<p>Thanks so much for your comprehensive reply, jmleadpipe.
I was wondering if you, or anyone out there had any idea about how much of a factor affirmative action plays in the admissions process for IR grad schools. I guess I'm worried as an Asian American, if this might hurt my chances- my numbers might be pretty good, but I know that there are different standards imposed for different groups (by the way, I am all for it, diversity of student body is an important factor for me, and all the more so in the field I believe).</p>
<p>Hi UCLAri-
Thanks for your reply! Doesn't peace corps qualify as international experience (I think you were implying that I didn't have any when you said "however, both value international experience as well").
Also, how much international experience did you have before you were admitted to SIPA?
Thanks again.</p>
<p>Actually, SIPA didn't take me. SAIS, IR/PS, NYU, and LSE did. I had 1.5 years in Japan, both as a student and teacher. </p>
<p>Yes, peace corps does qualify. I didn't see that, sorry. Now that I've had some coffee and time to rethink my position, the only one that I think will be a serious tossup is KSG...but you probably have a good shot with them too.</p>
<p>I don't know why I was so pessimistic before, actually. Must've been the morning crust.</p>
<p>Lol, I don't think pessimism is particularly a bad thing in the admissions process UCLAri (at least, relative to false optimism), but thanks for your feedback, it is very much appreciated.</p>
<p>What are you letters of rec. looking like? Good? Famous profs.? Bosses?</p>
<p>Those help a lot. Your GPA and GRE are pretty much just "there." At this point, it's your work, research, and LoRs (and to an extent the SoPs) that will get you in.</p>
<p>Oh, and didn't you love KSG's fifty SoPs?</p>
<p>Your Asian-American heritage would probbaly help you, if anything. graduate schools dont seem to be that big on affirmative action though. i'm sure IR programs want people with iunteresting international backgrounds, but I dont think putting "I'm NOT caucasian!" on your application is going to do anything for you, positive or negative.</p>
<p>As I said about your chances, UCLAri is probably the best to ask and he has definately been giving you good advice. I know a few people who have applied to the same palces your applying and none of them got into WWS or KSG but all three of them got into either SFS, SAIS, SIPA or a combination of the three (or all three in one case). Realistically, I think youre best shot is as SAIS, SIPA, SFS. It's not impossible to get into WWS or KSG, but they get something like 800 applications for about 60 spots, most of which go to mid career professionals, if I'm not mistaken. Also, you need to take into account that when WWS or KSG say they get 800 applications, most of those will be from highly qualified applicants. Its not like at LSE or UCL where applications costs are low enough that a bunch of fairly unqualified applicants apply there as a shot in the dark.</p>
<p>On a brighter note, I will disagree with UCLAri when he says that your GRE and GPA are just "there." Your GPA is "just there" for sure, but your GRE scores are fantastic.</p>
<p>I'm batting 0 for 2 today.</p>
<p>I mean that GRE and GPA won't really affect much either way. It will be his work experience that will make the difference.</p>
<p>Here's to striking out like a darn NL pitcher...</p>
<p>Save yourself, Ari! Try to bunt!</p>
<p>thanks for all your advice guys.
UCLAri, why did you decide to choose your program over SAIS? (sorry if you've already addressed this elsewhere.)</p>
<li> $$$</li>
<li> Location</li>
<li> Focus on Asia</li>
<p>Have a question, just out of curiousity, not intended towards anyone in particular in this forum. I'm a 2nd year at an IR program and I've noticed that for a lot, if not all of my male colleagues, their region of interest also coincides with the interest they have for women in that region. I don't know if anyone knows what I'm talking about, and I'm sure I sound crazy. But sometimes I question why a lot of these are pursuing their careers anyway!?!?</p>
<p>I think you might be confounding variables there. It may just be that they've spent time in that region and grew interested in the women-- it is probably no more sinister than that.</p>
<p>I'm not an IR student, but my main interests are European Municipal Administration and my girlfriend is asian. I don't see a link there.</p>
<p>If you are in IR so you can get shipped off to the Philipines and bag alot of hot girls, you are both in the wrong field and studying for all the wrong reasons.</p>
<p>And you probably won't bag any even if you do get sent out there.</p>
<p>Sorry, I just really hate Americans who go into International Relations so they can line up some international tail.</p>