TCU 2022 Decision Thread

@kml3423 where did u hear that?

Hey everyone, decisions are out! Check your portals. I have not yet received an email, but my portal says I was accepted.

I just got an email saying I was denied. My portal status did not change. I’m confused because I got into schools that are more competitive than TCU and kind of thought I was a shoe-in.

D was accepted! Now will have to see about any scholarship money. GPA 3.53UW/4.22W, 1330 SAT. School does not rank. Avg EC’s, good essays.

My portal just updated to say that a decision has been emailed to me.

@UTSquared Congrats to your daughter! I was accepted as well, and have pretty much the exact same GPA and SAT score. Not sure how generous TCU is with scholarships, but hoping that comes soon so I can make a final decision.

Son applied EA
Was deferred and now accepted!!!
He’s super Excited to be a FROG!

My son was deferred also and just got accepted. Such a huge relief!!!

His portal changed first…then received an email
Good luck everyone! If it’s meant to be…it will be

I was waitlisted :frowning: anybody have any tips as to what I should do? If I wait till mid-April to hear back from TCU, that means I have to turn down my A&M offer. TCU is my dream school.

@ecoffland My understanding is that all students BY LAW have until May 1st to decline or accept any invitation or scholarship offers from any school. That date is the national decision date. Maybe someone else has different information, but colleges throughout the U.S. have repeatedly confirmed that information.

Unfortunately I was accepted into the Gateway program at A&M so I do i have to let them know by April 6th.

Daughter was accepted for Neuroscience!

My portal says a decision has been sent over email but I don’t have anything in my email. Should I call admissions?

@allycat1999 I would check your junk/spam folder or double check that they have your right email address. My D’s portal updated with their decision right at 5 PM.

My D was deferred for nursing, now has been accepted. Email arrived right as portal was updated.

It’s official!! We’ll have a 2nd generation Horned Frog in the house now!! Im SO excited for my DD and am thrilled she decided TCU was the college for her too!! It was an excruciating wait, but so worth it to see “Congratulations!” Btw, does anyone know if TCU scholarships are solely based on GPA/Test Scores/Class Rank? Are other factors considered too?

Accepted! Nursing major!
GPA: 4.18 SAT: 1290 ACT: 29.
My absolute dream school, but cost is an issue. Hoping for a good scholarship!!

Accepted Neeley School of Business
GPA: 3.8 W
ACT: 32 SS
OOS: From Pennsylvania
EC: Leader of 2 clubs, baseball team captain, community service at local church, etc.
Attended a tough private school for 4 years, with college guidance counsellors to help on the way.
Originally deferred, now accepted.
Will most likely be attending this Fall.

Posting for D:
Deferred EA and now Declined for Nursing
GPA 3.92 UW / 4.30 W
ACT 33
500+ hours of CS volunteering, president/VP of various school clubs, church youth group leader, team captain varsity volleyball, strong essays

Congrats to all admitted students.