TCU Class of 2025 — Admissions Date: by April 1

So my daughter just called and they said decisions should go live in the next few hours!!

Has anyone heard anything ?

I had my son check his portal, nothing yet.

Any updates?

Nothing here. At this point I assume it won’t be tonight.

yes sorry for the confusion, there were just too many rumors going around and i didn’t know who to listen to anymore so i just emailed my admission counselor directly and asked her and she said that March 19th is so transfers but for RD it’s tomorrow at around 5pm central US time :slight_smile:

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Will students hear if they are accepted into the honors college tomorrow as well?

I don’t think those decisions come out until the 15th of April.

The admissions counselor for our state/region told us a few days ago that they are on track to release decisions this evening, Fri Mar 12th.

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Release Honors decision today? or just regular admission

Honors for ED and EA was released later so I’m guessing so for RD. The honors decision was a separate letter.

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What’s the latest thinking? Any chance they release RD today?

If accepted do they also let you know about honors?

anyone got their rd decisions yet? i thought they would come out 5pm today.

looking at last years it looks like around 6:30 EST.

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The decisions are up on the portal. Son accepted after being deferred from EA. Good luck everyone!


With EA and ED honors were later. It was a separate status update and a separate letter.


Thank you

My son just got an email about an update to his portal. I have to wait until he is home from practice to open it.

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My son got accepted with dean scholarship, what a blessing.