TCU (Neeley) vs UT Austin (McCombs)

My daughter has accepted by undergraduate business program in Neeley at TCU and McCombs at UT Austin. TCU offers Chancellor and Trustee Scholarships that covers 4-year tuition, room and meat. We may pay less than 20K for summer and study abroad. In UT, she is not in business honor program and did not receive UT scholarship except first year tuition fee waiver as 1st place high school graduate. We pay about 120-130K (in-state resident) for 4 years in UT Austin. She is likely to pursue master degree after graduation. We understand UT Austin is better in program ranking, student diversity and school reputation than TCU. The question is: is it worthy extra 100K?

My daughter is graduating from Neeley this year and has loved her experience. The TCU business school also has two additional programs you may want to check out- the BNSF Leadership Program and Neeley Fellows. My daughter was accepted into the leadership program and has really enjoyed it. She will be starting with Deloitte after graduation, so we couldn’t really ask for more. In fact, all her friends are getting great job offers which is really the goal. I don’t know much about McCombs- but I do know that UT and TCU are both great schools- major differences being public vs private and 50K students vs 10K. Good luck!

Thank you for sharing your daughter’s experience.I will forward it to my daughter.

My daughter wants to study business and considering a transfer to TCU. She has been accepted to SMU and can start in Cox School of Business right away, however she prefers TCU. Did your daughter mention any issues with others not getting accepted into Neeley despite meeting the GPA cut-off and other requirements. I’m concerned that some students who meet the criteria to apply may not be allowed to continue in Business if there are too many applicants. Could you please ask your daughter? I’d hate for my D to turn down a spot in the SMU Business School and not get into Neeley. Thanks!

@BeKa23: My daughter was accepted by TCU Honor program with Business as preferred major. However, all freshmen do not declare their major until they finish TCU core and pre- major courses. Based on their TCU GPA, they can apply for programs at TCU Neeley. The situation may be different for the transfer students, You can ask for details or attend information session specific to transferred students at their Admission center.

McCombs isn’t worth the extra $100K over four years. TCU Honors program and other scholarships should give your DD special opportunities.

@neuron66 We were in a smilar situation between McCombs, TCU, and SMU Cox (BBA Scholar auto -admit), although we received very generous merit from SMU it only brought the cost down to where McCombs (non-honors, 1st in class discount, 0 merit aid) was about $20k less over 4 years than SMU. She was also accepted to TCU which put them in the same price range as other 2. Salary wise, based on UT info (, UT does not seem to be a huge advantage.
DD is planning on staying in Dallas area, so the alumni network was an important decision regarding employment in this area, with all the people I talked to that knew anyone that went to SMU NONE of them ever said that they had trouble finding a well paying job.
UT is a a huge school and in no way compares to the tailored treatment DD will receive at SMU which is where she decided to go.

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BBA Scholar program is fabulous with lots of special perks. Recruiting wise, UT = SMU from what I saw as a recruiter for a Fortune 50 company and an investment bank. TCU is a fine choice relative to UT, especially when it costs less. Smaller b-school with focused attention. Easier to navigate and focus to graduate.