TCU 2022 Decision Thread

Didn’t apply as ED/EA. I’m a transfer student. But I received my acceptance letter today…

Congrats @tyrail

@Meant2B Thanks!!! Best of luck to you!!!

I received an email today from TCU! I got accepted and applied early decision!! Go frogs!

@xotcuxo Congrats!!!

I got in as well!! So happy!

Congrats @nurse2018! Looks like transfer and ED decisions rolling out roughly as expected, so EA decisions should be mailed out around December 14th and posted the following Monday…assuming the process follows last year’s timing.

My daughter found out this afternoon she was accepted!!! We are sooooo excited!!!


Just got the email about being accepted! Congrats to those who received one as well. Go frogs

Just got the email about being accepted! Congrats to those who received one as well. Go frogs

so is early action also being emailed, or mailed???

Hmmm…My DS’s portal still says being reviewed. He has pretty strong stat’s, applied very early for EA. Seeing these updates is great. Wondering if it’ll be another day then. Sigh…

@SgtFriar2015 everyone I know of who has been accepted in the last day is either a transfer or applied ED. My understanding is EA decisions will start rolling out between the 14th-18th…IF last year’s pattern holds true. My DS applied EA as well, still in review

Anyone who has experience from previous years know when scholarship notifications are usually sent out to ED applicants?

@Meant2B - Ah that makes sense. My DS’s best friend (at his HS) just told him he was accepted (ED) so there was some excitement in area last night! We shall standby for a few more weeks. Good luck to all and congrats to those who have heard the good word.

Do any of y’all have an idea when the admission packets will be sent for financial aid and scholarships??

I am so nervous to hear back from TCU!! I applied EA with a 28 superscore, a ton of extracurriculars, leadership positions, and community service, but I am worried about my GPA. I have a 3.54 for my sophomore-senior year but my freshman year I went to a different school with a 3.7 so I do not know how it will be combined. I worked really hard on my essays and kept in touch with my admissions counselor constantly. Can anyone give me an idea if I will get in or not?

@kx1269bx i believe you have a really good chance of getting accepted!! I wouldn’t stress too much!!

@kx1269bx - I’d say you have a solid chance.