TCU 2021 Decision Thread

From SoCal and got acceptance in the mail this morning.

Has anyone been officially rejected yet?

I live less than an hour outside of Houston and have yet to receive anything… I’m getting worried

I got my acceptance in the mail, but no scholarship/financial aid. Does this come separately?

I got my acceptance in the mail, but no scholarship/financial aid. Does this come separately?

southern california, portal updated after I got the news in the mail
ACT: 30 comp --> 34 english, 32 math, 31 reading | AP: 12 total, mostly 4’s | GPA: 3.75 unweighted, 4.5 weighted, top 10% of graduating class | does anyone know when the financial package will come?

I got in!! Super happy. Now I just got to wait for the mail to see if I got any scholarships.

I’m hoping to get tons of money from TCU. I’m gonna be devastated if I can’t go because of the cost… ://// and to whomever asked about scholarships, they come 2-3 weeks after all the acceptance letters have been sent.

I still have yet to receive anything.

ME TOO! I’m getting annoyed. Nothing on my portal and nothing in mail.

I haven’t received anything in the mail, but my portal was updated at like 7 this morning. I’m absolutely positive they will have everyone’s portal updated by the end of the day

im so anxious. I’ve been refreshing all day and still nothing. both the admissions dean and the TCU twitter has replied to my tweets and they say that they have been updating throughout the day and I should know my decision soon. I just don’t get why the portals are taking so long…

no portal answer and have not received anything in the mail : (

I think it’s a clear sign that those who have yet to receive anything are not going to be admitted:( Sad day

I thought colleges still updated their portals as to wether or not they got in or not? Wouldn’t they still let you know that you got deferred or rejected

I got deferred from another college a few days ago and they still updated it on the portal.

Got an email that D did not get in but no update on portal and nothing in mail :frowning:

Im going to assume no news still can be good news (no packet in mail and no update in portal… it still says “app is complete and ready for review”) I am in Georgia and submitted EA right before deadline.

did it come to your email or D’s email?

It came to mine - and nothing to her’s. But it is written to her