TCU vs UT Austin?

I am picking between UT Austin and TCU for fall of 2018, and am planning on majoring in Neuroscience. I know that both are great schools with great programs, but TCU has offered me a full-ride (Chancellor’s Scholarship + Trustee Scholarship), while for UT Austin I would only have $5000, leaving me with about $20k to pay in tuition/year. I love Austin, the college environment there, and the diversity (I’m a minority), but the smaller classes, one free semester abroad, and full ride provided by TCU.

I have money to fully pay for my undergrad if I chose to attend UT, but I also plan on going to medical school, so I’d have to take out loans for that. Is the 80K worth it for the “college experience” provided by UT, or should I just save it for medical school? Where would I have better opportunities/name recognition? Is there a major difference between the schools other than size?

I’d just like to hear some opinions! Thanks!

I have exactly same situation with my daughter: a full-ride at TCU vs UT Austin (McCombs). The internship and employment opportunity are not much different between these two. The cost difference is 100-110K over four years. We live 20 min away from TCU. From the parent’s point view, TCU is a good choice. But my daughter picked UT Austin over TCU primarily because UT has large and diverse campus where she can find and make friends. So the choice is up to the student not parents. It money is not a issue, follow your heart not mind.

It is a hard decision. UT is a much larger school and that makes a difference to some students. However, Austin is beautiful, has lakes and a cool vibe. Ft. Worth is neat too with the stockyards etc. My kids never were part of the greek system but I think it is a big deal at TCU. A girl I know who just turned 30 started out at TCU but did not like the stuffy atmosphere. They are both really good schools. Good luck.

It’s not worth the extra debt when you already have a full ride scholarship. Plus, if you want to go to medical school, that much debt would be a big liability in taking out the private loans you would need to finish.

TCU…no cost/debt. Particularly important if you feel grad school/med school is in your future.

Did she receive a full ride or tuition paid for UT as well

She received full-ride (chancellor+trustee) scholarships from TCU and first-year tuition fee waiver as Highest Ranking High School Graduate at UT Austin. She is accepted by business program at McCombs, UT Austin. In your case, the choice is very simple: get BA/BS degree with good GPA from TCU without any doubt. That puts you at a good position in medical school application. Besides, TCU will open its medical school with UNT Health Science Center next year. Good luck and enjoy life in TCU.

I am a UT McCombs grad with twin seniors and neither picked UT Austin, although both were accepted. I agree if money is not a huge object, follow your heart. If one of my twins was interested in business, I would of course try to persuade them to go to McCombs. McCombs has an indisputable reputation in the business community. However if they were thinking pre med (one of mine is), I would discourage UT. Their med school stats aren’t stellar by any comparison and I think TCUs med school will open a lot of doors for their students. So follow your heart but do your research. The path to med school is not an easy one.

If money isn’t an issue and you’re a minority … UT Austin is way better hands down.

UT Austin is more of an academic and research school and has a more well balanced and diverse student body compared to TCU.

TCU still struggles with diversity and its student body is seemingly more focused on greek life, partying, showing off daddy’s money, and sports. Many SMU students call it SMU West with the only difference being TCU has a better athletics program and maybe more school spirit … so many similarities between the too.