TCU 2022 Decision Thread

@bookworm68 Thank you for sharing that information. I agree it is very disappointing and should have been made clear in the invitation. My S was planning on attending one of the nights as well. And at $900, the enrollment deposit is too much to gamble.

DS will not be making his enrollment deposit or decision in time to attend either.

@bookworm68 Thank you for giving us this information. It’s crazy that TCU won’t allow undecided students to explore the Honors program by attending the event before making a final decision. I hope a delay in paying the enrollment deposit doesn’t also affect securing a spot for our kids in the Honors dorm. I know they have said that sometimes there is not enough space in Milton Daniel Hall for all Honors students, which would really be unfortunate, as that is one of the main draws of the program. There are just so many things to consider when making this huge decision, and so much money at stake. We need a little more time. My daughter still has four auditions left to do, and schools don’t even begin the audition process until January/February. This is such an exciting but altogether stressful time!

@MusTeachMom I agree 100%!! I am a TCU alum (and an alum of the Honors College) and I just don’t get this. Kids who have received Honors invites are no doubt being courted by other schools with honors programs. Many of those programs have on-campus info sessions that welcome prospective students before enrollment. How else are students supposed to make a decision? It seems short-sighted to me in terms of recruiting top students.

@bookworm68 @S18D20mom @OriginalSmother @KWimbs @LTmomof2 @Meant2B @ChayDaw26 and any others who have been posting on this thread…Please post when you make a decision about colleges. Now that I have been going through this process with you, I am invested in the outcome of your college decisions! Best of luck to all in these coming weeks!

@MusTeachMom will do, and you please do the same! In the end everyone wants their student to land in the best place for them and be happy and thrive! :slight_smile: Good luck to all!

Sorry to keep posting, but I just went on my daughter’s portal again to check something and noticed that the invitation to the Honors Night is there now. I wonder what happened because the person I spoke with said it wouldn’t appear unless I paid the enrollment deposit, and it sounds like you received the same information. Maybe they changed their minds? @bookworm68

Yes @MusTeachMom – please do the same. I am excited to see where everyone’s kids end up!

@MusTeachMom My daughter’s portal shows that now, too, but when you click to register, it requires a TCU ID#, which I think you only get when you enroll. If anyone is able to register, please let us know!

Upon checking S’s portal, we are experiencing the same as @bookworm68.

@MusTeachMom - we put down our deposit for TCU today. My daughter was solely waiting on this invite. She was accepted into UT Austin, Baylor & SMU as well, but has been crazy about this honors program ever since we went to a break out session about honors during a “Monday at TCU” event in Fall of ‘16. So she is definitely a future Horned Frog. We are not trying to register for the preview night because we are going to accepted students day on 2/16 and it doesn’t work out. However, your student was assigned a TCU ID upon acceptance. In their original acceptance package there is a checklist of things to do. At the very bottom of the checklist paper, it lists your student’s TCU ID. I hope you guys can make it to the preview night. The honors college sounds incredible. My daughter did not really have interest in honors at the other schools she applied to.

@bookworm68 & @OriginalSmother - see post above.

@KWimbs That is great news! Congratulations to you and your daughter! I can’t wait for us to be at the point of “decision made!” I agree about the Honors College at TCU! It looks like an exceptional program compared to others we have looked at, and the Honors College is a big draw for my daughter as well. She wasn’t even considering TCU, but several influential people in her musical life encouraged her to at least look at it and now it is at the very top of her list. I have been so impressed with everything about the school. It is just top notch in every way. We just have to wait for final music scholarship numbers and finish the process of auditions. I am rooting for my daughter to join the Horned Frog family, though! :slight_smile:

@KWimbs congrats, happy for you and your daughter. Jealous you’re decision has been made! Hoping our process will be complete after our 2/16 visit!! Wishing your daughter all the best. Go Frogs! :slight_smile:

@KWimbs Thank you so much for the heads-up about the TCU ID#. I was able to register my D for Honors preview night this morning. I can’t explain the contradictory information several of us have been given — I’m just grateful that D will be able to attend the info session!

@MusTeachMom - I don’t know your daughter’s musical plans (mine has played saxophone for the past 7 years). I have heard that TCU has an exceptional music dept. We aren’t going that way as for a major but my daughter does plan to participate in the TCU marching band. She has totally loved high school marching band and TCU actually pays you $3,000 to be in the marching band. Just a fall semester commitment. I believe its 6 hours per week during football season (our HS practiced 10 per week so this will be a positive adjustment). FYI if your daughter has been in her school’s marching band and might be interested. And @Meant2B don’t be too jealous. I have twins so I have been juggling all of this x 2 and the other one has not finalized her plans yet. I’m super thrilled one has though. :slight_smile:

@KWimbs best of luck with twin #2!

Was hoping S would be able to upload his portfolio and hit the submit button for the Nordan Scholarship, but as he clicked through the steps he realized there was an essay. So, he had to write that and there wasn’t time to do the portfolio tool. Based on what he wrote, I’m thinking TCU has jumped to spot number one. Yay! I love the idea of him going to school locally (he would live on campus). Also, because of the focus on the scholarship app, I totally forgot to confirm which date he wanted to attend the Honors Open House.

I didn’t know that TCU pays students to be in the marching band. I will tuck that info away- we know several students who are very involved in marching band. What a cool opportunity for those kids. Is that common practice?

As for the marching band payment - not it’s not common at all. My daughter met with the director on a visit (February 2017) and they do it as an incentive because honestly TCU is a small school within the SEC. So if they had a marching band representative of the schools size/enrollment, imagine how small it would be compared to all of the other teams that TCU plays. So it’s definitely not the norm. I would have to dig up our notes but I remember if the student wants to be part of marching band, they sign up for the class for fall semester. It shouldn’t cost you anything and I forget the details but i do remember the students have to register during orientation so the band knows who all they are getting. I will brush up on all of that closer to.

@KWimbs My daughter is a singer and pianist so the band would not be a possibility for her. However, TCU has fantastic scholarships available in all areas of music, as well as for participation in choir, and their music programs are top notch, as you said! We are still waiting to hear about the Nordan music scholarship, as well as other possible music scholarships. As for the band scholarship, most all schools of music reward students with scholarship for participation in band because it is such a big time commitment. I would think there would be some sort of audition to be in the band, however, so you might want to ask about that. @OriginalSmother Does your comment above mean that your son didn’t get to apply for the Nordan?