TCU Class of 2023

Has anyone heard anything else? The waiting process is SO nerve-wracking!

My daughters TCU portal now has the link “Transfer Prospect Acceptance Form”. Does anyone else have this? Does this mean she’s not getting in?

It went away as soon as she clicked yes ir no.

@baseballmom0324 my daughters portal hasnt changed in months. try to stay positive. not sure what that meant

Her portal is still showing as a student homepage portal. Still no word on acceptance. Although, we did go to TCU Monday beginning of November & I got the chance & asked the dean of admissions personally during one of the group sessions when anyone would hear, & I was told what everyone has been saying. Dec1st for ED & 15th for EA. He also said things were being done differently this year & everyone accepted under those 2 applications would find out all on the same days by email & then big envelopes would be send out. It wouldn’t be like some schools where acceptances were done in waves.
But back to the portal. The only thing that has changed since it changed to a student homepage at the end of October is it’s been showing a cost of attendance under the self-certification tab for the better part of 2 weeks.

I applied early decision. I was denied admission to TCU for the fall of 2019 but it offered me the transfer form for later times if I wanted to re-apply in the future.

@baseballmom0324 @purpleorgreen @RiffRam03 would any of you be willing to share gpa/rank/test scores?
my daughters stats are:
gpa 3.93uw/4.1w
sat 1320
rank 9%

GPA 3.98~unweighted
Rank~ Top 5%

TCU announced on Twitter that ED decisions have been posted on the portal today

A girl at my daughter’s school got her acceptance today so this is accurate!

My daughter got her acceptance tonight around 5:30. Email and updated portal. Beyond excited!

@newfrogmom CONGRATULATIONS ???!!


Yes. Heard of 2 people who have heard about ED (TCU 2023)

My daughter applied Early Action and hasn’t heard yet BUT knows two girls from our rival high school who applied Early Decision and found out they got in this morning…so it has begun:-)

My daughter has two friends who applied ED and heard this morning that they were both accepted. My daughter applied Early Action so we are waiting with fingers crossed.

Congrats to you and your daughter!!

Has anyone gotten their acceptance packet yet? We are out of state and haven’t. I thought it would be here by now.

@newfrogmom We live on the West Coast and did regular decision last year. It was about ten days-two weeks after the email notification that we got the beautiful fancy packet in the mail.

Has anyone heard anything from EA yet? My daughter still anxiously waiting.