<p>I want good greek life, sports, nice campus, good area around the school.. can you help me pick?
I just love both equally and am torn.
Also got accepted to UNH, UVM, HPU, Quinnipiac, and Boulder.</p>

<p>Have you visited both?
Have you visited the others on your list of accepted schools?
My guess is that cost is not a factor, but I still need to ask - is cost a factor?
You noted in another thread that you have no idea what you want to major in. You mentioned riding - as an extra curricular at COC - does TCU offer this activity? </p>

<p>TCU is a nationally ranked university, while Charleston is a regionally ranked college – huge difference. Between those two I’d vote for TCU any day – it also has the benefit of being in the Dallas metro area, so you have the resources of a big city available if you want them, including a major airport you can use to fly home. However, some other colleges on your list are also extremely appealing. Many students would love to attend Vermont or Colorado-Boulder because of the fabulous locations and outdoor activities available, plus the great towns they are in, however they cannot afford them. Since it looks like finances are not a concern for you, then you might want to consider one of these two universities as well for the lifestyle. </p>

<p>There’s a big difference between being in the Rockies, being in the Appalachians, and being in the flat part of Texas. Also there will be cultural differences. New England culture is completely different from that of Charleston or Boulder or Fort Worth. What is HPU – Hawaii Pacific University or something else? In any case, it probably represents yet another culture and lifestyle. Think about where you really want to live and explore. You might want to also define better what you mean by “sports” – does that include ice hockey and snow skiing, or just football, or perhaps sailing? The sports programs vary widely among the universities you listed. Do you want to live in a Greek house, and if so, are there any available at all of these places or will you be on the Greek floor of a dorm? </p>

<p>By “good area around the school” do you plan on walking everywhere? If you haven’t been able to visit all of these places, try going onto and looking up the campus, so you can “walk” around it virtually with streetview to see what is really in walking distance. Luckily you still have a few months to narrow down your choice. Nice range of colleges to choose from!</p>

<p>Thank you guys for responding, I have visited both and liked how Charleston was so close to everything but didn’t really like how it wasn’t like a ‘campus’. TCU definitely has the campus but itsnt really in walking distance to Fort Worth. CofC has a riding team where anyone can join and TCU has one where its D1 so you need to be recruited or have to be a walk on. I am very active and love to exercise so maybe I would like Boulder since its very outdoorsy but I haven’t visited Boulder.
Also, cost is not a factor but I did get partial scholarship to UVM and Quinnipiac. @mommyrocks‌ @lots2do‌ </p>

<p>Boulder is absolutely amazing! I wanted to move there when I visited. The town is very walkable with spectacular views of the flatirons, and feels very safe, plus the university has a real campus. People there are very fitness oriented. Everyone I’ve ever known who got to live there loved it! Looks like you cold join their riding team also. <a href=“”>;/a&gt; </p>

<p>I know that marijuana is legal in Colorado, do you think that most people on campus smoke? I don’t, so would I fit in? @mommyrocks‌ </p>

<p>My daughter spent last summer staying at another university in Colorado for an internship and was worried about the same thing, but she never came across a single instance of anyone using marijuana. Also, the campus had strict rules against its use on campus. You’ll be fine. Here is Boulder’s policy against marijuana, despite the state laws: <a href=“Penalties | Alcohol and Other Drugs Information | University of Colorado Boulder”>Penalties | Alcohol and Other Drugs Information | University of Colorado Boulder;

<p>Thank you so much for all of your help @mommyrocks‌ </p>

<p>The only things that I really know about the College of Charleston is location and the lack of a division I football team. I can comment on some TCU</p>

<p>Greek Life:
There are 28 Greek organizations at TCU and 40 percent of students are involved in Greek life. There is no great pressure to join a fraternity or sorority, but it is a pretty big part of campus life. This link may help: <a href=“Texas Christian University - Niche”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

You stated that you want good sports, then TCU wins in that category. Not only does TCU have a division I football team, but the team finished in the Top 10 this year and almost made it to the college playoffs. The basketball team is currently 12-0 right now and 1st in the Big 12. There is definitely a lot of school spirit at TCU.</p>

Anybody will tell you that TCU’s campus is beautiful. Exceptionally maintained, and the funding for the upkeep of the campus is funded by separate donors so none of the student’s tuition money goes to beautification of the campus. You can just google “TCU campus” or go to the website to see photos.</p>

I am not from Fort Worth/Dallas, but I know the area has been BOOMING and will continue to grow. There are a lot of opportunities for jobs/internships due to major companies in both FW and Dallas. Fort Worth is great because it has more of a small town feel, but still has everything you need. Dallas has many professional sports teams (Mavericks, Rangers, Cowboys, Stars), great dining, etc. You can definitely find things to do off campus on weekends. (Also, Austin can be a fun weekend trip. Austin is a great city with amazing dining options and active/outdoorsy things to do (hiking, kayaking, Zilker Park). </p>

<p>I think your best option is to visit both schools and decide for yourself. I may be a little biased because TCU is my #1, but this is certainly your choice. I know someone who goes to CofC and she absolutely loves it. I think the schools are definitely different in many aspects. Do a lot of research online and try to visit the campuses so you can know what they are both about. You may just walk on to TCU’s campus and know it is the place for you, or you may walk onto CofC’s campus and know it is the place for you. </p>

<p>I recall the OP mentioning climate in a prior thread. Since I believe @sks199 is from Connecticut, then TCU and COC both offer a warmer climate. I think this might be why she is coming back to those two (with Vermont too cold, Hawaii and Boulder too far from home. Quinnipac too close.) Simplifying and reflecting back what I believe I read previously.</p>

<p>If I were 18 with these choices, I would definitely use winter and spring break to visit all the locations that seem to keep coming back to me for one reason or another. Then a big list of pros and cons. Some people that have opportunities to attend college far from home treat it like a 4 year summer camp or study abroad. In making that final decision you might be able to rationalize taking ski trips, or trips to Hawaii or other locations that are haunting you on some of those long college breaks. Your 4 year institution is your home base. Texas and SC weather are not that much different from one another when you are not there in the summers. SC has the beach, but that could be a travel destination as well. Depends how much you like the beach! Boulder will have long winters and absolutely breath taking scenery. Lots to consider. When you write pros and cons, write the ones that carry the most weight for you at the top and work your way down to those nice to have - not deal breakers. </p>

<p>Some really amazing opportunities here. Enjoy the process. </p>

<p>Thanks for all of the input. I have visited both campuses and still can’t decide, hence why I made this post. I made pros and cons lists for both and they came out to be pretty equal which has made it even harder. I think I may be leaning towards TCU/Boulder more because CofC doesn’t have many major options and the campus doesn’t really feel like a campus but I love the city Charleston so much that I keep considering CofC (also, CofC has a really good riding team).
I am pretty sure I am going to take a gap year so I have until may to choose and then defer a year. @lots2do‌ @reedsb‌ </p>

<p>@ska199 No problem, I replied before I saw your replies to other people. My comment had to be approved or something. Honestly, you have many great choices. I was also accepted to Boulder, and it is a great and beautiful school. I think that no matter what school you choose, you will be happy! Good idea on the pros and cons list, I may have to do that even though I’m pretty set on TCU. </p>