TCU Class of 2023

My daughter was accepted with Dean’s scholarship and Chancellor’s invitation! She also applied to Baylor,accepted with President’s scholarship, did not get invited to Invitation to Excellence - we were surprised.Totally don’t understand Baylor’s system for selecting I2E candidates. But TCU has always been her #1 choice! She is beyond thrilled!! Does anyone know how many Chancellor’s invitations they give out?
Her stats: GPA unweighted 4.0, weighted 4.68, ACT 34, 8 APs, tons of honors courses, lots of ECs, 3 yrs Varsity Cheer, Beta, NHS, significant volunteer with church and community.

momoboys, My son was also deferred to TCU. Like you, I feel it is because of his GPA. He had a 29 ACT, but only a 3.2 GPA. Grades were bad freshman year but has made honor or high honor roll every marking period sophomore year through senior. Disappointed because I feel like TCU is a good fit for him. We are in the tri-state area and I doubt anyone else from his high school applied.

Daughter accepted Friday night with $56,000 in scholarship money. 29 ACT, 36 Reading. 4.0 weighted GPA. Rigorous private school in DFW. Almost all from her high school admitted. Strong essays, EC’s. Varsity athletics, leadership positions. Good Luck!

3boys4m3…my son has similar stats to yours…29 ACT maybe slightly higher unweighted GPA. We are going to continue the process but don’t know if it will be an option if he doesn’t get any money. Getting money from every other school he’s applied to.

A little late to the decisions here, but I was accepted with Deans. Great scholarship, and I’m grateful. However, I wasn’t invited for Chancellor’s, and I’m very disappointed because even my TCU admissions counselor told me I was likely to at least receive an interview. I know that the scholarship is competitive, but I feel misled. Congrats to everyone who was invited! Guess TCU wasn’t meant to be for me.

momoboys, Not sure how to send you a pm. Curious as to where your son has been accepted and what part of the country you are located. My son is in to Auburn, Miami of Ohio, and IU. One of the things I liked about TCU was the smaller size. Feel free to send me a PM if you know how.

Same here. My daughter was accepted and did receive the Deans; but the admissions counselor told her over and over again that she can still be in running because scores are not all they look at. She was very disappointed but this is her dream school and we have to move forward.

@3boys4m3 I think you have to have 10 or 15 posts to send a private message and I don’t have that yet. We are in Southern California. He’s in to Baylor, Oregon, St. Mary’s (northern california), Loyola Chicago and Alabama (just wanted to get one under the belt). Waiting to hear from Utah. May still apply to one or two more before regular deadline. Of course, deferred on TCU and we withdrew the SMU application. He got good money in to all the schools he was accepted to.

Can anyone comment on the CSS Profile please? Did you complete it? If so, do you know what funds for TCU are available through it? If you did not complete it, why? My daughter was accepted but as far as I can tell, she did not receive any scholarships and TCU is out of reach without them. Our household income is too much to qualify for anything except loans through FAFSA. She has scholarship offers from others and she will choose them before we take out loans. Thanks to everyone for sharing!

Has anyone received fasfa or is that include in scholarship?

To all the EA acceptances, I have a general question -

Have you received in the mail from TCU any communication about your acceptance or marketing materials ?

So we live OOS, MN, my son was accepted last Friday night has yet to receive anything.

Maybe the holidays and living in MN, but one would think TCU would have sent something in the mail saying congrats and etc.

If they haven’t sent anything, I can say from his prior acceptances, TCU is behind the eight ball in communication and marketing on why TCU.

Any feedback from any TCU EA acceptances on any mailings would be appreciated.


MN Parent

Nothing yet in CO
Edit to add: Tulane’s EA decisions came out yesterday afternoon and the official envelope was in our mailbox today. Well timed!!

@gopher119: Received TCU acceptance letter today; I live an hour’s drive from campus. Agreed… not feeling the love.

@vpmom0808, @sdjmom, @snwalter28: Big congrats on Chancellor’s invites! Q: did any of you apply to SMU and if so would you mind sharing merit offers there? (Post replies on SMU thread here:


oos CA. nothing in mail yet. but TAMU took 2 weeks so /:

@TCULaurenB Definitely complete the CSS profile. That application is what potentially makes you eligible for their private endowment and potential merit/financial aid combinations or department awards.

@Froghopeful The FAFSA will typically give you eligibility for the Federal student loan that is $5500 a year for Freshman/Sophomore year, then $6500 Junior year and $7500 senior year, low interest.

Gopher119 nothing in mail yet and we live in Carrollton Tx

Loribelle thank you for the insight.

@loribelle Thanks for the comment!

I just completed the CSS Profile. It says TCU’s priority deadline was November 1st so I wonder if TCU will do anything with it. It says “your application will be considered on time if you submit your CSS profile by midnight Eastern Time of your earliest priority filing date.”

Does anyone know if a profile completed after that date still receives consideration? Again, she has already received admission to TCU.

We are in the Houston area and also have not received the formal letter of acceptance in the mail.

We have not received anything in mail but she was accepted via portal. We are confused but I guess after holidays we will call

We received an acceptance booklet today in CO. No mention of the merit scholarship that’s on the portal.