TCU 2022 Decision Thread

@MusTeachMom - I know not updating the portal is very frustrating. My daughters acceptance package was received on the 21st and but we did not receive her scholarship letter until 12/30 (even though it was postmarked 12/20). We live in Houston so I have no doubt those 9 days of fret and worry (over the holidays no less) were courtesy of the post office.

@KWimbs Thanks for the moral support. Yes, it has been a very tense holiday. TCU is definitely at the top of the list, and we are counting on that scholarship money to make it happen! Fortunately, the wait is almost over. I would have REALLY been stressed if your scenario had happened to us. So sorry about that, but I am glad it was a happy ending for you and your daughter! :slight_smile:

Hi all! Would everyone please post when/if you receive an honor’s college invitation? We finally got confirmation today that my daughter received the Dean’s scholarship! Whew! Mail has been going to the wrong address so it has been a very long wait!

Curious … has anyone received a Chancellor’s invite since the first of the new year?

@bevnotbev not us :frowning: we are anxiously checking our mailbox every day! I will post if we get something.

My understanding was that all of the Chancellor’s invites had already been sent, and the portal had been updated with the event invitations. Is TCU doing a second round of Chancellor’s Scholarship invitations?

wondering if anyone has heard back from Honors College? I have received the Faculty Scholarship but in between the amount of Faculty and Deans I think because of ACT scores. Wondering if anyone knows any relationship between scholarships and Honors Programs! Thanks and congrats to all!

My daughter’s counselor told her that Honors invites should go out towards the end of January. I have always thought Honors students automatically received the Deans scholarship but I can’t remember why I think that so I could be mistaken.

@collegeb22 My daughter emailed and asked if there was a second round or type of wait list for Chancellor’s and they said no. All invitations had been extended. She was super disappointed as that was the only way TCU was financially possible for her. However, their loss will be another college’s gain is how we will look at it :slight_smile:

My understanding is that Chancellor’s Scholars get guaranteed invites to the Honors College. The remaining candidates are drawn from the Dean’s Scholarship list. Update…I was just told when we visited this weekend that Honors invites will not go out until February.

What are the requirements for the Honors college?

@S18D20mom The same thing happened to me, but just heard back about Financial Aid and got enough grants so now my parents can afford for me to go!

@apulse The Honors College says they invite the top 5-7% of applicants. However, the process of deciding who the top 5-7% is depends on a lot of things, I think. They take a holistic approach to reviewing the applications, but the review is definitely tied to the scholarship review process. My daughter’s counselor told her, though, that if someone does not receive an invite but feels that they really want to be reconsidered, the admissions counselor can put them up for review. That is my understanding anyway.

@pulse congratulations!! Very happy for you!

Unfortunately we checked our financial aid and the only thing added was $40,000 in loans. No thank you.

@S18D20mom my daughter got the same thing, the rest in loans. No thanks for us either, unfortunately.

how long did talks financial aid take once all documents were sent in? i’ve gotten my scholarship info but waiting on financial aid package.

@ChayDaw26 my child applied EA and was notified last week that his FA package was available.

DS just got his Honors acceptance in the mail today. We are in the Austin area.

Daughter received her honors invitation today in Ca

really hoping for an honors invitation… in lubbock tx so mail take a little longer