TCU 2021 Decision Thread

hispanic, female
Texas resident
GPA: 3.6 unweighted
3.7 weighted
2 AP Classes
1430 (Old SAT) 1090 (New SAT Superscored)
Top 8% of my class
40 of 496 public school
Strong essay & short answers
Strong letters of recommendation
Dual Credit Courses (will have 27 hours by graduation)
EC: NHS, StuCo, Student Leadership Team, JROTC (a lot of leadership)
Many leadership positions in JROTC & NHS Historian
Over 800 hours of community service
Most of my classes are related to Health Sciences

My stats are quite average

I have a slightly higher GPA but lower SAT (1300). Hopefully I get in for EA :slight_smile:

I applied EA and have been checking everyday to see if letters have been sent out. I did call an admissions rep (out of anxiety and pure impatience) to ask when they would start sending letters out and got quite a vague response (and I quote “anytime from now to January 1st”) so not much help/relief there. I’m praying I got in… this is the school that would change my life for the better. I’ve done all I can so we shall see!

For those who have been accepted, where are you from? I’m from VA and have seen nothing in my portal :confused:

@jwyly12 Texas

So when do you think decisions will come out? I’ve been anxiously waiting for a week now. Last week my friend said letters were still at the office but it looks like other early action applicants have gotten their

@GiveMeMyDecision All of ED decisions have been made(I think?). I think EA decisions should be coming relatively soon, according to last year. Who knows, since ED was earlier this year than last year, we might even get our decision today perhaps. I would safely assume more EA decisions are coming out this week.

@Nurse2017 what time were ED released last year? And I figured they’d be released this week; lol I was just hoping for like a specific day.

Lol idek. I’m a prospective student too so I can’t tell you anything definitive

brother got his Tcu early action acceptance on December 16 last year

That is the day I am expecting it then. I’m guessing they’ll be consistent. I’ve been told it takes 5 days to mail so Friday sounds like a very reasonable day for it to come. That won’t change that I’ll be frantically waiting for it tho

@GiveMeMyDecision Ngl, I am anxiously refreshing this thread along with my portal and their twitter account. I’m not going to last, lol.

@Nurse2017 same here. So we will find out through the mail?

@mmaechling I would assume so. Idk when they are sending decisions out though…

5 days ago they were preparing EA admission packets. Says so on twitter. But they also said to a student who asked when they would receive notification that it could be anytime between now and January 1!

@anitapitamom what’s the twitter? I follow one the TCU admissions page and I don’t see anywhere where it said they were preparing EA action packets…?

Does anyone know when they’re sending out scholarship information?

@givememydecision Oh, I saw on TCU’s general twitter. They said Admissions was taking a break from preparing admissions packets! And this was after ED decisions went out.

@anitapitamom dang, I was really hoping to hear this week

@GiveMeMyDecision Oh, oops. They meant to listen to some carolers. I think they were still busy preparing packets!