please know TCU has not denied your application, but would like to review more of your academic data, including grades from your first semester of your senior year and any additional test scores we may not already have. Please indicate your desire to remain in the applicant pool and submit this information no later than February 1. Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions, or email with questions.

Did anyone get deferred? It seems like after the portal crashed, everyone after that got a message saying they were deferred so I’m not sure if it is correct

Did you get deferred after the portal crash? We think the portal crash messed up the decision for everyone who got their decision after that, because everyone after the portal went back up was deferred

I think something was messed up after portal crash, EVERYONE afterwards was deferred something may have gone wrong

Well he says his letter says that he was deferred. That couldn’t be why he got deferred if it was in his letter @fb2017

True, I’m just talking to people who only got the portal message and not their letter yet.

Does anyone know when we find out about scholarships? I just got my mail packet (my portal was updated earlier today) but didn’t see any mention of scholarships. If I don’t get anything, I won’t be able to go :,)

2-3 weeks I believe

Is there anyone in California who got a message that they got in on their portal today after it crashed?

My status still hasn’t been updated? I’m from Chicago.

Such a bummer about their system, a lot of us California people haven’t heard, so we are waiting for mail which seems more reliable.

is there any merit to the portal malfunction theory? i was deferred after two campus visits, 3.54 GPA with aggressive course load, 30 ACT (31 Superscore) and many quality EC’s. i know i was not a lock but everywhere i looked said i had a 65%+ chance of acceptance simply based on the numbers.