TCU 2022 Decision Thread

@MusTeachMom No, he hasn’t missed the deadline- it is 1/31. I was just hoping to cross the last thing off of his college to do list last night. Sorry for the confusion.

For those that haven’t received honors college invites, my admissions counselor said that they are sent on a rolling basis throughout the spring semester! Also, she was really nice and offered to let the honors college know that I am interested, so if you want them to know that you are interested, email your admissions counselor!

@rj2TCU thanks for sharing. Did you apply ED or EA? Are you a Dean’s merit recipient?

No problem! @Meant2B I applied ED and received the Dean’s scholarship.

Thanks and congrats!!

@MusTeachMom - when we met with the TCU Band Director last February, he said they tell everyone to just sign up for marching band during orientation if they can play an instrument and want to march. The student does have to show said instrumental proficiency during practice the week before school starts but as long as they can play their instrument - they are in. There are no cuts. The same goes for Baylor & SMU, however they don’t pay. UT has auditions and cuts for their marching band in July. So out of those 4 schools, UT is the only one who cuts and TCU is the only one who pays. This is just marching band, not concert band, so there very well may be bigger auditions or incentives for a concert group. We only researched marching band though.

My daughter applied regular decision and we haven’t heard anything yet. She got in to SMU with a nice scholarship back in December (and she applied regular there too, so I was actually surprised they let her know so early), so I’m thinking her chances are good, but waiting is hard because she’s getting acceptances from all over the country and we need to travel from California to see schools. I’m afraid if they really don’t notify until mid-march, we’re going to run out of time to visit, not to mention the schools she has heard from are marketing like crazy and she’s falling for it. Does anyone know if they really make regular decision applicants wait until mid-march? Also, does anyone know if applying regular decision hurts chances of a scholarship? Thanks.

@lovinglife7 “…she’s falling for it.” This gave me a chuckle. We’re in similar situation. My D has made her list of acceptances to tour and TCU didn’t make that list. D is a Nursing major and applied EA but I didn’t see any Nursing students accepted EA. We were deferred to regular decision. (Nursing were accepted ED but not EA from what we could see.) Even if D ends up accepted with $25k/yr scholarship it will probably be too late.

my child applied early action and was deferred to regular admission. We send in new grades, etc but have not heard anything further. We have not been to visit either, out of state for us and we were waiting to see if admitted to make the trip - if we don’t get in, we definitely don’t need a long weekend in Ft. Worth! I too feel like we are going to want to make a decision soon, and it may be too late if they don’t get back to us soon. I feel a bit that the technology has turned the college admissions process into a disaster - great more options are open to people with easier channels, but the fact that all these kids are applying to so many schools really impacts the decision making of the schools!

Hi, does anyone know approximately when regular decision acceptance will be released? Also, does the admissions portal status ever change from “ready for review” to “in review”? I have heard that it does.

@22tigermom - TCU’s website says that RD acceptances will go out by April 1. Students who applied EA or ED get their notifications earlier, but end of March/beginning of April is the normal time for regular decision applicants at most universities.

Decisions will be out mid March for RD and deferred applicants.

LOL - TCU has different info on various pages of their website. I got my info from here:
Whichever, results will be soon so if you are interested in TCU, just hang on. You’ll hear soon. :slight_smile:

@22tigermom I sympathize. We live on the east coast and daughter is waiting on decisions from 5 schools in 5 different states, all west of the Mississippi. Haven’t visited any of them yet. Should be an interesting 4-6 weeks between when decisions come out and when she has to enroll!

I saw that Frog Camp signups open on March 12th. I hope this means we’ll be getting decisions soon!

I applied EA, but was deferred to RD. I have a 1300 SAT score and I am ranked 4th with a 4.7 GPA. I also have volunteer work and I am highly involved. What are my chances of being accepted RD? Also, about when we will be notified of acceptance? Thank You!

Any idea when RD announcements will be made?

Next Friday I’ve heard

My son’s portal status finally changed from “Please accept our deferral”. It now says his application is complete and he’ll receive his decision by January 1, 2018;)
