TCU Class of 2025 — Admissions Date: by April 1

I was notified in my acceptance letter, usually at the bottom there is an addendum portion with scholarship information and below that Chancellor’s notification.

Has anyone seen a definite date for admissions being posted in the portal? Will it be the 11th or 18th?

Since ED decision came out on Friday December 6th for the class of 24 is it possible they are planning on releasing ED decisions on Friday December 4th for this year since they are both the first Friday of the month?

Could be, but as we know, things have changed this year. I would plan on the 11th-18th so that you set your expectations for a little bit of a wait, and be pleasantly surprised if it comes earlier. By the way, great username!

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Okay…so question. My son just checked his portal and the message stating that all of his information has been received and he will be notified before Jan. 1 is gone…a few tabs have been added. One of them is admitted and provides an admitted Checklist and gives him the option to pay a deposit. This is new. Does this mean anything? He applied Early Decision.

May just be a glitch in the system. When we clicked to pay the deposit it reverted back to his Homepage??? Oh well. We still wait

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when should EA come out?

I bet that means he is admitted. That happened with another school’s portal a few days before acceptance notices were sent.

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Have ED come out?

My Daughter applied ED too. When did you notice the change, and is it any different today?
I just checked and I noticed that the Jan 1 is there but nothing else.

I noticed the change yesterday afternoon/evening. It hasn’t changed since…hasn’t reverted back to original view or progressed any further. Weird

Our just has two tabs, Admission, and the other Financial Aid.
No tab for deposit. Does yours still have a deposit tab?
Getting concerned.

Hey y’all, I applied early action. Has anyone heard back from EA?? I’m so nervous

I’m sorry y’all. It wasn’t my intent to concern anyone or make you nervous. We’re really anxious/nervous/concerned over here as well and I was just hoping that the changes in what we’re seeing might be something that others are seeing as well or was just a system glitch. I honestly have no idea if this means that decisions are coming or have come. My apologies again.

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I applied early action as well! What major did you apply for? Good luck :slight_smile:

Pre-business! What about you? Good luck to you as well!!!

I just saw on twitter that ED come out tomorrow. It was on Einsteins twitter. Good luck to all.


Good to know- Where did you see that? I haven’t seen anything.

On Dean Einstein’s twitter page this morning.

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My portal has the same thing as your son does. I am super nervous to hear tomorrow. It sounds promising but I don’t want my hopes to get up just to be deferred or denied. I ED’d as well, but for nursing.

I think the portal change has only happened for ED students.

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