TCU v. SMU v. Elon

My son is currently deciding between these three schools (business/poli sci). The COA for TCU and Elon is comparable (received scholarships at both). SMU would run around $20K/year more. Your thoughts?

@jc40 I can’t comment on Elon since my son did not visit nor apply, but one thing to keep in mind about TCU is that there is not “objective” criteria for admission to Neeley business school. Admission is based on a committee and is a “moving” target based on the applicant pool and the opinion of the committee. . With no disrespect to Neeley, it is reminiscent of the “Good ole boy club” of the past, and in my opinion is something that needs to be change.

Also, be aware that scholarships at TCU require an increasing GPA to keep. It starts out at 3.0 but the cumulative GPA increases to 3.25.

In our opinion, the feel and type of students at TCU and SMU are very different. I am sure your son feels more comfortable at one over the other.

TCU has an excellent business school and the professors are also excellent. It is also ranked higher than Elon. My son participated in an investment program sponsored by the business school and was very impressed with the quality of the professors and curriculum. If football is important to your son, then TCU is currently the place to be.

SMU’s business school has continued to move up in the rankings and is currently 21st in the Nation. At SMU, admission to Cox business school is objective–if you meet the criteria, you are in. Is Cox worth the extra 20K per year or 80K over 4 years–probably not–although I wish I could tell you that it is.

Your son has 3 excellent choices.

Best or luck!

I have a daughter in the Neeley school and although there is a process to get accepted, I don’t know of anyone who got rejected if they met the criteria. One of the steps is an interview with local business people which is a great into to starting to prepare for the real world. Our daughter has had great opportunities and is surrounded by some really smart people. I don’t know that $80K extra for SMU is worth the investment. Go Frogs!

@JC40 and TCUmom123 Below are the requirements for admission to Neeley:

As you will see, it clearly states “Admission is competitive and not guaranteed”–this means TCU’s criteria is NOT objective, but subjective and dependent on the applicant pool that particular year and the opinion of the committee. Although TCUmom123 does not know of any person who was rejected, by deciding admission to the business school with this method, Neeley leaves themselves an opening for rejecting some or certain students. If this was not their intent, then Neeley would create specific objective criteria granting admission to all who meet the standard.

I think very highly of Neeley and the business professors, and I think TCU is an excellent university, but in my opinion this process needs to be changed.

Additional Neeley School Requirements
Students entering TCU as pre-business majors must complete a minimum of 24 credit hours in the first year at TCU and maintain a minimum 2.5 grade point average in order to continue as pre-business students beyond the first year. In addition, pre-business students must complete four of the following courses in the first year: ECON 10223; ECON 10233; MATH 10283; ENGL 10283, and one TCU Core requirement; or others ONLY as recommended by advisor. To declare a business major, all students must formally apply to the Neeley School. Students will typically apply in their fourth semester for admission to upper level courses in their fifth semester. Admission is competitive and not guaranteed. Upon acceptance, students will select from one of the functional area majors.

To be competitive in the admissions process, you should:

Have a 3.0 minimum TCU cumulative GPA 
Have a 2.5 minimum Lower Division Requirement GPA 
Submit an online application
Submit a cover letter and resume by the deadline
Complete an interview
Complete the Microsoft Certification test in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
We strongly urge you to begin working on your tests immediately.
Complete the Core Phase of Neeley Premium Credentials

Yes – those are the criteria and I think if you meet all of those you would be admitted. If you can’t meet those criteria you probably shouldn’t be admitted.

Picked this up from another thread:

  • TCU Neeley undergrad business school ranked 27 by Bloomberg and others.
  • TCU average business school graduate starting salary is 55K with 9K sign on bonus.
  • 94% of TCU business school graduates are employed or in grad school in 90 days.
  • TCU’s endowment is 1.4 billion.
  • TCUs business programs individually are highly ranked

The schools also have very different reals. All are affluent, community-oriented. But TCU has huge school spirit due to it having a winning football team in the Big12. It’s a big RAH RAH school!