TCU or A&M?

<p>TCU or A&M?</p>

<p>Even though there’s a good chance that this is a ■■■■■ question, I’m gonna reply …</p>

<p>The two schools are VERY different in many ways. What are you looking for in a school?</p>

<p>Large Public University or a Mid-Sized Private University?
College Town atmosphere or a campus that is a small part of a larger city?
A school that revolves around long-standing traditions or one that has only recently entered the national spotlight?
Are you a Texas Resident? If so, will the tuition difference be important?
Does a strong Greek influence on campus appeal to you or turn you off?
What are you hoping to major in? </p>

<p>That’s just a few questions to start with. </p>

<p>For some, the answer will obviously be A&M, for others it will obviously be TCU. The campus cultures are very different, so I would suspect that there is only a small minority of students that tour both campuses and don’t develop a preference for one over the other.</p>

<p>Agree with Dore Dad. The school cultures and costs are night and day.</p>