TCU EA/ED Letters Fall 2016

I wanted to start this discussion. I can’t wait for the decisions!

Did you apply ED or EA shadowking29?

does anyone know when ED letters will be sent out?

@amandakg judging from some forum posts for last years admitted class ED came out around this week last year and EA comes right before christmas. They might wait longer this year if they had more applicants. I had a friend call and ask and they just said anytime before January 1 but nothing more specific

Last year my DD got her acceptance package on Dec. 17 in Houston. Follow TCU admissions on Twitter and the will most likely post when they take all of the first ED letters to the post office. They posted a photo of the TCU truck with boxes of packages that went out on Dec. 15, 2015. I would say first rounds will hit your mailbox around Dec 18. Good luck

My daughter applied ED last year and found out on December 4. It posted in her student account. It went from “your application is in review” to “a decision has been sent” to a change to “welcome, you are admitted”. Keep checking online!

Per their twitter, “Hey Early Decision Applicants, tomorrow’s National Kitten Day, but we’re mailing out something way more exciting” with a pic of an envelope that says “Congratulations” and the seal of the university… so there you go?

@ftworthbound did it all change in the same day? or did it say congratulations after she received the letter?

It said the application was in review for several weeks. Then around december 2nd or 3rd it changed to say the decision had been mailed. On the 4th, my daughter logged on and it said congratulations. Since we live on east coast she received the envelope in the mail on the 7th or 8th, I think

@ftworthbound Do you mind sharing your daughters stats that she applied with?

We received the Acceptance package weeks before the application status changed online.

Some people may find out today, so if you would like, post your results!

The portal has been updated. I applied EA so mine hasn’t changed. I bet some ED’s have though.

I applied ED in august and it has not changed yet

Good luck @frogprincess Hope you get some good news very very soon!!!

I GOT IN! TCU personally delivered my letter to my house this afternoon!!!

Stats: ACT 22 first time
SAT 1440 (yikes!)
5 or 6 AP’s
84/469 class rank
3.8 GPA
Tons of community service
President of Court Team
Drill team with many awards

My test scores were VERY low, so don’t let that be a roadblock when applying, TCU is AWESOME!

Congrats tcu2020! That’s great and gives me hope too. I’m in the top 11% of my class at a competitive high school and have taken all AP/Dual classes, lots of activities and awards, over 300 volunteer hours in high school, but I’m not the best standardized test taker (1620 SAT, 22 ACT). When I spoke to my TCU counselor, she told me that they really use test scores to determine scholarships, and it isn’t too much of a factor for applications because they look more at your overall high school picture. I made sure that I did the Freedom of Expression item and turned in everything extra I could with my application. I did EA so I should hopefully hear something around December 15th. Best of luck to everyone!

Congrats!!! When did your portal change? Thx

*TCU 2020

Thanks HappyMix16 and rcxjersey! I haven’t checked my portal because there have been some technical difficulties on it but i’m sure it will come monday. Yes, TCU is awesome, they look at you as a whole opposed to just a test score, it definitely helps.