TCU 2022 Decision Thread

abcollege?456 - Yes here too…hope no news is good news

From California, accepted for Pre-Business. 1490 SAT, 3.85WU/4.38W, IB Diploma Candidate. Also am currently participating in the TCU Neeley School HS Investors Challenge.

From Texas, daughter accepted for Neuroscience.

@txmom @collegeb22 My daughter was accepted ED into TCU. She is majoring in nursing. We haven’t received her packet yet and it’s been two weeks. We visited TCU in October and met with an admissions counselor. We specifically asked if the nursing program was a direct entry and she told us yes and that was the reason for the nursing supplement questions this year. She told us that my daughter only had to maintain a certain GPA and she would automatically start the nursing classes her sophomore year… My daughter wouldn’t have applied ED if it wasn’t a direct entry program. She has been accepted into other direct entry nursing programs at other schools. She also said “no” on the supplement question asking if she’d still want to attend TCU with her second major if she wasn’t accepted into the nursing program. But after reading your posts now I’m concerned because we haven’t received her packet yet. My daughter has emailed our admission rep. I’ll keep you posted.

I was accepted for Social Work, 1230 on SAT, 3.95 weighted GPA, 6 total AP’s, really good EC’s, and from MD.

Posting for D:
GPA 3.92 UW
ACT 33
500+ hours of CS volunteering, president/VP of school clubs, church youth group leader, team captain varsity volleyball, strong essays. just a notch below the top merit scholarship (school doesn’t rank):
Deferred for Nursing

Congrats to all accepted and good luck to those admitted for nursing @tcu22mom , @txmom , @collegeb22

Does anyone know when scholarships were sent out last year?

@Banker1 Can I ask you where it says you were deferred for nursing? Was it in the email or portal?

@tcu22mom Friday she got an email that decisions could be viewed in portal. D said at first her portal said accepted and then a couple of minutes later it changed to deferred. I asked her to contact Admissions for clarification. Not sure if she will. She realizes Nursing is competitive.

@Banker1 sorry to ask so many questions, was she deferred to regular decission for acceptance into TCU or did it just say deferred for the nursing program?

@tcu22mom I believe she is not Accepted into the school at all but instead she is Deferred and her EA application will now be included for review in the RD round. My D says this is because her major is Nursing and that major is competitive. I hope this makes sense.

My daughter had a similar thing happen to her: deferred, Nursing - first choice major, similar scores. Did your daughter indicate that she would like to be accepted into her second place major if she doesn’t get into Nursing?

We had a similar experience. My son checked his portal on Friday and it said, “We hope you will accept our offer.” We were so excited! Then a few hours later we signed back in and it said, “We hope you will accept our offer of deferred acceptance…” SO disappointing!

@AHMom22 yes, that’s what happened to D except she noticed the change within a few moments. It was misleading and disappointing.

@Ovilla68 her alternate choice was Pre-Nursing so I think she said she would accept.

The same thing happened tho my daughter. When we read, “We hope you accept our offer,” we thought that she was in.

Have any of the ED accepted applicants received anything about Merit scholarships?

Accepted to Business
3.95 GPA UW, 1300 SAT
Private HS with 60% acceptance rate

Accepted to Business, 98.49 W and 1310 SAT. No word on scholarships though

How many folks in the early action deferred until February 28th pool?