TCU Class of 2025 — Admissions Date: by April 1

Thank you! I appreciate it :slight_smile:

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My daughter was admitted to TCU Pre-Business with a TCU Frog Family Scholarship and an invitation to the Honors College. She did not submit scores but has a 4.12 GPA with considerable rigor.
TCU has become her first choice over Wisconsin, IU Kelley School of Business, and SMU. She wants to have a dance minor and participate in a sorority. Does she have to live in the Honors dorm? She really wants to balance academics with a social life.

@Lemonade5 No, she does not have to live in Milton Daniel, but I would strongly recommend it; it is imho the best place for a freshman to be. It is not just a bunch of nerds always quietly studying - it has quite the social life and many events put on by different RAs and hall programs. Plenty of Miltonites are involved in Greek life and there are quite a few dancers who lived there when I did. I guess my overall message is: don’t discount the honors dorm, because some of the brightest and most fun people live there. Plus it’s quite a nice location on campus (between the campus commons near the BLUU student union and the sand volleyball courts and rec center on the other side) and setup inside. Congrats to your D, and hopefully a warm welcome to the Frog Fam!


Hello. I, too, would highly suggest your daughter consider living in Milton Daniel. My DS lived there last year and I can say there are all types in that dorm. And, it is super nice and next to the athletes, they treat them extremely well. No one moved out of that dorm at semester so that goes to show how happy the residents in Milton are/were.
I have a DD possibly attending TCU this coming year and she did not want to do Honors but said she sure wishes she could have a choice of Milton. It is super nice! Your daughter just might find her people there. :slight_smile: Good luck!

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does anyone know when rd decisions will be released?

I wish now! Portal says by April 1st :neutral_face:

last years thread says they came out on March 13th so hopefully the second or third Friday of the month

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I sure hope so, that would be nice!

Yes! Thank you!! My d was accepted but we don’t know a lot about TCU. We are planning a trip soon but we will most likely do a self-guided tour since the tours are full. What can you tell us as a current student about your university? What do you like/what don’t you like (if anything)? What should we see on our tour? We are from Ohio it will definitely be a new experience! Thank you for your offer to answer questions!! So much appreciated!! (also she is in the pre-health program)

Is anyone aware of students being informed of their admissions yet (after getting deferred or applying regular decision)? I got in EA but have friends waiting to hear.

Does anyone know if decisions are posted on a “rolling” basis or communicated all at once to the entire pool of rd applicants?

I believe all at once. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of rolling decisions here based on CC, just a batch for each type of application: ED, EA, RD.


Was able to see the campus this week making me even more eager for decisions to be released. Does anyone happen to know if decisions are posted with an email following stating there has been an update to your portal or if TCU states when they will be released?


With ED and EA they announced about a week before had when decisions would be released via twitter.


Very frustrated my son didn’t apply early. He got excited to receive a letter several weeks ago that said to check his portal but still nothing

Spoke to an admissions counselor today and they shared decisions should be released in a week or so!


Does anyone think that decisions could be released on Friday? As someone stated earlier in this thread TCU admissions posted on Twitter the Wednesday before decisions were released on a Friday for ed1/ea.

I’m part of a tcu gc and someone said that because there were many rumors going around he called the admissions office directly and they said decisions should be released March 19th. Hope they get released earlier than that but i doubt it.

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RD decisions should come out tomorrow March 12th at 5pm central US time.
Good luck everyone, wish you the best!

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Confused… u said in previous post it was March 19. How do you know it is tomorrow ?