I am very worried I will not get in to TCU and would love for an idea of my chances!! I applied EA (in hopes the worst case scenario I’d be deferred) because my GPA is a 3.54 for my Sophomore-Senior Year, but I transferred schools so my freshman year GPA is around the same, but has higher letter grades (it is way less weighted). I have a lot of leadership and extracurriculars like creating my own business, student life class rep junior and senior year, school cheer captain and a competitive cheerleader as well. I also have a lot of service work. I worked very hard on my essays and stayed in contact with my admissions counselor, but we could never find a date to interview. I am also a first generation student. Thanks!

I don’t know much but your grades are fine. I would not worry about them. What are your test scores.?

It’s a 28

@kx1269bx Your stats are right about average for accepted students. You have a very good chance, but not 100%.

Based on what I have read, I think you will be in. You didn’t mention what major you applied for which could be a factor. Some are more competitive and popular than others. All in all though, I think you’ll get good news.

Thanks everyone!

I applied with Strategic Communications as my first choice and Sports broadcasting as my second. Thank you!

I was deferred. Don’t really know what I can do to help me now because I am too late to register for a January ACT and I read on the Deferral FAQ page that you cannot interview while you are deferred. Hopefully get good news later, thanks everyone for your help

@kx1269bx If your fall semester grades are good then I think you have a great chance for acceptance when the regular decisions roll out. Don’t worry about your ACT or interviews. Call and e-mail the school periodically and make sure they know they are your first choice. Hang in there.