TCU 2022 Decision Thread

Looking back at last year the EA decisions were mailed around December 15th …if this year’s process is similar, that would mean mailings should be sent around December 14th and portal updates should be posted that Monday.

If anyone has official knowledge of true dates, please post here! Good luck everyone!

My D’s still haven’t heard. Patiently waiting.

TCU Counselor told me I would have a significantly higher chance applying early decision, but I just came across stats saying Early Decision has a lower acceptance rate than Early Action is this true?? I applied Early Decision

I applied early action. I am so anxious about getting in.

If your stats are average or a little lower than average for TCU, then applying Early Decision will help your chances. But a lot of students with stats that are really far below average apply early decision hoping it will make all the difference. It doesn’t. TCU doesn’t take everyone, but it is not a highly selective school either so if you have good stats there is no need to worry and no need to apply early decision.

It looks like last year ED/EA applicants starting hearing back as early as Dec. 5th. Let’s hope it’s that early this year!

My SAT is a 1370 superscored (720 math, 650 english), I have an lower but average GPA for TCU, 3.7 weighted. I am just worried about class rank. I took really challenging classes all throughout high school and I fall in the fourth decile rank. I took every honors class I could and 5 AP’s total (I have passed all 3 AP tests- AP Biology, US History, and Lang- but have yet to take the two AP tests for the classes I am taking this year- AP Literature and Gov). I am super involved: I was on student government at my school, a board member of a 501©(3) nonprofit organization, volunteered at the Boys & Girl’s Club for the past 4 years (and received multiple awards for my work there), serve as the chairman of my city’s youth committee, spent 50+ hours doing ride alongs on the fire truck, ambulance, and shadowing medical professionals in LA, and had other random volunteer events here and there. I am applying to Nursing first choice and Biology second choice. I really think my essays are good (had them professionally edited) and I also did the TCU freedom of expressions video so I am hoping it all is enough to get in but I am so worried. TCU is my #1 and I applied early decision.

Last year they mailed the early decision letters out on December 2nd!! I’m so anxious. I want to go sooo bad.

My friend who applied Early Decision last year with a 2.8 GPA was accepted under a communications major. All 3 of her brothers attended TCU which might’ve helped her chances. I applied to TCU under ED with a higher GPA than her but still hoping to get in! She received her letter on Dec. 9!

how very interesting aaron111, thank you for that insight

Yeah thank you so much aaron111. That’s good to know.

Waiting to hear back as well. Son really loved the feel of the campus and people during our visit/tour. He applied within days of the application being available. Feeling positive about his chances but you never know. I guess we might have some indication by mid-December. Sigh…

Anyone know when our portals will start changing? For example when the status changes to “in review” or whatever

I applied early descion for tcu. I have a cumulative gpa of 3.74 and only a super score of 1040 on the SAT. I have many extra curricular activities and work experience. I also had an interview with the dean of admission. What are my chances?

I literally feel like me and you are in the same boat!! I’m super super super nervous! I have around the same stats as you and TCU is my first choice! I don’t know what I’ll do if i don’t get in!!

Once accepted, does anyone know when you will hear if you are invited to Chancellor’s weekend?

so anxious/excited to hear from them… I read that the majority last year got a letter through the mail around Dec. 16, then portals were updated on the 19th

Does anyones portal page allow them to go from admissions page to student page where it shows pending financial aid and other stuff?

@CLNV18 Yes I’ve been able to access those pages

If it’s anything like last year, we should get notification of decision letters sent tomorrow FOR EARLY DECISION (Dec. 2) with portals updating on the 5th or 6th (Tue. or Wed) and then the letters arriving pretty much around that same time, too. EARLY ACTION shipped letters out on the 15th with portals opening on the 16th. TCU has said they like the letter to be received before the portal to update.