TCU Acceptance

<p>Okay so TCU is my dream school - I want to get in so bad! I am an average, maybe slightly above average student. I take almost all AP classes but get B's and C's in them a lot. I'm not sure if this is good or bad? My extracurricular actives are okay, not amazing but not non-existent either. I know that my counselor rec and teacher rec are good. Haven't done my freedom of expression page yet, but hopefully will come up with an idea soon to meet the November 8th deadline! I looked and it shows that this past year TCU only had a 40.9% acceptance rate - I'm so scared!! Can anyone give me their input?? Do you think I'll get in or should I not get my hopes up?</p>

<p>You didn’t mention your SAT or ACT Test Scores. How are they? </p>

<p>For this year’s freshman class, the 25th percentile for the SAT was a 1650 Composite score and the 75th percentile was an 1890. For those taking the ACT, the 25th Percentile Composite score was 25 and the 75th percentile was a 29. Test scores aren’t the only factor in admissions but they are a consideration. Do you fit in this range? </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I’m not sure they will accept with C’s, you didn’t even mention what you made A’s in. You need at least a 3.3 GPA, but even that won’t get you in. The average SAT is 1680.</p>

<p>Only two people in my school decided to go to TCU and got accepted
Both were straight A (maybe a B on a rare occasion) top ten students.</p>

<p>One had a full tuition scholarship for TCU. In high school she was in National Honors Society, honors student, a Drum Major and flute player in band. (She also conducted the band during games) She always wrote great essays and tried her best in everything. She was number 4 out of the top ten students. She also used to be a cheerleader.</p>

<p>The other one was also a straight A student with very few to no B’s. She was a really cool person, president of National Honors Society, the school mascot, honors student, and had over $80,000 in different scholarships. She was number 10 out of the top ten students. She used to also be in athletics.</p>

<p>That’s just a few of the things I knew about them. They are both studying nursing.</p>

<p>I’m not sure, but apply to another school to be safe, or go to a community college and then try to apply to TCU.</p>

<p>Sorry, but C’s really do hurt you. I know kids who never had C’s and still didn’t get into TCU.</p>

<p>If you school has Naviance, check it, see what students from YOUR high school got in with. Its possible you are in a competitive high school and a C in your school might be the equivalent of a B in a different school.</p>

<p>SATs should be a pretty uniform indicator but it is only part of the admissions package. If you have strong letters of recommendation that can also help make up for the sub-par grades.</p>

<p>There are many factors that are considered and its possible that the general public will never find a formula for admission to each school.</p>

<p>My ACT is 28, with a 29 superscored - someone told me they do that but I’m not sure? I am applying to other schools too, so it’s not terrible if I don’t get in, just really want to! Thanks for the input.</p>

<p>My ACT is 28, with a 29 superscored - someone told me they do that but I’m not sure? I am applying to other schools too, so it’s not terrible if I don’t get in, just really want to! Thanks for the input.</p>

<p>Just to be clear - I have only gotten 2 C’s. The rest are A’s and B’s. And my C’s were in AP World History first semester and AP Biology first semester.</p>

<p>Does TCU superscore the SAT scores?</p>

<p>Yes, TCU Superscores both the SAT & ACT. </p>

<p>Scroll down to the section called “How we use your test scores when reading your application” on the link below to see the details.</p>

<p>[TCUAdmission</a> | Academics | Testing Policy](<a href=“]TCUAdmission”></p>

<p>Just to update everyone - I got my acceptance letter today! :)</p>